
Chapter 130 - The Devil Is Back

Eyes froze like the glaciers in Antarctica, mouth dried like the Sahara desert upon seeing the person strolling into the conference room. Her thunderbolt expressions were apparent on the face. The revelation has hit her like a bolt from the blue. All thought, her eyes were wandering, Leena couldn't comprehend anything.

Her brain got ceased for a moment as if every part of it went on pause with the tangled emotions. It was as if the impact has knocked every wisp of air from her lungs, Leena sat there motionless contemplating to inhale and exhale.

That's how she felt right now. Trying to remember how to breathe, powerless to speak, bewildered, as the name was bouncing on her brain repeatedly.

Wang Devin? Mr. Adonis is the CEO of WD?

She got many hints in her hand but too muddle-headed to crack the name. D, Vincy!! It's indeed Devin. While he has already revealed the first letter of his name, if she has blended the nickname to the prime letter, Leena would have got an idea of his name since Reese has already talked about him once.

Leena labeled herself a dumbbell for not thinking out of the box. Instead of guessing those crazy words like deep-V-diver, if she has put a little effort, the name would have hit her genius brain. But she did not forget the backstabbing.

"Con artist! Teller of untruths!! Spinner of yarns!! He confessed that he doesn't even know my name. I will roast him alive today if I catch him." Leena scolded with all the foul words in her mind that she could come up with. "Can I go and pull his hair and beat the shit out of him to release my anger?"

With one death stare, Devin battened down the hatches. His blood ran cold thinking of the after-effects he has to face. But then again, seeing her after three long days, he was lost again. Be it with her or without her, he would lose himself in her always. He doesn't know if it has started after he first met her or even before that but he has a strong intuition that they were bounded even before he remembered.

He knew she would be shocked at the revelation and the time has come to get ready for the wrath also.

"She cannot come and beat in front of all the employees right? I will prolong the conference for a little longer to escape from her whippings." He thought in his mind and signaled Harley to start the meeting.

Soon the lights bedimmed and Harley edged to the billboard wall nervously. She has delivered umpteen presentations in front of higher officials standing in the same place without any anxiety but right now, her hands were trembling worried that she would make a mistake in front of her goddess. If only she would have thought, Leena was not even paying attention to anything, for her brain was clouded and her eyes were focused on him alone.

Even after Harley introduced Leena as the prime model to the gathering and even when she concluded the presentation, Leena neither glanced at her nor responded, and that forged a mistrust of her potential to the people sitting in the room. Some of the employees began assuming that she evolved to be the popular model through other means.

Regina scoffed and gave a sarcastic smile as she watched Leena stop dead in the tracks.

'What a lowly bitch!! Can't she at least utter a word and maintain a little professionalism even if she doesn't know how to?'

Watching everyone questioning her potential, Devin wanted to stand up for her but he knew Leena would not like that. He knew everyone would shut their mouths once she opens up and he was anticipating the show. He signaled Reese to wake her up who was watching him like he was candy from the time he arrived.

All though Reese was in seventh heaven that her prince has spoken to her, she quickly composed when it was concerned to Leena.

"Leena! Why aren't you responding?" Reese whispered kicking her feet underneath. Leena would rise to the bait and browbeat everyone with her sharp words every time but right now she seemed to be in another world. Reese thought that it's because Leena couldn't resist the hotness of her prince charming that she is not able to take her eyes away from him. Who wouldn't? She was sure, Leena would take back the words she said and accept that Wang Devin cannot be compared to the Brand or gentleman whatever man name she was blabbering.

As if she underwent a hypnic jerk, Leena jolted awake from her stupor with Reese's strong kick. Only then she understood, her stature was put in question when the employees stared at her as if she is a dumb creature. Since Leena knew the outline of the project already, even if she didn't listen, it wouldn't have mattered to her.

She rebuked herself for being an unprofessional canny and committed the biggest blunder. Taking a deep breath, Leena composed herself and looked at him for one last time. Their eyes met. His smile would give her all assurance if it was some other time but right now, Leena is not on speaking terms with him now. Maybe if he let her twist the ear, she is thinking to forgive him.

Finally, her eyes landed on the employees and took time to memorize their facial expressions. If the show commences, she was afraid, those expressions would fade away.

'It's time to show who I am!! These pea-sized dumbos dare to look down on the great Leena just because I put my guards for some time?'

Leena crossed her one leg over the another like a queen and went into the business to address the gathering.

"Ladies and gentleman!!" Leena proclaimed. "Firstly, I wouldn't apologize for not acknowledging the gathering at the start because the best things take time and that's why they are always a little late and I am one among them." Turning towards Harley, she asserted. "Second, I want to see the blueprints which your company has designed along with the designer names."

Everybody gasped in surprise at her sudden retrieval. Even Devin did not guess Leena would come back stronger than the setback.

The devil is back and the silence has to prevail now.

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