
Chapter 428 - CarrotArmy#

The supposed happy lunch turned into chaos, with the two kindergarten adults fighting like cats and dogs for nothing. Leena, in her imagination, assumed Francis and Devin as goats in a ring, locking horns in a fight to find who was the strongest. It was good that Devin and Francis didnot hear her inner thoughts.

''Devin,'' Leena called him, bringing his attention from the brandy fights. With his focus entirely on her, Leena started in excitement. ''I have discovered a secret, a secret buried for two decades. It's going to leave your jaw drop to the floor.''

Rather than hearing the secret, Devin was more interested in Leena's cute facial reactions. Her hands flared open, her eyes went wide, and her voice elevated to an exaggeration, precisely to say, it was akin to a director explaining a horror movie story to the actor. 

Leaning forward, Devin stared into Leena's eyes for a good time. ''What is that jaw-dropping floor secret?'' His voice dropped to a whisper, creating a horror movie effect on her.

''Back off, Devin.'' Francis butted in, his voice laced in anger. ''You are scaring my baby.''

Heather sighed. He started again. 

Devin exhaled a deep breath before moving back to his position. What's with this old man lately. He is turning into a Monday of his life. Too lazy to start another argument with him, Devin turned to Leena, his voice dedicatedly sweet to her as he spoke. '''What is the secret?''

Leena glanced at Francis for his permission. Francis proudly nodded his head to go ahead and reveal the truth. 

''Brace yourself to hear the truth.'' Taking a deep breath, Leena shouted. ''I found my biological father. It's none other than my Francy!''

Leena and Francis glued their eyes at Devin, expecting a surprised scream of 'what did you say!' or a shocked cry of 'I can't believe this,' but instead, father and daughter were surprised by his calmness. 

''What's with your reaction? Aren't you surprised?'' Is this what they call expectation VS reality?

''Hmmm..not really.'' Replied Devin, habitually placing the veggies onto Leena's plate. ''I doubted from the day I got to know Max is not your father.'' He remembered Leena talked about this when he was in the hospital. 

''But how did you know it's me?'' Francis asked.

''Although Leena doesn't look like you...I am glad she inherited Aunt Heather's features.'' Devin paused and glanced at Heather at first. She gave a thumbs-up gesture and mouthed a 'thank you'. He then turned to Francis. He was amused to see Francis's face twisted like an angry google emoji. Suppressing his chuckle, he added. ''I do find similarities in the way you both react.''

''What is that?'' It was Heather's turn to ask.

''What kind of reaction?'' Leena asked. ''I never gave a thought about it.''

''Anyway, it's confirmed,'' Devin added, looking lazily at Francis. ''Do I have to list them_''

''Yes!'' Francis said, determined. Leena and Heather joined him after.

These three! Their surname should have been brain-eaters instead of Hayes. But Devin didnot voice his thoughts. Instead of listing them, Devin cross-questioned. ''Can you tolerate spicy foods and Drinks?''

Francis and Leena shook their heads. Indeed, they crave spicy foods, but their digestive system is weak to ingest.

''Weak stomach, metabolism..mouth blisters...this should suffice. Don't ask me anymore.''

''That's true,'' Heather bellowed. ''Now that I think about it, Francis and Leena are sensitive to food.'' If she had not seen the pictures, she would have guessed it long back. ''I should have thought about it seriously.''

What a discovery, mother-in-law. ''I will be happy if you three spare me to eat.'' 

At last, the three left poor Devin. Post lunch, Devin shoved Leena into her bedroom to make her change the Reaper dress. Although Leena wanted to wear this to the home, Devin's answer was no. Reluctantly, she changed before going home.

''I have enrolled Carrot's name in a pet show.'' Leena stepped out of the car after reaching home. ''The show is happening this weekend—Reese, Jane, Aunt Jalapeno, Nick, Adney, Harley, Kyle will all join in the big-league event to cheer Carrot.''

