
Chapter 69 Do you smell danger?

Chapter 69 Do you smell danger?

Seeing that Ethan was now showing some decency by being sensible with his little physical contact, Lexi smiled in return.

"Noodles getting cold." She reminded as she slightly thrust her chin forward directing to his bowl of noodles.

Retracting his arms stretched over the table, Ethan unhurriedly blinked his pair of eyelids while his brows raised, "Right,"

Unlike his impulsive resolution earlier under the influence of wine, this time, Ethan kept his physical touches to the minimum. Knowing Lexi, she had her limits and he doesn\'t want to cross the line again. After all, their \'friendship\' was growing in a good way, albeit, in a snail pace.

"He\'s such a sweetheart chu~" Churu held her tiny hands on her chest as she was unexpectedly touched by Ethan\'s patient response. Truly, he was the perfect guy for someone like Lexi who\'s trust issue was much higher than Mount Everest and had an immeasurable sensitivity level towards others; especially men.

A man who would try to communicate with her host and patiently listen to her without jumping to conclusions until the end -- that is the man Lexi, who was easily misunderstood needed. Seeing him in a much more broadened horizon, Churu was now much determined to pull all the strings for her ship to sail.

[*TING! +20 allure points! You now have 54.6 allure points in total!]

All of a sudden, the familiar notification sound of the system rang that only two individuals could hear. After a second, it displayed above Lexi\'s eye level. The moment this status appeared, Churu\'s expression slowly brightened and produced blinding sparkles in awe.

"Woaaah!! That\'s what I\'m waiting for chu~!" When Lexi\'s progress sank in her dumpling genius mind, Churu cheered in excitement. Her happiness towards Lexi nearing the completion of her task multiplied. Just a little more push, and Ethan would fall for her!

Meanwhile, Lexi only glanced at it before she resumed on consuming her food. It\'s not that she doesn\'t care, but, to her, the results are what she wants -- her progress doesn\'t matter as long as she has a good outcome, that\'s when she\'d celebrate like Churu.

"Hey, chu! Don\'t you see that additional 20 points chu~!" Hearing no response from Lexi, Churu inquired while moving her flabby waist sideways with both her arms stretched out, moving up and down alternatively.

\'Does it matter? Results is what\'s important to me.\' Lexi responded telepathically while slurping her noodles. Smiling back at Ethan, Lexi chewed her food while wiping her lips with a tissue.

"Noob Lexi chu, boo~! Results only have two destinations; good and not chu! But either of the two, you have a choice to enjoy the process chu -- or be grumpy like an old virgin grandma and get the same results chu! Enjoy the rain while it lasts or find shelter in distress chu?" Churu booed Lexi as she spat her honest opinion on another of Lexi\'s uptight beliefs. Though Churu knew one or two about the whole purpose of the system, she wanted to give her two cents for Lexis own breakthrough on her emotional barrier.

Upon hearing Churu\'s advice, Lexi was almost choked as she drank a glassful of water. Letting out a series of coughs, Lexi pounded her chest to help herself from gulping down the stuck food on her throat.

"Hey, are you alright?" Ethan instantly jolted from his seat then patted her back in worries.

After some time, Lexi successfully gulped down whatever blocked her airway as she breathes heavily in relief. She raised her head to meet Ethan\'s worried front and awkwardly displayed an awkward reassuring smile.

"I-- I\'m fine, thanks."

Ethan heaved a sigh of relief seeing her alright and went back to his seat. "You eat little but still get choke. Aiya…" He murmured. For a second, he almost had a heart attack seeing Lexi experiencing difficulty in swallowing her meager amount of food she takes.

\'Sissy, *coughs* that\'s deep.\' Lexi mumbled inwardly referring to Churu\'s advice. She didn\'t expect such word from Churu as she always plays around and spat nonsense most or the times. She added,

\'By the way Sissy, do you smell danger around Ethan?\'

"Huh? No chu. He\'s clean inside out chu." Despite not knowing why Lexi asked her that all of a sudden, Churu still answered honestly. Indeed, Churu had a keen smell of a person\'s darkest soul and incoming life threatening chaos which actually attracts her -- reason why she was so in love with Wren Tanaka and other individuals back at the Yue Family banquet. To simplify, she knew if someone tainted their hand by someone else blood.

However, Churu left these details from Lexi and told her that she could only smell if someone is dangerous. For the sake of her host and her. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Why did you asked chu?" Churu inquired seeing that the side of Lexi\'s lips curled upwards. Alas, Lexi ignored her as she spoke directly to Ethan.

"Are you completely sober?"

"Ahh, I guess?" Furrowing his brows witnessing Lexis expectant eyes, Ethan felt a bad premonition by the looks of her grin.

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