
Chapter 330 - Like My Daughter

[My dad is demanding to get married. Tell me, do you want me to reveal our relationship]

[Don't you dare! You fuck or marry any girl; I am least bothered]

[Didn't we pass the stage already. Talk with me, Harley. Did someone threaten you? How long you are going to keep mum]

Reese had eyes like saucers when she started hearing the fights between Harley and Jasper. They have dated in the past, but nobody is aware of it? She knows Jasper had dated many girls, but somehow he broke with them in one or two days due to bizarre reasons. But this piece of news is new to her.

A little later, Reese began hearing the cries of Harley, and soon they were replaced by moans and groans. Reese's face morphed as if she swallowed Leena's weird foods. ''God! What are these two! One minute they fight, and in the next minute they kiss like hungry beasts,'' She whispered, closing her mouth with the back of her hand.

Reese quickly hid behind the bushes when the approaching footsteps began near her area, and through the space between the leaves, Reese saw Harley's racing footsteps. Seconds later, she watched her brother screaming Harley's name and followed after her.

Not until the footsteps faded did Reese came out of the hiding. Anxiously, she bit on her nails. ''So many things happened between them. I have to tell this matter to Leena.'' She rushed inside the home, and the first person Reese bumped into was Harley. ''You scared me, Harley.''

''I am sorry. Why are you looking so nervous?'' Harley asked. 

''Nothing. I_I am looking for Leena,'' Replied Reese, examining Harley's reddened eyes, and her eyes also caught sight of the bruised lips. 

''Your lips...they are bleeding,'' Reese said. 

Harley pressed her lips tightly to hide them from Reese. She completely forgot to check in the mirror after she returned. He must have done it intentionally. She went to the back garden for a walk without knowing that the beast was following her.

''I accidentally bit my lips. Leena must be on the terrace.''

Reese thanked Harley and went off. On the terrace, she saw almost all the families arrived and spending quality time with each other. She dragged Leena from the busy voices into a quiet room despite Leena's fit. 

''What is it?'' Leena asked impatiently. ''Everybody has arrived. We can talk later, Reese.''

''It's very important, Leena.'' Reese said. ''My brother and Harley are in a relationship. They have dated before.''

''Did you lose your screws somewhere?'' Leena calmly asked. Harley and Jasper? Leena shook her head immediately. Neither she had seen them looking at each other or talking to each other.

''I swear, Leena!'' Reese explained. ''They were_''

''Then why doesn't anybody knows about it? We assumed your brother and Andrew were in a relationship, and it turns out to be a deception. We are yet to come out of that, and you have come up with another story of Harley and Jasper.'' She questioned, crossing her arms. After she learned about Andrew's and Jasper's point of view, Leena decided not to judge unless she sees it with her eyes. 

''Go, change your dress, and come back to the party.'' Having said, that Leena stormed out of the room.

''I saw them together. Why can't Leena believe me?'' Reese cried in exasperation. Harley is a lovely girl, and her brother is also a friendly person who doesn't get involved in fights unless it meant Andrew. Why did they both fight then? ''Does Andrew knows about it?''

''I will leave this matter aside for today,'' Reese muttered and went into the spare room to change the dress.


Flickering string lights hanging to the trees from behind. The prextex balloons floated along with the occasional breeze caused by the trees. Cutie and Carrot were jumping and running after the balloons to catch them, forgetting about the food. Poor Andrew and Nick were grilling in the barbeque canopy while Wilbur and Jasper served the guests. Devin was sitting with her mother-in-law, mom, Aunt Jalapeno, and others, enjoying the happy time. Kurt was nowhere in sight. They knew he would have run away seeing the women's count here.

 ''It's her housewarming party, and we have to do all the work?'' Jasper demanded, scowling at Devin.

''We have no choice_''

''Jasper, get the grilled mushroom here.'' Mabel and Lily shouted at once. 

''These old women.'' Jasper cursed. ''They are behaving as they had never taste mushrooms.''

''Wilbur, bring the grilled Pineapple. They taste exotic.'' Wilbur heard Francis shouting voice and sighed. 

