
Chapter 328 - A Clean Up To Do Part 4


Suddenly, and without a warning, a terrifying dark aura spread throughout the Demon Realm, rendering everyone powerless. 

The strong shivered and the weak fainted!

Those strong ones who didn't faint felt as though countless years had simply evaporated from their lifespans. Although they knew the feeling was simply an illusion out of fear, they could not change the expressions of horror across their faces.

Luckily however the feeling didn't last long. It quickly dissipated, leaving everyone gasping for precious air.

All those who could move suddenly looked towards the magnificent castle standing at the center of the Demon Country; that was the castle of their Supreme Ruler!

In the castle, a figure slowly let out a breath of pure energy in a sigh of relief. The figure had fair pale skin, sparkling light pink eyes, and short locks of blinding darkness. And although not so oblivious at first sight, the figure was that of a petite girl.

Currently, she is sitting cross-legged inside a special training room that was surrounded with a translucent silver barrier. However, the girl didn't care about that much at the moment, what cared about the most was her lack of clothing!

Luckily, the room was especially built for her and no one else was allowed in. Otherwise, this would have been a serious issue.

Taking another deep breath and looking down at herself, she found her eyes landing on a small dark tattoo in the middle of her chest, under her two collar bones. 

It beautifully resembled a sun that was surrounded by seven small torches. Imposingly, the dark tattoo seemed to be emitting a dark and disordered aura. 

With a reflexive sigh, the girl clenched her hands and manipulated the special type of energy and matter composing her body, and created a plain, yet beautiful, dark armour.

Looking down at herself, at the seven small torches in her black tattoo to be exact, she could not help but wonder how much power she currently holds, and just how much power that is still yet to be uncovered.

"Right now, I've only managed to subdue a small part of the first torch. Yet, I feel like I have immeasurable power," she said to herself. "Just what is this thing inside me? And when can I fully utilize it?"

While she was lost in her own thoughts, her eyes subconsciously landed on her armour's chest piece. The dark piece wasn't that large and from her angle, she could clearly see what was lying underneath. And, she didn't like what she was seeing...

"Hm, now that I can freely control my body parts, why don't I-" cutting herself short, she smiled at her own thoughts while manipulating the peculiar energy within her body while looking down at her cherry-sized chest.

Slowly, the tiny cherries started growing into apricots. Not long after, the apricots grew larger and became melons…

Looking at herself with a weird expression, the girl dismissed her chest piece, causing it to merge into her body and disappear, and started using her hands for testing the weight of the "newly added goods".

If she was human, her face would have turned rosy red by now, however, there was no red blood in her body. Or rather, there was no blood at all in her body.

After a short while of "testing", she shook her head in disappointment and let her body regain its original appearance. "Humph, it's true what they say after all: they're just extra weight... I don't need them to slow me down!"

With a mere thought, the dark chest piece of the armour was back to its place, and she was now ready to leave

Walking towards the doors, the girl suddenly stopped, realizing that there was a serious issue that she had not considered. And that was the barrier...

The barrier was created by Raven, and although she had tried before finishing her evolution, she could not break through it.

"Wait, I'm not the same as before, maybe I can break through it now?" She asked while raising her hand and preparing to break the barrier.

With a swift motion, she hit the barrier, causing it to shake and almost crack!

"Hehe, I'm strong now! Although I only used a fraction of my overall strength, I almost broke the barrier," She cheered. "Raven will be proud of me once she sees the results of my training!"

With another hit, the barrier completely broke. 

"Wait," an idea suddenly popped into her head. "How did it not break the moment I accidentally let go of my control and released my energy?

"Huh? Is it possible that with my strength, I can't destroy it, but rather it was that when Raven felt my strength and realized what was happening, she weakened the barrier? Hm, strange…"

Shaking her head and getting rid of the distracting ideas, she quickly left the room.

Outside, two figures were waiting: one was a man that was kneeling in respect, while the other was a young girl that was smiling happily.

"Mistress!" The man said while swiftly removing his elegant fedora and placing it over his heart. His beautiful matching suit made him look like a professional office worker, or some respected organization's leader. However, the power that was escaping his body made it clear that it was neither.

"Sup, finally done, huh?" The girl said as she grinned. "You sure took your sweet time though!"

The girl subconsciously glanced at the man in the white suit and merely nodded, while she quickly ran towards the young girl with a big smile.

"Raven! I'm done! I did it! I didn't disappoint you, hehe!" The girl said loudly with a big smile while approaching the young one and giving her a tight hug.

"Liz," the young girl said, but her expression had suddenly shifted from happy to awkward after realizing something. "Err, I am not-"

"Huh?" Liz suddenly interrupted. Looking at the girl, she tilted her head as her smile froze. "Something's not quite right…

"Why are your eyes dark purple and not bright golden? And same for your hair, should it not be crimson-purple? Wait, even your body… Why does it feel… fake? It's as though it's made out of some type of energy..." Saying that, Liz quickly let go of the girl between her arms as a look of vigilance surfaced across her face. "Who are you?"

"Um… well, I- my name is Kayla, you can call me Kay," Kayla said awkwardly. Although she had met Liz before -many times actually- it only now occurred to her that the same is not true for Liz. After all, she had always been inside Raven's Mind Space, and she had never shown herself to Liz before. "Err, I am Raven's close friend… you can think of me as the second Raven, or her clone, in a sense…"

Although this wasn't necessarily the full truth, it wasn't a lie either 

Hearing what she said, Liz seemed to be in doubt and she couldn't help but look around and observe the details in Kayla's body. "Hm, it's true that your body isn't real, which means that you're truly a clone, and it doesn't need an expert to tell the unnatural similarity between you and Raven, but… why have I never seen you before?"

"My mistress," the man in the white suit, Raykun, called out respectfully. "This girl is indeed Raven's friend and she is currently aiding and leading us with defending the planet."

"Humph, you… don't you dare call me mistress!" Liz said in a disgusted voice. "Although I acknowledge your existence, it doesn't mean I'll allow you to follow me!"

"Huh? But mistr- err… I- I was created by your own powers, what am I supposed to do?" Raykun asked, confused. "No, this is not the right question… what did I do to deserve this?"

"Humph, didn't you collude with my evil self and kill countless people? You even tried to kill Raven's friends-" she quickly stopped herself while clenching her fists.

Now that she thinks about it, Raykun has always been just simply following her will. Evil or not, he followed her unconditional requests.

"Ugh, it's alright, forget it," Liz said while shaking her head. "I've just finished training and I'm a little confused…"

Turning her head towards Kayla, she softened her expression. "Err, Kay- Kayla, where is Raven right now?"

"Raven went to outer space to find Maya," Kayla replied with a smile. "She's currently working on finding a way to kill the strongest of our enemies."

"Maya?" Liz repeated while swallowing loudly. Stress suddenly became visible in her eyes. "Is that the girl I- the girl I- I…"

"Uhm," Kayla nodded and quickly followed with comforting words. "But don't worry about it! Raven has found Maya and they had err, a good reunion. So there should not be a problem!"

"Really?" Liz asked. "But what does Maya think of me now? Did she say that she'd take revenge? I would not mind, if that's the case…"

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