''Just for a dog show, you are taking an army?'' Lifting her hands, Devin planted a small kiss on her knuckles. He loves this spot. ''I am not coming. I look like pick the odd one out in the group.''

''I never asked you to come. It's FYI.'' Leena kissed his cheek in return. ''Off you go now. It's late.''

''Alright, darling'' Before leaving, he stole a kiss on her lips.

''Kiss thief.'' Leena smiled, watching the car departing out of the gate. Since she is on leave, Leena decided to take Carrot to a local club to build her confidence for the event. 


Carrot practiced gaiting, hand stacking, free stacking to give her best in the competition. Days passed. The big-league day has finally arrived. Her friends appeared in front of her house in the morning itself to get ready. 

With Devin's nagging protocols he ordered her to follow, the frustrated Leena kicked him out of the house. Since it was the weekend, with nothing to do, he went to meet his friends.

Nick had to switch to Limousine to fit this batallion in one car. With the army's blessings, Carrot confidently climbed the Limousine to win the competition. An hour later, they arrived at the Ryok town hall where the show was happening.

''Carrot, are you ready?'' Leena asked as she smoothened Carrot's hair.

Carrot glanced around. The place looked like a festival with her fellow friends bustling here and there. A man was making his dog practice the ramp walk. Another woman was teaching gaiting to her dog. All her fellow friends were doing well in practice which scared her. Although Leena prepared her, Carrot's confidant was downing seeing the crowd.

Noticing her spirit going down, Leena dropped to squat. ''Don't panic, Carrot. You will do fine. We are all with you.'' 

''We are all with you, Carrot.'' The rest others joined to boost Carrot's spirits.

''All the bes Taddot.'' Cutie patted her friend. ''Make Tootie poud of you.''

Carrot tilted her head, wagging its tail in response.

''Carrot, buddy! We need to win this show.'' Adney ruffled Carrot's hair, which Leena neatly smoothened a minute ago.

Leena hit Adney's elbow. ''Don't spoil her hair.''

 ''Don't spoil her hair.'' Nick and Adney mimicked, which earned a furious glare from Leena. Happiness is teasing Leena. It heightened Nick's and Adney's happiness in seconds.

''CarrotArmy,'' Andey shouted, switching the video to selfie mode. ''On the count of three, say hail to CarrotArmy.''


''One, two, three....''

''Hail to CarrotArmy!'' Shouts reverbarated in the air. The onlookers who have come to watch the show were surprised to see a luxurious Limousine just to cheer the dog.

Adney immediately posted the video on his Instagram by tagging everybody present here. Reese, Kyle, Jane opened their accounts to see if the video came perfect as they envisioned. 

''Guys, we are getting late for the show. You can see the videos later. Come on.'' Leena held Carrot's leash and guided the nervous Carrot into the town hall. The rest followed Leena after.

''I will get the ID's first.'' Leena and Carrot went to the counter to collect the ID for Carrot, while others straight away headed to the audience division to grab their seats.

Right after collecting the ID, Leena proceeded towards the stage, and on her way, she felt something hard pressed to her foot. She halted and stepped aside. Carrot picked it up with her mouth and handed it to Leena. She flipped it and read the name written on it. ''Isabella Collin.'' 

''It's me.'' Leena heard a voice from behind.

Leena turned around. A man holding the leash of a Shitzu dog looked up at Leena. A girl's name for a man? She thought.

''Isabella Collin is my boss's name_'' The man suddenly froze in the middle of his words. His face was glued to Leena's face.

''Excuse me.'' Leena waved the ID in front of the man's eyes. ''Is this your ID?'' 

''Y_es. I am sorry_''

Just then, the announcement of the show started. Leena quickly passed him the ID and rushed towards the stage along with Carrot.

He scanned the crowd to see her face, but she blended into the crowd already. ''Is she the one?'' With the pouring rain and bruises on her body, he could not see her face properly.. But he has an inkling that it's her.

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