
Chapter 230 - Intertwined Hearts Part 1

"Ho~" a gentle yet serious voice gasped. "It's that serious, huh?"

A young woman that looked in her early twenties expressed her concerns through a half-transpaernt magic screen. 

She was currently on a spaceship belonging to the Supreme Galactic Alliance.

Scott, who was on the other side of the screen, speaking from Earth, nodded his head while looking down.

"Planet Earth has failed a test that was conducted by the angels, and as such they have decided to destroy it?" The woman repeated to emphasize the point Scott had just mentioned to her. 

Her white azure eyes, that matched her soft radiant hair, sparkled as she was deep in thought.

"The esteemed angels have decided that humans do not deserve the luxury of living?" She continued before making eye contact with Scott. "How sure are you about this, Deputy General?"

Using his position rather than his name indicated that this question was quite serious. She needed to hear about this source of information.

"I-" Scott hesitated for a second before remembering the cold gaze of the crimson-purple haired girl. He could still see her clear golden eyes that were staring at the distance as she informed him of the invasion. "I am pretty sure, General Arkan."

"Ho~" the young woman seemed to understand what he meant. "By the way you are talking right now, it seems safe to assume that your source is that girl, right?"

"That is correct, General Akan." He replied without hesitation this time.

'Hm, that girl that I have heard a lot about. Someone who can easily defeat an S ranked monster and even make Ramira, the SSS ranked Japanese Deputy General faint from shock, only by releasing her aura…

'She must be pretty special just like Scott has mentioned before. I guess it is time I look into her...' The young General was deep in thought. 

"Deputy General," she called out to Scott. "What are your chances of success? Did that girl mention anything about the probability of you winning and preventing the invasion?"

"Negative, General Arkan," he replied almost instantly. "But... I could tell from her tone that things were going to be hard for us. 

"She sounded pretty nervous, but what was frightening was that her tone was cold… it is as if she had internally given up-"

Scott didn't know the reason behind Raven's tone, he had assumed that she was prepared to fight a losing battle.

But the truth was that Raven had no plans of being defeated. She wanted to protect her family with everything she had. There was no way she'd back down.

However, she was nervous about fighting Maya. She had a cold gaze because she could not imagine herself attacking her precious Maya that she thought she had lost.

No, she was going to protect her with her heart. She wouldn't let some b*stard manipulate her as if she was a mindless doll. There was no way she'd let that slide.

"Hm, is that so…" The General said in response to Scott's answer.

'If that girl was so concerned and nervous, then it must be-'

"However," Scott continued, interrupting her thoughts. "She had mentioned that she would not let her family die. She said that her family lives on this planet, and she was going to protect them. 

"She said that we have already prevented one invasion, when we had stopped the portal incident, so there is no reason to fail to do it again." Scott finished with a firm nod, as if to confirm it to himself more than anything.

"Heh, I like it!" The General smiled in excitement. "I like it very much!" Her smile continued to get even wider.

Although she looked elegant and noble in her General uniform, especially with the different beautiful badges across her chest, the young woman was one of the strongest leaders in the Supreme Galactic Alliance.

She was the reason Earth was accepted in such a large scale alliance in the first place. Earth has a lot to offer to this alliance, or rather, this young General has.

However, this innocent looking woman had not fought in a while since her strong subordinates usually took care of everything, but against these invading angels, it seemed like she would get a chance to flex her fingers.

"Spread the news, Scott," she said with a grin. "Announce the urgent emergency status to every government and move everyone into the bunkers as the girl had suggested. 

"Make sure to follow her orders for now since she seems to be the most knowledgeable.

"Also, tell everyone that the Generals are coming home." Her grin looked vicious. "I am currently, far away from Earth, on a mission that I can't leave unfinished, however, the other Generals will be there.

"And once I'm done, I'll be there as well. Scott, take care of everyone," she said those words while holding an azure diamond, that was hanging down from her silver necklace, in her pale hand. 

The diamond took the shape of a small sparkling heart. Two beautiful wings surrounded that fragile looking heart, giving it an aura of protection.

Noticing Scott's intense gaze, the General smiled. "Scott, you've always seen my pendant, why are you staring like that all of a sudden? Haha, you better go spread the news."

"Ah, apologies," Scott had an apologetic smile. "I'll be off then. See you soon, General."

With that, he closed the communication device and the screen turned black. 

"That pendant, it must mean something…" Scott slowly walked away from the device. It looked too precious and elaborated for it just to be a meaningless piece of jewelry.

Opening the door to exit the now quiet room, Scott was greeted by a crimson haired young man that had a 'way too sincere' of a smile on his face.

Although there were many EDA officials around, Scott, their Deputy General, couldn't help but feel danger coming from that smile.

"Ayo~ my weak student, are you ready for your punishme- *cough* I mean training! Are you ready for your precious training?" Tu said with his smile.

"Ugh," Scott groaned. "Wait, I need to deliver the General's orders.

"Uhm, I'll be waiting outside," Tu replied. "But don't be too late, I can't wait for our training!" With a wicked smile, Tu disappeared.

The people who saw Tu's attitude and how he had just called their Deputy General 'weak' could not help but gulp loudly.

They all wanted to glare at Tu, but they could feel danger and severe anxiety whenever they made eye contact with him.


In that faraway spaceship that was about to commence its mission, the young General Eliana Arkan was holding her diamond heart tightly.

She was still thinking about Scott's gaze. "Hm, I guess he couldn't help it, it's too beautiful after all, hehe.

"Ah, it's too beautiful…" her gaze got softer. 'It is the only reminder of a family that I have… 

'but… that damn family.'

She suddenly glared at her pale hand that was clutching the azure diamond. She had way too many mixed feelings that she didn't know what to feel about it.

Deciding not to think about it much now that she needed to be the clear-headed leader for this mission, she simply hid it underneath her uniform and headed towards the main deck. 

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