
Chapter 337 - 337. Creepy

The two had decided to start by checking the doors. They had no idea what Sammy and Jackson were stuck doing in the basement after falling down the trap door. However, it was certain that the trap door had more than increased their feelings of worry. Every single step they took came with a softer first step to test if the floor would open up beneath them in to another slide. 

"We should just start with the first room on the right then to the other two. If the key to the basement isn't in one of them then we need to go to the attack. After that, we will check the kitchen." Asher put the plan out in to the air and Jane silently nodded. There was no way she would go past the rocking chair which had just stopped rocking suddenly. It was too creepy and she had not expected to be in this situation. 

Fonding that the normal looking door was not locked and opened easily, Asher was prepared for some horrific sight. "It's....normal." The room was simple. A small area rug. The bed was average size with blue sheets. And even the desk next to the bed was normal. 

"Hey, there's a journal open on the desk." Jane was looking at the journal and began to read it out loud without Asher even asking what it said. 

"The night she came for me should have been the happiest day of my life. My father always said he would bring mother back. He always said that he would find a way for me to sleep in her arms. Father never broke a promise, even at the cost of his life." The two shared a worried look. The seemingly normal journal was strange and full of odd writings. 

Jane shifted to another page with a worried loom on her face, "Mother continued to come more and more. I may have felt that my body was weaker when she came, but this was what father had wanted. I was together with mother and he had succeeded. I could care less if I lost the color in my face and the fat on my bones." 

"Why does this sound like the mother was eating her?" Asher had the feeling that this was not some simple mother and daughter. He already knew his feeling was correct but not in what way. 

Flipping to the last entry, Jane found that a drop of blood and tears stained the page. "Mother has come for the last time. She said today I could go with her and that she would take me where we are meant to be. But she said that father was already there waiting. But I know that father is in the basement still. He fell when mother finally came to see him and he never came back upstairs. Maybe mother can bring him back too. I will have to try when mother takes me. I can barely rise from this seta now." The writing was scrawled off in to illegible letters. 

"Should I take you too?" The raspy feminine voice was spoken right behind the two. The closet door had opened and a woman in white was standing behind them. She had long needle like teeth that could easily end them in a single bite. Realizing that the mother had definitely been eating the daughter with those needl like teeth, Jane and Asher dropped the journal and ran from the room slamming the door shut and not allowing it to open again. 

"Rooms are bad. Rooms are bad rooms are bad." This was the only phrase that Jane could say over and over. She was completely beside herself after the unwanted jump scare. 

"Breath through it. That was not a real monster. It was an actor. Just an actor." As much as Asher was trying to calm Jane down, he was trying to calm his own heart. He had not expected there to be an actor hiding in the closet. 

"Asher, what if they leave us here all night if we don't find the key?" Jane had somehow come to this fearful conclusion while worrying about the woman in the room coming after them. 

"They couldn't leave u here all night. They wouldn't be able to watch us. We could destroy the...there are cameras. They might…" Asher started to believe what Jane was saying and found the courage to open the next hallways door. 

This room was drastically different. When he opened it the room was void of any rug or furniture or even closet. The only thing in the room was a single small box. "Why does this seem like it is worse than the last room." Jane inched n side the room behind Asher while looking everywhere. There was nothing in the room but for the box, she made sure to look at every corner for any pointy toothed women that wanted to eat them. 

"I won't find the key without looking." Asher opened the small box with a quick flick of his wrist and found a small square note. "Ummm, it says they can see us?" Asher wasn't sure what it meant until he saw movement in the room. The walls seemed to change somehow. 

"Eyes." This was all Jane could say as the white and red eyes opened up all over the walls. The ceiling and even the floors. They all focused on the pair without blinking. Jane started to shakily step back and all the eyes trained on her with the step. 

"We run!" Asher grabbed Janes' hand and pulled her out of the room while slamming the door. "Freaking eyes! Eyes!" Asher was freaked out with the fact that he had just stepped on eyes and been surrounded by moving eyes. It was way too creepy and made his skin crawl.

The next one will be some super messed up room. Freaking mouths or something next." Asher was ranting and full of adrenaline while forcing the next door open to slam his face in to a wall of bricks.  After pulling his face free and staring at it he smiled, "This is the best door yet." 

"Agreed. Now we go to the kitchen, right?' Jane tried to pull Asher down the stairs again toward the kitchen. But he was not going to budge. The key they needed could be in the attic and that was where they would go. 

"We head to the attic. Or I can leave you all alone here?" This was enough to get Jane moving. Asher felt bad but still noticed that Jane was clutching his hand still while they moved up the stairs of the attic and past the stopped rocking chair.

Luckily for them, it didn't move at all but they could hear a music box playing in the attic. Bother of them could feel their skill crawl and Jan tried to step back down the stairs before she caught Ashers' stern eye. He wasn't going alone and she knew it. 

The top of the stairs showed a small room than they expected. However, when they got to the top they were frozen and silent. There were dolls. The entire room was tables of dolls having tea parties. But there was one table with dolls all around a small silver key. "I'll get it and you watch for them to move. If they do you scream and take off your glasses." Asher wanted Jane to be able to freeze someone in place if anything happened. It was his on;y chance to get out free of any fear. 

The music continued with Ashers' soft footsteps. He sneaked right to the table with the key and was able to pick it up. His heart was pounding hard enough for him to wonder if it would burst until he saw that there were small nearly invisible strings on all the dolls. 

No sooner had he noticed this when the dolls all turned and stood up. The music became deeper and faster while the dolls started to dance. Asher did not hesitate to sprint behind Jane who had jumped down a whole flight of stairs the moment it had happened. "Why? Why do that? That was terrible." 

"I saw the stings but it was too late. Too late…" Asher couldn't get the image of the dolls all getting up as if possed out of his mind even though he had just seen them on strings and not actually possessed. 

The two ran all the way down the stairs back to the basement door and began to calm themselves before they unlocked it. "At least we can get out of here. I hope Jackson and Sammy have been safe." 

While Jane and Asher had been busy with their worrisome hunt for the key, Jackson and Sammy had been stuck in the same basement for a while. 

"I thought this was the way out but we are actually stuck here. Maybe the door said freedom because that was what we could get if we are freed? Jackson was able to figure this out easily. However, feeling the grip that Sammy had on his arm after the fall he knew that she was worried that the other two would not be able to find the key and save them. There was only fear.

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