
Chapter 181: North Sea Ice Palace (1)

Chapter 181: North Sea Ice Palace (1)

Russia was a land with a largely cold atmosphere.

It was also where the North Sea Ice Palace, which was known to be a strong clan, was located.

There were many theories that the snowy field of the North Sea and the North Sea Ice Palace was located on Olkhon island.

Originally, there was an indigenous clan living on the island, but the clan came under control of the North Sea Ice Palace when the Sky Demon Order went to help them a thousand years back.

The North Sea Ice Palace had sent out a group to explore other lands and spread word of their reputation, but this caused the North Sea Ice Palace, which was originally just one group, to later be split into two groups with different views and beliefs.

More than a thousand years had passed since then, and this outsider group that was split off was now located at the southern end of Olkhon island.

The outsiders had originally intended to return to the original clan when they left, but they weren’t able to head to the northern tip of the island and had to settle in the southern tip.

Currently, they kept experiencing worse and worse confrontations.


The building located in the center of the southern tip of Olkhon island was the residence of Dan Cho-jin, one of the leaders of the Sky Demon Order and the head of the North Sea Ice clan.

Dan Cho-jin had silver hair and a beard, and although he looked like he was in his mid 40’s, he was actually 85 years old.

Body reconstruction allowed him to maintain youth in appearance and movement.

“Huh? Didn’t I say no?”

Dan Cho-jin spoke as if it was repulsed by a silver-haired man who seemed to be in his mid 30’s and a beautiful woman with curly silver hair who seemed to be in his 20’s.

They were Dan Cho-jin’s son Dan Cho-ja and granddaughter Dan So-yeong.

Dan Cho-ja frowned and opened his mouth,

“Father, you need to make a decision.”

“What decision?”

“They are already on a completely different path from ours.”

“Stop saying that.”

Dan Cho-jin strongly rebuked his child, prompting his grand-daughter to speak up,

“Grandfather, what my father is saying is correct. No matter how much the North Sea Ice Palace shares its roots with us, how can we move under the Ministry of Defense of Russia?! That should never happen!”

“Ugh, you people!”

Dan Cho-jin glared at his son and granddaughter.

How could people from three different generations have such a serious confrontation? The cause of their argument was the agreement of two factions that had been divided for a thousand years.

“Then, are you saying that we shouldn’t settle in our hometown and leave again?”

Hearing Da Cho-jin’s words, Dan Cho-ja spoke firmly,

“Yes, it’ll be better that way! According to the news we’ve heard, there are signs of the Sky Demon Order reviving again in China!”

“Again with that nonsense!”

“How can you say that when this could be a fated reunion? Why are you being so skeptical, unless you’re adamant about trying to enter Russia?”

Initially, the North Sea Ice clan was an outsider Murim clan that migrated from China.

However, their location within Russia was far above Mongolia, and as a result, their Russian neighbors reached out to them. It seemed like the North Sea Ice Palace had already entered into a treaty with Russia's defense.

Dan So-young spoke,

“Grandfather, I want to return to China just like what my father said.”

“You’re exactly like your father. This is my domain! How dare you people say that I abandon this place and the blood I shed here to return to the Sky Demon Order that we supported a thousand years back? In addition, that clan has collapsed! No matter how much they try to resurrect, do you think that China will sit silently while they try to revive again?”

Dan Cho-jin’s cheeks trembled in anger.

If they weren't his son and granddaughter, he would have gotten his hands involved by now.

“I won’t say any more! I am the leader, and my decision will not be overturned unless I die!”




Because of Dan Cho-jin’s adamant response, they got up to leave. Dan Cho-ja, who left first, smoked a cigarette and stood outside without a word while his daughter followed shortly.

“Father, cheer up.”

Looking at her supportive side, he put on a bitter smile.

“Thank you. However, you don’t have to do this and end up being scolded by your grandfather.”

“Well, what’s wrong is wrong. No matter how much we say that North Sea Ice Palace has our roots, our roots are actually in China.”

“I don’t know how to get this point into his head.”

They were the outside group that had left to tell people about the North Sea Ice clan, but when they came back and settled south of Olkhon island, they were always at odds.

All of the fighting came from internal conflicts. The North Sea Ice Palace that had sent the people out slowly became wary that, when the group returned, it would start to influence the power of the clan, so the North Sea Ice Palace forbade them from entering the palace. Despite the wrongfulness of the North Sea Ice Palace’s treatment, Dan Cho-jin had always waited for them to accept the North Sea Ice clan back once more.

“I think what Father is doing is right. Even though Grandfather conceded by handing over the divine item to them, they still demand more things from us.”

The requirements of the insiders were increasing each time; as if giving up the divine staff wasn’t enough, they wanted the clan head’s absolute loyalty to the Russian government.

“And I wonder if our roots here will be forgotten.”

For over a thousand years, they lived as members of the Sky Demon Order but didn’t know much about the clan. However, it was no exaggeration to think that the Sky Demon order would act the same as the North Sea Ice Palace.

“Right. You’re right.”

He stroked his daughter’s hair to ease her thoughts. Dan So-young said to him playfully,

“Don’t touch my hair with that hand, it reeks of cigarettes.”

“Ah, sorry.”

Dan Cho-ja released his hand and looked at the setting sun.

And since they were on an island, the environment was often covered with fog, but today it was thicker than usual and the entire atmosphere was imbued with a scarlet hue.

