
Chapter 10 - Nightmares Of A Last Kid Part 6

* Played "Naughty Boy, Sam Smith - La la la" while writing this *

AN: the following content might (probably will) be sensitive to most readers. Don't read unless 18+ of age, and with a strong heart. You've been warned!


Hank Moore and Callum Whisker were two of the most famous faces in Torinto city.

Even a blind person could identify the names of two of the richest well known political leaders in the city.

With both working under Karen O'Bannon, the mayor of the city and Draven's mother, they were ought to have some hostile feelings towards her.

Yet, nothing would explain why they were both staring at her almost naked son with lustful eyes.

They both knew of the severity of their situation, but with Lady Luck showing them the results of her experiments, they couldn't care less.

The two huge problems rich people suffer from are their lack of time, and their aging symptoms.

And there, Lady Luck was promising to get rid of one of these issues.

Since both parties had something to gain; the political dogs their youth back, and Lady Luck her political backing, it was a win-win situation.

Well, for everyone but the two youngsters in the room.

Maya was being undressed in speed that left even Lady Luck, with her years of experience, speechless.

She was rooting for team girl already.

Team boy however was looking at the other team, with a mix of envy and disgust.

"Hey, I didn't come here to play games! We had a deal!" Hank barked like the dog he is, seeing that his rival, Callum, is going to get ahead start on his team, reminded him of their political debates and how he'd always been one step ahead of him.

"Shut up, dog! My house, my rules! I've already had my part of the deal, why do you think I have cameras in here?" Lady Luck was laughing her a*s off, pointing to one of the small green dots on the wall.

The surprise was so severe, that all six men had turned their heads together towards her voice, with speed that would've almost broke a normal person's neck.


Even with being held by two adults, Maya's little frame managed to shake like a crazy ball, due to the cold and sudden nervousness that hit her.

Even though Draven's killing intent wasn't aimed at her.

This wasn't Black Silver's first day in kindergarten, so, he naturally took a hold of his boss' shoulder and disappeared in an instant, traveling a hundred miles within the same part of the second.

The others weren't so lucky.

Two out of the six were shaking on the ground foaming like they've just swallowed a soap bar, one dropped dead in an instant, and the last three let go of their bladders.

None could believe their eyes, not even Maya.

She's learnt that even her own eyes can play tricks on her.

But even after blinking for the seventh time within a second, she couldn't stop the scene in front of her from playing out.

Yet, it all happened in an instant that she could've been daydreaming all along.

The static black of Draven's shadow was suddenly staring at the three men left standing, and it was static no more.

As if a hungry predator devouring its pray, it covered Draven in an instant, covering him in a shadow dark light armour, from down his toes and up, only stopping at the midline of his neck.

What now seemed like a shadow suit burst into black flames first, only to turn red raging flames after, turning the light armour into a heavy crimson one.

By now, the bed that was holding Draven in place has been turned to ashes, and the boy himself was replaced with what looked like a dragon-like figure, or so Maya thought.

After a second look, she could see the lower part of her beloved Draven's face, wearing the same disappointed expression she's learnt to find warmth in.

On the upper part of his face, there was a red flaming helmet that looked like it was the embodiment of an upper part of a dragon's skull, with fangs and horns still attached.

Two ruby red dots rested where the dragon's eyes were supposed to be, glowing with the blazing fierce red blizzard inside.

The figure stood there, unfazed with how the room's temperature was severely low.

What made things worse was that, at his back, there was a huge broad sword that looked like it was made out of living lava, as it's apparent by the lava droplets trickling down its blade and resting on the ground, creating a hole with every hiss sound it makes.

The sword was floating a few millimetres away from Draven's back diagonally, as if it was out in an invisible sheath.

It was covered in a set of dark red chains that were glowing with power that seemed to be able to seal a massive nuclear explosion.

The contrast between Draven's now sad expression, apparent only by his mouth, and the rage glowing inside the red sockets would've made the scene look funny, if not for the killing intent that's threatening to take down the whole building.

With a wave of his hand, the rest of the men cowered and crashed against the floor, as if the building's whole weight has just rested on their shoulders.

The smell of blood and gore spread like wildfire in the room, adding to the stench they had caused earlier.

The dragon's eyes flashed with a blinding red light.

Almost as if on cue, a huge explosion shook the ground, accompanied by a deafening rumble that assaulted Maya's ears.

Maya couldn't avert her eyes off of Draven.

She was scared, not of losing her life, but of losing him.

She couldn't feel joy at the scene in front of her, even though it ment freedom.

No, it all reeked of death.

Death that would rest on Draven's shoulders forever.

Death that would take away the Draven she knew, and replace him with the figure in front of her.

She didn't realize when, but at some point she was up, with her clothes back on, hugging his dragonoid figure.

"Please, that's enough! I don't want you to leave me!" Maya plead, her tears blurring her hazel eyes, all the way down to her honey bronze chin.

"I have nothing and I know I can't hope for anything, but please, not you! I don't want to lose you..."

Much to her surprise, Draven hugged her back, his embrace warm and reassuring, "Don't worry, little one, I'll always be by your side, I promise".

She couldn't believe her ears, but she believed her feelings.

Her face turned bright red as a toothy smile spread across her face.

And in a matter of seconds, she's already fallen asleep, the incident had taken a toll on her, maybe even more than she's realized.

'Thank you', Draven mentally thanked the voice in his head.

'Don't be, this wasn't quite what I had in mind' the voice sounded disappointed, 'in any case, we're not done here, two targets had already left', the voice managed sounding angry.

'Good news though, is that another is coming closer'.

The voice's plan was taking over the host's body, yet it didn't work out.

Either the host is too strong, or being sealed for so long has had a bad effect, more than one could've Imagined.

The second best option it was left with, was having some fun killing some insects.

With being in deep slumber for so long, even that was appealing.


Black Wing couldn't believe her eyes.

She was supposed to meet Lady Luck 30 minutes ago, yet, she was so thankful for her alarm breaking down this morning.

What she saw in front of her, rather, what everyone in the city had either seen or heard, or both, was akin to a nuclear bombing aftermath.

The police force, army, and even the EDA, along with various citizens were present at a safe distance, trying to understand what had happened over night.

About three blocks of Torinto city were no more.

The ground was blown off along with Lady Luck's place, safe basement and all, except one little room.

About a hundred-kilometer diameter huge crater was engraved with alien looking runes, at its centre was what she instantly recognized as the boy's room.

'I told her not to mess with such power', Black Wing was terrified at the thought of whatever did that being after her life too, being Lady Luck's compliance.

The thought alone sent a cold shiver down her spine.

'It's either someone that wants that power to themselves, or someone that's trying to get rid of it. But since the room is still standing, my money is on the first option.'

She shrugged of the idea and ran back to the alleyway she came from, 'I better leave this city at once if I want to save what's left of my-'

Her thoughts reached a dead end, and so did she, the moment she felt a strange sudden chill eating her life away.

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