
Chapter 94 - 94.Strategy

"Lapis is going to be furious that she hid the egg in a tree during her run and in less than three hours it was found." Garnet was shaking her head knowing that this was some mystical impossibility occurring before her eyes. She knew that her family was not this bad at hiding the egg and before the other day had boasted years of perfectly hidden golden eggs. Sometimes even in plain sight!

Asher was unsteady on his feet but as he stood up he smiled at the little golden egg in his hand. "Have any recommendations for the elite home gym system later?" Asher knew he would be sore, but the elite home gym system should guide him through the best recovery options. So he was not worried that he would not be able to perform another work out to get better.

"Going for the hell mode again, are you? I didn't think you would like it so much, I can download another person to challenge you more if you want?" Garnet thought it funny seeing the look o terror on Asher'sface when she said this. After her amusement, she answered a little more seriously. "I already sent you one I think you should do. It is just the basics video but if you use the elite home gym it had an advanced work out you can use that helps everything become muscle memory."

Asher smiled as he pulled out his phone from his pocket to look at the app and see what it was all about. "Really? You're so easily distracted when you are still in a battle?" Garnet rained down a few punches knocking Asher aside.

'Did she do that because she's angry that I found the golden egg, or is it really because she wants to teach me a lesson?' Asher asked himself thins while rubbing his already bruising arms.

"Hey, I should have way more bruises than the new ones from today. I definitely hit myself in a few soft spots yesterday." He was so surprised to find that he was still in pretty great condition.

"You used the shower in the luxury cabin right? As long as you followed the elite home gym suggestions the shampoos there aid physical recovery. They had a few enhanced oils and medicines that can make your body process injuries faster."

Garnet had said this like it was just some small simple fact. However, Asher knew that things like that would often cost hundreds of dollars. It was way beyond luxury for any normal person.

"How!?" Laura's voice burst in to their ears out of nowhere. She was standing in front of Asher grabbing his hand that held the golden egg. "I have been looking for this all morning and you already have it?" She was almost shaking with frustration, or at least Asher thought it was that. He was still not sure if her increased heart rate just made her vibrate naturally.

Garnet saw the opportunity to make things a little harder on Asher and could not resist to do so. "Well if you really want the luxury cabin you could always challenge Asher to a sparring match. If you manage to get him to admit defeat I am sure he would not have the pride left to hold on to the golden egg."

Her words were like a match to gasoline, Laura's eyes burned with fire and she smiled wickedly. "Let's fight then. I will have you beat before you even know what hit you. Then I get a nice comfy bed and you can use your millions of points to get a regular cabin."

"Nooo, we don't have to fight. I have no reason to risk my sleeping arrangements." Asher decided to just play stubborn t make Laura back off. But his trick didn't seem to work since she had decided to push back even harder.

"So you're afraid of being beaten up by a girl? I thought you would be used to it after sparring with Garnet. But maybe you are saying that Garnet isn't really a lady?" This was a dirty low blow. If Asher didn't take the challenge now he would anger Garnet and make things much worse for himself overall.

With his face scrunched up in annoyance Asher bit his lip before speaking next. "I just thought it would be inappropriate to disrespect my current sparring match. Garnet and I were busy before you rudely interrupted us." Asher feigned stretching and looking at Garnet with worry.

Laura did not expect him to play this card but she refused to let it work on her, she was going to get the golden egg no matter what. "Well it looked like you two were done. It was just soooo obvious she had already kicked your butt." She was trying to intentionally anger him so that he would rush in to the sparring match without thinking.

Asher was instead already ahead of her. He had started to stretch while they spoke to buy time and prepare himself for a sparring match he knew Garnet would push forward no matter what. "Fine then, let's walk back to the field and start everything up fair. You will need time to warm up anyways. I should give you that since you are about to lose." Asher sent his own taunt as he slowly started the walk from the trees he and Garnet had traveled in to.

This was a smart move, Laura had speed and she could easily use the trees to sneak up on Asher without him seeing her. If they were in the open it was probably that Laura would use more straight forward attacks and be easier to predict. Not to mention the fact that Onyx had said she went the easiest and fastest route anyways.

Asher was using this time to plan out his strategy against someone he knew was devastatingly faster than him. Garnet had hopes that this would happen. She had seen Asher's results in the elite home gym system and realized that he lacked the general decision making and common sense skills. If she could train those skills up a little more then he would be a much better fighter. She also knew that she might have a better chance to recruit him in to their family's tournament circuit.

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