
Chapter 76 - Say..I..LOVE..eating...big.....hairy....feat

Rewinding the scene to fifteen minutes before.

Leena was excited in an alarming way and in no second she reached the place where Drew was shooting the photos in his camera.

"Hey, Mowgli. Glad that you carried the camera all the way here. I am utterly bored." Leena squealed, expecting his brain to know that she wants the camera.

"I got it in case if I find something good to capture." Drew's smile broadened.

"Do you want me to click your pictures? I am best in photography and also a famous photographer." Leena pretended to lie in the latter part to bluff him. As for the best in photography, she knows her photos don't even pass mediocre but she claims to be the best. Leena has even created her own photography website, but none have dared to approach her till now. She is the director and her Francis has to forcefully become the producer in buying her the materials.

"You are a famous photographer? What is the source name?" Drew asked, eager to know more about it.

"I_I don't like to publicize my own creation," Leena mumbled reckoning that he would buy the theory. Why wouldn't he? She always tells stories that fall somewhere between conscious lying and delusion. Not able to decipher fact versus fiction, many believe her.

"Agree Jurassic. Many try to keep it private." Drew nodded his head in agreement.

"But I am not fond of photography because it takes a lifetime to master," With downcast eyes, Drew voiced out his opinion.

"Actually, it's very easy. Just that you need to understand little tricks in photography." Finding the opportunity, Leena grabbed the camera from Drew's hands.

"You know what? Vincy takes the best shots." Drew was always fond of Devin's unique portraits. His photos always depict real emotions and many people envied him for being multi-talented in all the aspects.

"Can you stop talking about him?" Leena yelled. She began to learn the word jealous for the first time in her life. Why is he giving me a tight competition in every factor?

"I am sorry," Drew suddenly remembered both were in no talking terms.

"Leave about that shameless man. Let's talk about me. Do you know the reason I like photography?" Leena implored, craving to show off her skills.

"hmmm... Maybe because you like to capture the beauty of life. Am I right?"

"Your theory is down in flames." Leena laughed knocking the bottom out of Drew.

"Huh? Then why do you like?"

"Because I can shoot anyone's photo and cut their heads off without going to jail." Leena laughed out loudly clutching her stomach when she remembered her art that is hanging in her Francy's bedroom. Not only that, she always edits her brother's photos funnily and gives it to her niece so that she can bully her dad.

" "

"How is my idea? But You don't need to praise me, duh." Even after saying that Leena anticipated for the award.

Does her crazy theory need praising also? Drew wondered.

"You are the best, Jurassic." Not to anger Devin, Drew applauded clapping his hands.

"I am always at the best. So we are done with the photography introductions." Pointing towards a tree Leena added. "Stand over there. I am allowing you to see my knack photography skills."

As Leena asked, Drew walked towards the tree to get him pictured.

"Rule number one! You shouldn't oppose anything I ask for. Is that clear?" Adjusting the focus on the lens, Leena started.

"Y_es." Drew stuttered, somewhere he was a little scared of the way she was talking. He only wished she would not turn out to be crazy again.

"Say I...LOVE...eating...big... hairy... feet." Holding the camera at his eye level, Leena urged him to repeat the sentence she just said.

Drew choked on his saliva hearing the words. What the hell is she blabbering?

"Hey! I_I am not a kid. How can I_"

"Do you want the best photos or not?"


"Then repeat after me, loudly. I...LOVE...eating...big...hairy...feat..." Without any shame, Leena implored to repeat after her because she believes the shots would turn out to be realistic when the person is conversing naturally.

With her constant nagging, Drew complied with her wishes reluctantly and both were repeating the words continuously until she clicked his photos to her heartful content.

"We are done with this pose and let's move to the other one. Now, take a deep breath, then pretend someone has farted right in front of you." Saying that Leena opened the camera bag to get the bigger lens.

"W_hat?"Drew started turning awkward by each passing second. My God! Does this idiot have any shame?

"Fast, Andrew Dawson. I still have many poses to experiment on you." Leena was glad that Drew is complying with all her wishes. Reese, Francis, Jane, her brother, everyone would excuse and run away whenever she asks them to pose for pictures. Now that Leena got the chance, all her wishes are getting fulfilled through the new brother she just goes out of the blue.

