
Chapter 71 - The Known Secret

* My First Story - Kimi No Inai Yoru Wo Koete *

AN: I have no idea what that means...


Suddenly her expression became serious and sincere, surprising even Kayla and Raven herself, 'if my hunch is right, then that b*stard had captured this poor creature and forced it to act as his sword, not caring about the consequences or what that might imply on its life.

'I wish I could revive that b*tch only to crush it again, but this time using my own hands instead of an energy blast.'

Even though her expression was sincere, her aura was flaring around her, albeit weakly since she didn't have enough to spare for that.

"Fuu~" trying to calm herself down, she took a deep breath and looked up the smokey sky while walking.

Realising that the black smoke wasn't exactly relaxing, she looked back down in disappointment.

[But what if it went on rampage and hurt someone?]

'Do you trust me, Kay?' Raven asked inwardly with a soft smile.


Kayla answered without a split second of hesitation, almost cutting Raven off in the process.

Feeling her determination and heartwarming enthusiasm, Raven felt blessed to have her by her side, and she told her exactly that.

[Of course! I'll always be here for you!]

Hearing that, Raven chuckled while she let the warmth of Kayla's words spread into the corners of her mind.

'Thank you Kay...' Raven said with a low voice that showed appreciation, that made Kayla's imaginary cheeks turn red.

'Anyhow, please trust me with this one,' she said looking at the cat-like creature, feeling its now calm breathing. 'This creature has been used against its will and treated like an object... I... Kay, before you came I-'

[It's alright, you don't have to tell me.]

Kayla shook her head to stop Raven, she didn't know what she was about to say, yet she knew it was hard and painful for her to share so she didn't want to push her.

'haha don't worry about it, you have to know about this anyway...'

After a little while, Raven was trying so hard to prevent Kayla's frame from shaking like a broken alarm clock. 'Please stop crying! I told you it's alright, I destroyed the b*stards responsible! I'm fine now I promise!'


"No buts, lil Kay!" Raven appeared again in front of Kayla and gave her a tight hug that only lasted a second or so. She was drained and needed to get back home, yet she knew that that second will help Kayla.

Spending half of the walk back home in silence gave Kayla time to calm down.

Raven kept walking amongst the chaotic city as she watched the destruction caused by the battles. Luckily, in her current area, there were no bodies on he ground, human or aliens.

Just as she was a block away from Maria's house, she took a turn and ended up in a dark alleyway.

"Fuu~ my mana is really low and my stamina is almost nonexistent, but I should be able to do it.' Raven thought as her shadow wrapped around her covering her in the familiar black armour.

Covering her body with another mana layer to cancel the sound of her breaking the sound barrier, as she jumped from one shadow to the other, while also having her Special Skill Advanced Stealth activated.

While doing that, she had made sure a mama shield was wrapped around the little creature in her care.

It took her about eight seconds till she reached a closed in area of Maria's garden, behind her mansion, since it wasn't a straight line ride.

The moment she set her foot on the familiar grass, she undid her armour and other skills as she dropped down, taking into account to shield the little creature in her arms.


"That's me, hehe!" Raven replied with a soft laugh as Maya dropped near her in a friendly cuddle.

"We were so worried," Maria said as she watched the two sisters hugging on the ground. "But we believed in you." At that she had a soft smile on her face.

"And I really appreciate that," Raven said, "I can't even imagine what would've happened if you were there with me..." she said remembering that she herself needed to be saved since she has almost died.

Of course she wasn't going to tell them about that part. 'I have to find a solution for Jaime though, he's gonna snitch me out I can already feel it...'

"Alright make space, I'm coming in!" Maria said as she laid down on the soft grass near her two daughters.

"Eh, what's that?" she asked noticing the black small pillow for the first time as it was covered in Raven's oversized soccer shirt.

"A cat?" Maya asked noticing the black creature for the first time too, "Why does it look like a pokemon?"

"Err, let's talk about that later, I need to get some sleep," Raven said with a tired yawn. "Please have some food for me when I wake up, I'm starving..."

Closing her eyes, she didn't even feel it when she has lost all traces of reality and fell in deep and calm rhythmic breathing.

""She's tired, huh?"" Camilla and Rain both asked at the same time as they walked towards the girls. Looking at eachother, they both laughed weakly.

"Ah..." Maria said weakly too as she hugged her daughter tightly feeling her soft cool crimson-purple hair on her arms and face, afraid to let go of her like a person barely holding on to their lifeline.

"Should we tell her that-"

"No!" Maya said in a slightly loud voice, cutting Joey off, as she clinged to her sleeping sister.

"We'll wait for her to tell us herself," Maria said as she looked up at the dark sky, "it's not something we can hide. More importantly, it's not something she could or should hide."

What Raven didn't know was that her fight with the monster was all being broadcasted over the radio and TV channels, plus other big online sources.

It's not everyday that people get to witness such a fight, especially that the area they've destroyed was the largest.. Not only that, but she was an unknown entity with powers that rivals an S ranker.

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