
Chapter 1 - Prologue (1) When It All Went Down

Smoke and debris spread all around, blood covering what's left of the streets, and lots of dead bodies were thrown into the mix. it's only been 3 minutes since the invaders arrived.

There was only 5 of them, yet they've destroy almost an entire city, almost all of Torinto is in ruins.

And why am I calling them invaders?

Because they freaking descended from the skies!

"Draven, stop! You know you can't do that!" shouts Rachel while her violet eyes are starting to get a hint of silver in them from the tears. "I know,'' I say quietly while I feel my eyes tearing up as well "but I have to… I'm sorry…", it's all my fault anyway...

I take a last look at the bloodied Rachel, feeling the knot in my stomach tightens at the sight.

She's fend them off so far but that's just not enough.

My mother is already dead, along with most of the citizens.

I've already lost so much, I can't even imagine what I'd do if they hurt Rachel more than that.

I have to step in and use my real power if I want to make a difference, I doubt the city can look worse anyway.

I stand up, wipe the blood off of my face and turn to look the invaders in the eyes.

Five weird dressed figures, yet human looking, and with much more power, stared at me back.

The obvious difference though is their colour; their skin is dark, and I mean the type of darkness that sucks light right in, as if it's a black hole.

Also, the armour they're wearing makes it so hard to believe they can move so fast.

When I look at their disgusting faces with such smug smiles on them, all I can think of is why haven't I destroyed them already.

Speaking of their disgusting faces, they're all pointed towards me now that I'm the only human standing.

I close my eyes right away, letting the power within take control.


Suddenly dark flames spread across the shadow of the blue haired boy, his pale blue eyes usually shining the brightest azur turning dark purple, and his hair taking the colour of crimson pink.

His shadow, as if a monster devouring its prey, swallowed him in a second, ans before the other had passed, it turned into a dark battle armour.

His face adopted a serious look that could melt stars.

And just like that, the shadow warrior was born.

The shadow warrior glanced at the scene spreading in front of him, out of the city debri and pools of bodies covered in blood, all his eyes could focus on were the five humanoid creatures in front of him. He knew even though they looked the part, none were really human.

In his vision, he could see energy points and tracks in their bodies.

Everything was colourless in his 360 degrees field of vision except these blue spots on the now red glowing creatures.

"Oh I see, the prince has finally gotten seriou-", and before creature NO. one could finish his sentence it was sent flying backwards by the force of a punch to the guts.

NO. two was about to land a powerful sword blow on the shadow warrior's neck but as if quicker than light itself, with a flex from his right hand the shadow warrior twisted thin air into a greatsword that glowed with dark flames.

He intercepted the blow which caused NO. two's sword to bounce as if hitting a diamond hard wall.

A quick swing from his dark glowing sword was meant to cut NO. two in half, but NO. three has already stepped in with its staff casting a defensive array allowing NO. two to evade.

Although NO. two did indeed escape death , the shield was no match for the greatsword's force which left NO. three wide open.

The shadow punched through NO. three's face as his blood sprayed the black armour, only to evaporate with a hiss.

NO. three fell lifeless.

The Shadow looked at his feet, with a finishing blow he made sure nothing's left from NO. three.

NO. one and two are too injured to continue the fight which prompted NO. four and five to join the fight instead of trashing the dead soldiers' bodies around.




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