
Chapter 89 - Aftermath And Loss

* The Soul Of Wind *


The sky was sleepy grey, and the wind was calm yet chilly. The sun was hiding behind the rainy clouds almost as if afraid to share the sadness in the atmosphere.

Rain hadn't stopped for the last five days, as if Earth was trying to erase and purge any lasting signs of the massacre that had occurred, yet to no avail.

It's been a week since the last portal had appeared, but the metallic smell of blood is still in the air.

Monsters have stopped flowing out of the portals, yet the threat was by no means away.

Humanity had suffered and is still suffering from the aftereffects of the global monster attacks. Many good people have died, and more were injured.

Most of those who'd entered the portals have disappeared for good, and are assumed dead. Up to this point, only one group had returned.

Many tears were shed, minds broken, and hearts shattered.

Today, humans share their grief. Not many bodies were left intact since the monsters devoured the majority, but a collective funeral was held in each city, to honour those who have fallen, and celebrate those who have risen against the odds and survived.

The broken streets were quiet, even though they were filled with people. They all wore the same black clothes, the same black umbrellas, and the same sad expression.

On top of a makeshift stand, stood the mayor of Torinto city and gave her prewritten speech about humanity, grief, and honour.

Other mayors across cities and presidents across counties around the globe had, more or less, the same speech prepared.

"Grief is no fear, no weakness, no disorder... Grief is the lasting effect of love. We loved and thus we now grief.

"Grief is the longing for those who we've loved after they've parted ways... to a better place.

"Don't try to forget your loved ones in order to feel better... No, make sure to remember them, their sacrifices, their love, and the hope they wanted you to embrace.

"All of our loved ones had left us one thing in common, and that is the hope for a better future.

"It's no shame to be sad or feel shaken, but it's a shame to let it hold you down. One must know that after hardships, only ease will come...

"Live, and smile in the face of danger. Live and remember that this life we enjoy today was earned, and rightly so, as it's the gift of our loved ones..."

Far away from the crowd, yet within earshot, a girl was sitting down on top of a small hill, tightly hugging her knees, with her back resting against a red maple tree.

Her eyes and ears were focused on the mayor and her elaborated speech, yet her mind was wandering somewhere else.

The girl was sitting in her wet clothes, not caring for the rain or cold assaulting her bones.

No, she couldn't feel any more pain after all. Her eyes had no more tears left and her mind couldn't take the stress and despair anymore.

Just like many others, she had lost a dear one. She's lost her older brother, her only family...

She still remembers when he'd told her he'll be back for dinner. "Lizzy, I'll take a quick look outside and come back, ok?" he said with a smile, in response to a sudden explosion sound in the distance.

"Eh? But Sammy, it's dangerous outside, didn't you hear what they said on TV? Monsters are roaming the city." Lizzy had replied.

"Haha, don't worry about it, I'm not powered for nothing, you know."

"But you're not that strong!" Lizzy pouted.

"Come on now don't go insulting me like that, I'm an A ranker! If I didn't have my degree to work on and you to take care of, I would've accepted the EDA request and joined their ranks."

"Hey, don't blame me for not joining the EDA, you're just a nerd who can't fight, *huff*" blowing at her short brown locks, Lizzy pretended to be angry.

"Ok, I'll bring you some sweets and be back for dinner, how's that? Sammy said as he approached Lizzy for a hug.

"I'm not a kid you know, I'm twenty years old..."

"So, you don't want your sweets?"

"No... but a couple of lollipops would be appreciated." Lizzy said with a red face. Sweets were her weak point after all.

"Haha, consider it done, I won't be late I promise." Sammy said as he hugged his little sister hurriedly and ran outside through the door.


"I'm still waiting for those lollipops, you idiot..." Lizzy muttered subconsciously. Even though she was old enough to be an adult, Sammy had always treated her like a baby.

Just thinking about it made her smile for a second before returning back to her sad expression. Even though she had no tears left to shed, her feelings of sadness have been only increasing by the second.

"Hello, young lady!" a hoarse voice shook Lizzy out of her trance.

Lizzy's body wasn't exactly well developed and as such she was used to people thinking she was a boy.

So now that someone had recognised her as a girl, she was slightly surprised. However, her expression remained unchanged.

Looking up at the source of the voice, she found herself staring at an old woman that appeared to be in her sixties.

She wore a black clothes like everyone else, and had a wooden crutch in her right hand. What stood out was the smile she had plastered across her face.

It was like a small candle in the darkest nights. Even though it was faint, it lit up the atmosphere and gave a weird feeling of nostalgia.

"Show me that smile of yours," the older woman demanded, kindly. But Lizzy couldn't bring herself to smile anymore.

All of her previously cheerful memories with her brothers have been painted with blood. Every ounce of happiness has been turned into sadness.

"You have to try at least," the woman urged her, "I can tell that you've lost someone dear, who was it?

"My older brother," answered Lizzy after some hesitation. Even though the woman was old, she didn't seem to have any issues with hearing the girl's low voice that was akin to a whisper lost in the wind.

"We've all lost people that were dear to us, honey," the woman said, "do you know who I've lost?"

At that, Lizzy only shook her head. She could have obviously taken a guess, but she didn't want to bother with talking.

"I lost... no one."

