
Chapter 91 - 91. Style

"What do you mean you want to compete.? Weren't you just asking for help? You can't be faster at finding it if I am helping you find it." Asher's confused voice made it sound like he was questioning all of Laura's brain power.

"Fine if you don't want to help then I will just find it first and you won't have a chance." This confused Asher even more since the idea of helping was now out the window.

"What are you playing at? Mind games?' Laura made a nervous smile. 'This girl really is trying to play mind games. She wants the luxury cabin that much?'

"I'm just wondering, you know out of curiosity, how was your night last night?" His questing seemed to be the last thing that Laura wanted him to ask.

"Oh, you know slept like a log. Well look at this, I am out of food. Time to go look for that golden egg." She was gone before Asher could even try to tease her and play his own mind games.

'I guess she didn't spend points to sleep inside.' Asher could only wonder where Laura had made a bed for herself. Unfortunately for him before he could think on things more he remembered that Garnet was waiting for him in the sparring field. If he took too long he was sure to get a worse beating.

Asher tossed his tray in to the trash and rushed out the door. He used the distance between the dining hall and the sparring field as a warm up jog. By the time he saw Garnet in the field doing her own training, he was starting his stretches.

Garnet paid him no mind as she went through her motions fluidly. Asher had never seen anyone move in such precision. Her moves were well trained and he could not predict what she would do next. He tried t guess if she would kick or punch but every time he was wrong or would be surprised by a new move.

Seeing that Garnet would not be stopping anytime soon and Asher had stretched the sore muscles he joined her by practicing his footwork. The elite home gym system had given him a few additional tips to adjust his footwork and even had a layout of what steps to take to form different patterns as he moved.

Upon reading these suggestions in the app he did not hesitate to slowly add them to his shadow foot work tag game. His speed was extremely slow and mapped out as he added moves that were newer to him. Garnet still didn't say a word as she practiced herself.

Speeding up Asher found that his balance was not as important as he had believed. The more he tried to stay perfectly balanced the less successful he was. The real change started when he allowed his limbs and body to swing freely with the steps and moves that the elite gym system had suggested.

'This is like that kick from the video game.' Asher immediately added the wheel kick in to his moves and found that it fit perfectly in to the style he was building. This new technique began to consume him as he could not stop. The feeling of everything falling in to place was addicting.

Garnet had long stopped her own practice and begun to observe Asher. She had only seen the style he was practicing once before. It did not bring back positive memories for her. "Kid, where did you learn that?"

Asher brought down another kick and fell in to a bouncing stance so he would not lose his momentum. "I didn't learn it anywhere. We used a video game for a few moves then we had the footwork coach Winters taught us. I have just been putting it all together. This just feels right, I slip a lot when I move but this makes me go with it and I think it works a lot better."

He knew that his slipping was definitely not due to his own clumsiness, but most likely something to do with his power. The first time he had really experienced it was at home when he slipped behind his chair. The next was against coach Winters when he slipped in to a perfect move to pin her. He always seemed to be lucky enough to slip in to the move he wanted.

"Just putting things together and going with it…" Garnet mumbled to herself as she recalled the technique she had seen and compared it to what Asher was doing. In strict opposition t her own style Asher's was more free flowing while hers was a string of tough moves using force and muscle. Asher's used momentum and the natural flow of gravity to make the heavy hits.

She finally came to her own conclusion on what the difference between the style she had seen and what Asher was building. "The style that is like yours is called water fall flow. The martial artist that uses it trained after trying to copy the falling of a water fall. You are more like a ragdoll. Your body falls and swings as it flows and adds force. They are similar but yours looks like you don't even know what you will do next. It's like you leave it up to fate to decide."

Garnet's analysis was something that made Asher stop his bouncing. The fact that she thought his style was like letting fate decide was almost poetic. Since he was attributing his slipping and sliding in to moved to be his lucky power then it did make sense that fate would be choosing his moves. He would just use the move that felt right in the moment.

"Are you sure you won't try and give up the hero's life? There is always a lot of money and fame in the martial arts tournaments. My last tournament netted me fifty thousand for a tie in second place." Garnet smirked as she used her trump card. This is how she managed to loop in students.

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