
Chapter 44 - 44. Notes

"Now after that little interruption I would prefer you all to take the time to think in the last few minutes of class. Anyone who acts up will have detention for a week." This caused everyone to silence themselves instantly. The threat of detention came with the hefty price of an extra two hours at the school. People would miss their clubs and sports. Not to mention the fact that parents would most certainly bring punishment down.

Luckily they all could take the time to start writing their essay outlines. Some of the students were able to write introduction paragraphs before the bell rang to send them home. The collective sigh from the room could be heard in the hallways since everyone had been bottling up their thoughts.

"That was intense. I thought we would all end up with detention forever." Art was the most afraid of this since staying at school so long sounded like a curse. He always relished the time he had away from classroom academics and homework.

"I was afraid they would get in to a fight and hurt someone. The spoke that guy made in to quills from his hair looked very sharp." Jane was still thinking about the body enhancement powers the two had shown off.

"You can worry about that while I wrack my brain over what power Mr. Richards has. One second he was at the front of the room and the next the two about to fight acted normally and he was there next to them. I have no clue."

After Asher's comment the three tried their best to come up with an answer but in the end were forced to separate and head off to their own classes. Asher had been eagerly awaiting this time of day so he could make some sense of what tarot was all about. He had followed the instructions but realized that he was clueless on what meanings the cards would represent.

When he approached he heard Lin already yelling about the incense smoke. However this time there was a little change in her voice. ""This time I came prepared! There will be no more smoke filling this room ever again!"

Asher stepped in to the room and immediately saw the large fan that Lin had wheeled in. It looked industrial and way too powerful for the small room, but it fit perfectly in the window and could definitely solve the problem. "I will set it up here so that all I need to do is flip this switch and then I will have a clear and smoke free room." She smiled like she had just won a great battle.

"Oh Asher, perfect timing. Plug that in there and flip the switch on the wall." Lin caught him out of the corner of her eye and gave him a job.

'Well already put to work.' He couldn't help but think that he was going to be ordered around all class now. "It's plugged in, flipping the switch now!"

The switch flipped with a click and the hum of the fan began to resound through the room. The plan seemed to be working well for Lin as the air was becoming much more least at a much faster pace. She was still smiling triumphantly when the humming g fan started to vibrate in the window.

"Hey Lin. That doesn't look safe…" Asher wanted to warn her but was instead met with a hard glare.

"I made sure the window was stable and the fan wouldn't slide through. It is the perfect pla-" She was halfway through her word when the vibrating window frame gave out and took the fan with it.

'And there goes out new addition to the class' Asher said a silent prayed for the window frame and the fan falling to then ground. The resounding metal smashing sound made Lin flinch and freeze. Her victory had been snatched away from her by a faulty window frame and plain old bad luck.

"I did try and warn you dear. The aura around that fan was darker than night." Madam Weaver said her part with a frown. It seemed no matter how many times she tried to tell Lin something it would go over her head.

"But how would a fan have aura?! It should be living things that have aura from what I have caught on to!" Lin was beside herself.

"Everything has an aura but not everything has a colorful aura like humans do. Some are simply black or white. Others rest in grey." The way Madam Weaver said this was as if she was describing the weather. To her these things were the same.

"Sorry about the fan...and the window…" Asher had a feeling that he may have in influenced this somehow.

"Don't you worry yourself over there dear. That was not at all connected to your aura. Those cards however look very nicely connected. You followed the directions very well." She was looking at his pocket that he had slipped the tarot cards in to in the morning.

"I guess...It's fine…"Lin sat down a little dramatic staring at the now windowless hole in the wall.

"Should we go get the fan and window frame?" Asher was curious if they should go to clean up their mess or not.

"Oh I think you will want to wait until you for the day." madam Weaver was smiling a little while looking at him. "Now get those cards out, ask your question , then shuffle." She was very demanding not leaving him with any room to do otherwise.

Doing exactly as he was told her pulled out the deck and looked at it. "Will I be able to learn more about my power at camp jewel early training camp?"

Asher started to shuffle while madam Weaver watched. "I thought you would choose that camp. If you go there make sure to spend some time looking at the stars. Without the light of the city here you will be able to see much much more. You may even be able to think more clearly." Her smile spoke of wisdom and experience.

"Now draw one card. That shall answer your question." The way she spoke it was as if she already knew what would be drawn.

'Come on show me what I want to see, show me what I want to see.' Asher chanted this in his head over and over wanting to see something that would prove that he would have a breakthrough in camp.

While he started to pull the top card he put all his faith in to it. The card now separated from the deck was upside down in his hands. He felt the time was right and flipped the card.

Lin drew in a sharp breath, "That's bad right? I know that anything that looks like that is bad…"

"Death...I drew the death card. I am fated to die!" Asher was ready to cry.

"Calm down, I swear don't the two of you think that the death card means anything else?" Madam Weaver was not having any of the antics at this moment.

"You asked a question and you got an answer. You think it would just mean you die?" She looked more exhausted at this and continued anyways. "The death card in this position means the end of a cycle, beginnings, change , and even metamorphosis. Would you like it to mean these things or would you prefer just to think you will die?" The sarcasm was strong as she explained."

Asher was a little worried but responded anyways. "I-I would like to make a change and start new with my power. I want to understand it better…" The biggest I told you so look anyone had ever given him came from Madam Weaver at that moment.

"Ehem, well I knew that, of course. I just wanted to play along with your joke…" Lin tried to play it off but she was very poor at acting. The two saw right through her.

"Since it seems you two need some lessons I want you to spread every card out and let me explain them. I expat you to take notes." This was something madam Weaver rarely did unless she felt that the lessons that she was trying to teach was being ignored.

The rest of the class went slowly since the two were made to repeat the notes twice so that madam Weaver was sure they would not forget. They were both very happy to hear that the bell rang to release them from a third time repeating the notes. 'I swear I will never make trouble for madam Weaver ever again.' This was Asher's final promise to himself as he walked back in to the hall to search for his friends.

Being the lest one to the lockers Asher found that Jane and Art were standing by the entrance looking at a crowd of people. "What are you all looking at?" This was what he said before he saw for himself.

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