''How many pineapples will he eat? He almost finished ten sticks for starters alone.'' Picking the barbeque sticks, Wilbur approached him. Placing the barbeque sticks on Francis's plate, Wilbur said. ''This is the last stick. I can't cut the pineapples anymore.''

''Then I will gladly reject your two weeks' leave.''

Without uttering a word, Wilbur turned and went back to the canopy. 

''You are behaving too cheesy, France,'' Fredrick said.

''But it worked.'' 


''Meemaw, are you liking the food?'' Leena asked her grandmother.

''Everything is good.'' Margaret sweetly smiled at her granddaughter. ''You need to visit home and see what's happening there.''

''What's happening?''

Margaret peeked at her son, who was busy chatting with his friends. Heather was a little distance away from them, so she doesn't need to worry. ''Your mom and Francis are talking for hours daily after dinner,'' Margaret whispered.

''Is it?'' Leena burst out in happiness. ''That is good progress.''

''It's time we should start the plan,'' Margaret suggested. She looked at his son, and sighed at his stubbornness.

Leena beamed and nodded her head. ''I will talk with Francis.''

She spent time with her grandmother for a while and then went to talk with her friends. Reese tugged Leena's dress the moment she arrived and signaled her to look at Harley's lips. As Leena looked at Harley, she noticed her bruised lips as well. ''I am still not sure.''

''I heard noises from the back garden. They were fighting with each other.'' Reese said. Her eyes were switching between Jasper and Harley continuously.

''Don't look at her all the time, and plant a doubt on her. We will talk about this in the office.'' Leena reprimanded Reese in a hushed voice.


Glancing at Kyle, Leena asked. ''Do you like the food?''

''It's very nice, Leena.'' Kyle smiled. ''I will take my leave. Night has fallen, and it will be hard to find a cab considering this house is in an isolated area.''

''You came by cab in the morning?'' Leena asked in surprise. ''You didnot come in your car?''

''It's a long story which we will save it for later. And yeah, I didnot bring my car.'' Kyle said. Escaping from Landon's guards itself was a big task, and had she taken the car, he would have noticed and come after her. Kyle was wondering what kind of rivalry he has with Leena and Devin. She wanted to ask if Leena knows about her boyfriend but didnot get the proper time.

''Don't worry about that. We have many people here. I will ask someone to drop you at home safely.''

''I will go by Cab. I don't want to bother_''

''Don't try to argue, Kyle. Leena has taken the decision already. It's not safe to go alone,'' Jane said, and Kyle nodded her head. 

Jane got up when she saw her husband sulking, sitting next to the barbeque. ''I will go and serve the dishes.''

''I am done eating. I will also join you.'' Kyle said, and with that, both left.

Meanwhile, Evelyn and Jasper's mother, Mabel, just finished dinner, were having a conversation sitting in a quiet place. It was not an accident, but Evelyn intentionally brought Mable away from Everybody to talk with her privately. ''How is life going, Mabel?''

''It was good, but not anymore, Eve.''

''Why?'' Evelyn asked. ''I forgot to ask. I heard your mother-in-law has returned. Is it true?''

''That woman has come back for no good. We have no peace in the home from the day she has come, Eve,'' Mabel added with a sigh.

''You and I have worst mothers-in-law's, and we can't help it,'' Evelyn chuckled. ''What is she up to?''

 ''She is adamant on getting Jasper married to her friend's granddaughter,'' Mabel said, glancing at the stars in the sky.

''The girl who is working in Jasper's office?'' Evelyn questioned, and Mabel nodded. Evelyn guessed it right. That damn old woman!

''I don't like that girl, Eve. She is very arrogant. I don't want her as my daughter-in-law.'' Mabel muttered. Now that her husband knows her son doesn't harbor feelings for Andrew and Reese's life is also getting settled, her husband's sole focus turned to Jasper. Every day he brings the topic of marriage, and Jasper outrightly rejects it.

''Then what kind of girl you want?'' Evelyn questioned, slowly bringing Mabel into the track.

''Sweet....ambitious.. kind-hearted, the girl should mingle with everyone...''

''Like my daughter, Harley?'' 

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