
Chapter 235 - Demolishing Fake Heroes Part 1

"What- what did you just say!?" A frightened cry rang. "We have to submit to who?" 

The voice was shaking. 

The person speaking was shaking. 

The ground was shaking. 

The sky was crying.

Although the person speaking looked almost human-like, he was not human. He had long ears instead of normal human ears.

An Elf. Mystical creatures with impressive dominating magic control and firepower. 

Although they usually dared not kneel to anyone, this elf was now barely able to keep himself awake under the pressure of a single person's dark aura.

"What do you take us for?" The frightened elf struggled to speak, yet he was fierce. One had to admire his courage, or was it arrogance? 

"Our race has finally broken the seal and managed to gain freedom after a fight for death! Countless lives were lost in the process!

"Why would we ever submit to someone ever again and lose the freedom we worked so hard to achieve? 

"We'd rather die! Huh! You can't kill us, can you? Haha!" Slowly, the shaking adult elf stood tall. 

Although he was arrogant, he did not dare make eye contact with the person in front of him. His aura alone was suffocating even though he was a fair distance away.

The elf had a feeling that he just managed to confirm. This person was not able to harm them since if he wanted to, they'd already be dead, they all knew it. It was clear as the sun on a hot afternoon.

Others, hundreds of elves, who were squirming on the ground around him just a moment ago fought against their shaking limbs and stood up as well. 

Their arrogant laughs annoyed a certain daemon, no, a certain Baneful Executioner. He was surrounded by the passive aura of death.

"Hahaha! You must need us desperately!" Another elf spoke with a sly chuckle. "You can't kill us! What you just said was merely an empty threat!"

Others chuckled as well while keeping their distance. Even though they were arrogant beyond belief, they still felt danger all around them. 

However, it was only a single person. What can he do? And he can't even hurt them!

Although they didn't know why, since he was clearly capable, they were almost sure that he was not going to harm them.

"I don't expect you to understand," a weak yet stern voice rang as an elder elf with a beard stood up with someone else's help. "We are elves. We are not to follow some random name and be slaves. This is a new era for us!

"In the past, the original residents of this land have called us cursed, demons, and sinners!

"The original residents- they banished us, a whole race! They banished us to the Plane of the Sinners! They sent us to hell and called us evil!

"But we didn't give up! We fought hard. We broke the seal with our superior magic! We were able to withstand every dire situation we were thrown in.

"We are survivors! We are the chosen race! We are the elves!!"

"The chosen race! The elves!" Countless voices belonging to the elves, behind the elder elf, rang across a destroyed battlefield. 

A once beautiful fertile land was now drowning in red blood and countless corpses. 

Sliced organs, crushed bones, and torn flesh indicated that this battlefield had been the end of countless lives.

"What makes a young lad like yourself-" the elder spoke loudly. His voice was vicious, "what makes you think that you'll be able to stand against the chosen race? We have been chosen by-"

"Enough," a chilly voice simply said in an uncaring expression. "You're so loud. I didn't ask for your boring life story."

This voice belonged to Raven's loyal servant, her baneful executioner.

And he was annoyed.

Abbadon was annoyed.

He had gone through countless portals so far. Usually, the job would be easy as he'd just tear everything evil apart and destroy the portal before leaving. 

The destruction of the portals would automatically transfer massive amounts of magiculus to Gaia, thus giving her a chance to evolve and grow stronger as well as making her capable of sustaining and withstanding the coming battle.

Yet, not every portal was so easy to deal with. It wasn't that Abbadon found existences that were strong or brave enough to threaten him. 

No, he was his mistress's Baneful Executioner after all, he would not dare taste defeat and run to his mistress with his tail between his legs.

However, those portals were not portals to some dungeons that were filled with mindless monsters. 

No, they were portals that would create paths to different planets, and as such, it was only natural that intelligent creatures would be living on some planets.

Abbadon's young mistress clearly knew that her forces were not enough to stop a massive scale invasion, and since it was inevitable, she had asked her subordinates to collect as many intelligent creatures as possible if they were of use to her.

Even if they were not strong, they would be useful if they had a special trait or talent. Alien technology or alien magic would also be of great use!

Normally, intelligence meant accepting fate and fear. Thus, many alien lifeforms were not as arrogant as those elves. 

In most of his previous runs, Abbadon had easily scared or tempted the creatures to join them.

His mistress had allowed some level of threatening to be thrown around. After all, the creatures would always change their mind after realising how kind they were going to be treated!

Additionally, many were greedy, which naturally meant that they were easily tempted to join someone else's battle for the sake of treasures.

Even though Raven would not allow those greedy souls to stay under her protection after the coming war, she knew that now was not the time to be picky.

However, even though many creatures have accepted to join her ranks, not all of them did. 

Those who absolutely refused were allowed to be left alone since Raven was not a tyrant. 

She needed help, but at the same time, she knew that they would instantly betray her during a fight if they were brought against their will.

'This is annoying, so annoying… I would rather crush them all, but my kind mistress has instructed otherwise…' Abbadon always preferred to talk with his fists and magic rather than his mouth. 'Smart, civilized, creatures were less likely to attack planet Earth. 

'Thus, they did not cause any threats, under normal circumstances that is.

'Although lady Raven had asked me to recruit these creatures, they seem quite arrogant, they would only drag us down…


"Don't get any weird ideas because I let you rant." Abbadon said coldly, "I didn't mind getting some information without wasting time, but you see… 

"You are wasting time at this point, speaking such nonsense...

"Survivors? Chosen? What delusions fill that empty shell between your shoulders? 

"The only reason you would be qualified to call yourselves Chosen is because my graceful mistress has decided that there's value in keeping your pitiful lives.

"Again, and for the last time, I am merely giving you two options; submit and follow my mistress, or die. That is all.

"Now, choose! Oh, and please, feel free to choose death, it's my expertise after all." Abbadon's voice was calm, yet cold and freighting.

The hundreds of elves that had stood up in their moment of courage and arrogance, just a few seconds ago, dropped down to their knees again the moment they saw the sadistic smile on the daemon's face.

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