"C_an I just hold my breath normally?"

"Your wish. I only need results, Mr. Andrew Dawson." With a wicked grin, Leena stated. Even though she said it otherwise, Leena wished he would really imagine and hold the breath. That would result in a picture-perfect shot.

"Now that you are holding the breath, slowly turn to your side and look deeply into the tree's branch as if you are kissing a girlfriend."

Drew stood there motionless for a second. Is there really such a quirk in photography?

"Do it fast. You are wasting my time."

Vincy would kill me if I don't treat her well. Anyway, there is no one in front of me. He did not even want to consider the alien standing in front of him as a person.

After a whole lot of thinking, Drew pretended to act in the pose as Leena explained. Little did he knew, Leena has just started her show, and soon Drew would be seeing all the movies in one frame.


"Perfect shot! You will love the photo I just clicked. Now stay right there, I am going to take another one."

"Turn a little left."

"No no...a little to your right."

"Turn your face towards the sun. That's it, that's it. Hold your breath."

"For the past fifteen minutes, you are only compelling me to change the position. Did you take at least one picture?" Drew pouted gazing at her angrily. One time she would ask him to move to his right and in the next second, he has to turn left, and before he could make a move, she would ask him to tilt his chin down and then upwards. Judging by all these scenes, Drew understood he has become a scapegoat of her experiment.

Let me see the photos, if they don't turn out to be good enough, I will kill her today.

"Why are you sulking? I only wanted to take the best shots of you." Leena's lips pouted as she began to cry.

Seeing her imaginary crocodiles tears, Drew shuddered thinking of Devin's wrath. Hell will break loose if I make her cry.

"Don't cry! Yo_u can take as many as you want."

"Thank you." With a happy smile, Leena added. "This is the final one. I am going to take a full shot and I need your full cooperation."

Saying that Leena Lay flat on the ground and started pointing the camera towards Drew. Out of embarrassment, Drew immediately crossed his legs even though he was wearing pants.

"Wow...What a pose Andrew Dawson. Just hold in that position and say Peanut... butter... poop loudly. "

" "

'Vincy, please come and rescue your friend from this nutty fruit cake.'

Drew was crying internally cursing himself for heeding to all her pleas. When his eyes unconsciously darted to the silhouette walking towards their direction, his face lit up in a thousand volts with happiness.


Watching the stance she was in, Devin was shocked to the core. While he knew, to get the photo frames envisioned, some photographers drive to any lengths but never thought his sweetheart is insane for photography.

"I have to stop her."

Devin rushed towards her direction and grabbed the camera even before she could click the shot.

"Who dared to disturb my work?" Angrily, Leena got up and glared when she saw the person in front of him.

"Give back my camera." Leena attempted to take back, but Devin was making it hard to catch hold of it.

"I will show how to take the best full shot, all right?" If someone would have seen, they would surely assume she has gone insane.

When Devin was not lending her the camera at any cost, Leena reluctantly agreed. After watching the way he was teaching showing how to pull out the explosive shots like a pro, Leena was shocked. Does he really capture at his best just like Mowgli said? Even then Leena was not ready to accept him, for there is another person she knew who pulls out the best shots.

"Not bad Mr. Adonis...But not better than my beloved photographer." Saying that Leena opened her mobile to see for any updates on her Instagram.

Why is this person not updating for a long time? She always messages in private, likes the photos, comments on all the photos but Leena would never receive any reply. Should I hack the account? No Leena! You shouldn't violate someone's privacy.

"Beloved photographer," Devin mumbled and tried to peek into her mobile, but Leena immediately hugged it to her chest even before he could get a glimpse.

"Who is that person?" Devin demanded.

"The best portraits in history. They are called pure works of art. The power of portraits is evident in all the shots when that person takes.....

Leena went on and on about her beloved photographer without knowing someone was drinking a barrel of vinegar.

With all the commotion going on between these two, Drew was glaring daggers at Leena when he started seeing the photos one by one in his camera.

"Is she really a famous photographer as she claimed. None of the photos turned out to be good except the one which she had taken with the help of Vincy. The rest all are blurred out or it was taken from a funny angle."

I shouldn't have believed her.

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