
Chapter 13 - 13. Walk To School

Jane quickly readjusted her mask, she was cursing  herself inwardly for not finding a better one in such a short time. "So what did your family say about your powers?" Asher was dusting off his pants and wanted to try and change the subject before the awkward silence could set in.

"Oh, they were really happy to see that I got something so unique but it took them a while to get over the scales and purple hair...I also accidentally made my father late for work since I forgot about the whole freezing people in place thing." Jane seemed rather sheepish at this part but Asher found it a little funny. He tried to hold back his laughter but a little slipped out. "It's not that funny, it was an accident." Jane started off on a faster pace leaving Asher to catch up. "And you? What did your family say?"

"Well I thought they would hate me." Asher saw no reason to lie to her, she most likely had the same fear with the way her power was. "I pretty much told them that I may not have a power technically but all they were was excited that I had a power that had not been seen before." While he spoke a thought occurred to him, "Hey Jane, was it painful when you got your evo shot?"

Jane slowed down hesitating for a minute, "Yes, it felt like I had the worst fever in my life until I passed out. Then when I woke up I was like this." This affirmed Asher's own experience.

"Me too, my parents said it should not have hurt or made me pass out at all. Even my sister said so… saw some stuff on the doctors clipboard though, I think we got a double dose of the evo shot. I have no proof but for what I quickly read through." Asher was afraid that he would become a laughing stock if what he was saying became known by others, so he prepared for Jane to laugh at him that second.

She was fairly quiet, "I did suspect something strange too, the doctors were whispering a lot when they prepared my evo shot. I would say we should bring this to the police but it is completely legal. I looked on the internet and since we signed the waivers and our parents signed they are allowed to give us any variant of the evo shot they have. This kind of thing has happened before. I dug around and found that a few other high schools reported strange effects and even one student had a huge mutation!" Jane had grown in volume nearly shouting the last few words drawing some attention to the pair walking.

This was just like humans, testing something potentially dangerous in those that had no power to stop them. It was an evil trick from adults they should trust, this soured Ashers mood completely. "Nothing we can do now, but I am glad we are both alright. Maybe our powers being so weird is caused by the shot. If the research more then we may have better answers." Asher did not really believe that they would get more answers but he wanted Jane to feel more at ease with the situation. Seeing her shoulders relax he knew it had worked, if even a little bit.

"Hey you lazy butts! I beat you two here by like ten minutes and I live farther away!" Art was running towards them from the school entrance. He was not paying any attention whatsoever to where he was going. His foot stepped right in to a patch of sand sending him sliding oh so elegantly in to a split. The silent scream was enough to pierce Asher's heart.

"Ah what bad luck, morning Art!" Asher tried to hide the pain in his voice but it was hard to do, this was a painful male blunder. Even Jane could tell that she was better off not saying anything with the risk of making it worse.

Giving Art some time to gather himself they stood in the front entrance. Asher noticed almost everyone that was walking past seemed to slip on the sand that was there. "I would say it is bad luck that so many people are slipping on the sand but at this point I think people are just really bad at observing their surroundings."

"As long as I am not the only one I feel a little better. Let's go to class early, maybe we can figure out our other classmates' powers!" Art led the way with a funny walk but still full of energy. As the three walked away the pile of sand was blown away by a gust of wind.

Finding that they were very early still the three were some of the only ones in the class. The girl that had sneezed the day before was asleep at her desk making them unable to ask her about her powers. They knew she could most likely control the wind but there was still the question of what it was called.

Mr. Smith was sitting at his desk preparing some documents, he was wearing the same suit he had the previous day. He was too engrossed in his preparations that he did not pay anyone any mind.

"Art, how did your family like your power?" Asher wanted to try and distract hims from the lack of classmates to ask about powers, it seemed to do the trick.

"They were pretty happy that I also gained an ability to use metal, but lead was something they didn't expect. My brother can control much more so he said that his power was still better, But if I can master my power I can use it way better. I just need to study it." Art looked much more distraught than he had before, the meeting had not seemed to have gone as pleasantly as he made it sound.

Other students had started to filter in as they chatted and before they knew it there was the bell telling the, the first period was starting, it was time to survive academics.

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