"Eh?" Lizzy couldn't help but feel surprised, why was the woman here if she hasn't lost anyone? Why was she smiling earlier?

"I don't have anyone to lose..." the woman continued, making Lizzy bite her lips in understanding.

"My husband and two kids died in a car crash thirty years ago while... I was driving... I was the only survivor, do you know how that felt?"

Lizzy didn't say anything, only looked down with a pained expression.

*sigh* sighing, the woman continued, "I spent most of my recovery days after the crash in regret and pain. I thought of killing myself many times...

"But you know, whenever I stood at the balcony ready to jump, I'd see the faces my husband and two kids, smiling at me.

"At first I thought I was going insane, but when I read about mediums and spirits, I understood that I was seeing the actual souls of my beloved ones." the woman teared up at that.

"They were always there urging me to continue on living," the woman continued and Lizzy nodded. Lizzy found it weird how the woman kept mostly smiling even though her eyes were in pain.

"Only after I've promised to keep their memory alive with me, did they leave peacefully...

"Old stories and books has it that when a person dies, their soul gets transferred into the Celestial World, and there, they live another life as spirits.

"Do you know why I've stopped to talk to you, young lady?" she asked and Lizzy shook her head again.

"Because I see your brother's soul next to you..." Lizzy started looking left and right weakly, but she couldn't see her brother.

"I'm sorry, but only I can see their souls... he's been with you since the moment he lost his body, and you must know, he's never truly dead.

"You must go back to living your own life, rather than worrying about his lost one.

"Give him that peace of mind he needs to proceed to the other side, the haven of spirits."

"Are you implying that if I make peace with him leaving, he'll be happier?" Lizzy spoke for the second time, with uncertainty.

She didn't believe in ghosts and whatnot, after all. She understood that the old lady was trying to make her feel better, but it still didn't feel real.

"Yes, I know it seems hard to believe, but let me change your mind," the woman said with a smile, as she pulled two lollipops out of her pocket.

Lizzy didn't know why but she instantly regained her ability to cry, and warm tears flowed down her cheeks silently and without much resistance.

'she must have heard me mutter something about sweets,' Lizzy thought but still appreciated the gesture.

'She's trying to tell met that only by embracing the memory of those who we've lost, that we actually show how much we cherish them...'


After a while, the older woman left Lizzy alone and started walking towards the city.

Feeling like something was tugging on her mind in a weird way, the woman decided to get some rest and then go back to the hospital.

Entering the general hospital, she was directed towards her room on the third floor.

"Hello back Ms. Taylor," the nurse greeted as she gave the old woman her supper.

"Hello, Suzie, have I by any chance told you where I was heading today?"

"No, is everything alright, Ms. Taylor? the nurse asked with concern in her voice.

"Yes it's alright, I just don't remember anything from today's events... I remember when I walked away from the hospital and when I came back, but everything in between is just a blur."

"I see, it seems like your disease is progressing faster than we thought, I'll let the doctor know."

"Thank you, Suzie," the older woman said with a kind smile before proceeding to eat her warm food.

Getting out of the room, the nurse wrote down every change she's noticed on the older patient, in addition to her story.

Giving her notes to the doctor, she reviewed her files one last time, "Keely Taylor. Sixty seven years old. Single. No kids or known relatives.

"Pathological history: Alzheimer's disease started as early as when she was in her fourth decade of age. Her co-workers started noticing that she's forgetting a lot, etc.

"Latest history includes increased symptoms of the disease. Cholinesterase inhibitors aren't showing any improvements as of last week.

"When we let her out of her room for the first time in a week, today, to roam the vicinity of the hospital, such as the mall and little park, she revealed some memory loss." The nurse finished.

"I see," muttered the doctor, "the guards are instructed to not let any patients leave the hospital grounds so I'd say it's safe to let her roam for the next week or two before the symptoms become more severe.

"Everyone would notice an old lady in a white hospital gown roaming around anyway.

"There isn't much we can do at the moment, so why not let her enjoy her last month or so..."

"Understood..." said the nurse sadly. It wasn't the first time she had to deal with a terminal illness patient, but it's never gotten easier, "I'll inform the staff, thank you doc!"


After the lady has left, Lizzy decided to take a quick walk to relieve her stress and refresh her mind.

Even though it was raining, she didn't mind it. Not because she purposely wanted to get sick, but mostly because she was already wet. That, and also that she didn't care much at the moment.

The rain had a nice calm rhythm to it, as if the stars were singing a sweet lullaby. Together with the grey clouds, the atmosphere was pretty relaxing on it's own.

Walking away from the black river of people, Lizzy found herself in a busy parking lot somewhere in the city.

All around her, she could see workers and machines working hard to get the city back to what it once looked like.

"Every start has an end, but the end of one thing isn't necessary the end of all..." she muttered to herself. "If you can hear me Sammy, please know that I'll forever remember you.

"I'll live and follow your steps as much as I can... I'm not as strong as you, smart as you, or even responsible as you are.

"You've always treated me as a baby, and a baby you've created." At that, a warm smile spread across her face. "But I promise, I shall live on and be someone you can be proud of, big brother..."

Warm tears ran down her light pink eyes as she looked through her blurry vision at the clouds above. "I promise...."

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