“I don’t feel too good about it, but I’ll have to convince my father again tomorrow. On the other hand, when will the power line be restored?”

“Well, it’s been 5 days already. It was fine at first, but the fact that I can’t watch TV or use the internet makes me so uncomfortable.”

All the power inside the island was cut off because of a problem with the wiring around the lake.

This was the 5th day of the power outage, and it began to feel like they were living like savages. Living wasn’t too bad, but since the power line was cut off, no information was being sent in about the rest of the world.

“Let’s head in first. It’ll get cold once the sun sets.”

Dan So-young puzzled at those words, asked,

“But Father, isn't it a bit too warm today?”

As if he didn’t notice it, he tilted his head. The weather was indeed warmer than he had expected.

Russia at this hour would usually be cold enough for people to freeze to death, but that same level of coldness wasn’t present at all.

“That’s true. Maybe the weather’s changed.”

Most of the time, the seasons were very discrete, but at some point, spring and autumn had gradually disappeared.

In most regions, there was only summer and winter. Dan Cho-ja grew up in China, which was a warmer area than here, and didn’t think it was of any concern and went in.


Dan So-young thought something was off. The fog was thicker than usual and the warmth in the evening was something she couldn’t understand.

“If only the phones were working, I would be able to figure out what’s going on.

She glanced at the flexible smartphone on her wrist. It had been powered off for so long because the charge had drained.

Phew. Am I being overly sensitive?”

She shook her head and went in after her father. A few hours later, the power was still out and she couldn’t think about what to do as the surroundings still felt stuffy.

‘Why is it so hot?’

It was difficult to concentrate on training because it was way too hot now. Just then, someone came in and shouted,

“Leader! Leader, come out and see this! We’re in a huge mess!”

Hearing that, she stopped her training and ran outside. Her father was already outside, still unable to understand why the heat was higher outside than inside.



“What is this?”

“I don’t know either.”

There weren’t any signs of fires spreading, so what was the cause of this heat?

Then, one of the clan members came to Dan Cho-ja and said,

“Young leader, we are in trouble! There’s a problem on one side of the lake.”

“A problem?”

The lake wasn’t visible to them as their clan, which was like a village, was located in a lowland in the southwestern tip of the island.

Both father and daughter hurried towards the pointed tip, and as they got closer, they could see a hazy mist and red ground – very ominous signs.

When they arrived near the lake, they were shocked.

“W-what is this?”

The lake was blazing red, and the liquid was too thick to be considered water. Both the father and daughter had to cover themselves with energy to stop the heat from burning their skin.


“Father, could this be lava?”

Dan Cho-ja couldn’t answer her. The lake around the island was undeniably full of lava and not a single person had noticed it until now?

This wasn’t something that could have happened naturally.

“Father… this.. is…”

Dan cho-ja bit his lip.


Right, this phenomenon was possible only if Gate opened.

There were three types of Gate entities. Individual, Disaster and Special.

This seemed similar to a natural disaster, so it was probably a Disaster type. Dan Cho-ja mumbled,

“How could this happen right when the power lines were cut off?”

The Gate seemed to open during the only time when they couldn’t alarm others. This was definitely a complicated situation to be involved in.

“And for us to know this only now!”

If this was happening someone should have noticed it, but no one had. One member of the clan yelled,

“Young leader, over here!”

When he moved there, Dan Cho-ja was horrified at the scene.

There were three bodies, and they were all clan people.

They had died with sharp wounds all over their bodies, as if someone had killed them.

“This is the Ice and Snow Sword technique!”

The sword marks on the body were undoubtedly from the Ice and Snow Sword technique, a technique that the North Sea Ice Palace used.

The Ice and Snow Sword technique was taught by either North Sea Ice Clan or the warriors of the North Sea Ice Palace.

Dying with such scars meant only one thing.

“Father… this is a trap!”

Dan So-young said in a trembling voice.

Dan Cho-jin, the leader of the North Sea Ice clan, was looking at the lava-filled lake with bewildered eyes along with the clan members.

The heat from the lava felt like it would burnt everything.

“How could this–”

The lava was slowly moving into the island. Over time, the entire land would eventually be submerged.

“Leader. We need to head deeper into the island as we could be hurt by the heat if we stay here.”

The heat could be avoided with internal energy, but withstanding the lava directly was a different matter altogether. Since this wasn’t a natural occurrence and likely involved a Gate, they couldn’t linger in the area any longer.



Dan Cho-jin raised his power and exerted a cold energy.

He then reached out to the place where the lava was flowing.


A long and huge ice wall about 5 meters wide was created to block the lava.


“It’s been stopped!”

The members of the clan marveled at the sight. To create an ice wall of this size wasn’t possible for just anyone.

Everyone was shocked and thought they could survive the disaster when,


A strange sound from the wall, which turned red as it melted it away quickly.

“No way.”

“It’s melting!”

Unfortunately, even the ice wall was taken down as it was unable to withstand the heat. All the clan’s hope turned into despair in just a second.


Dan Cho-jin looked at the melting ice wall as a strange feeling flowed inside him.

If this situation wasn’t prevented, the entire island would go down as this lava burned everyone to their death. The only ones who could move through air were him and Dan Cho-ja, but he couldn’t leave the clan members and run away.

‘If my strength isn’t enough, I’ll just need to join forces with others.’

Dan Cho-jin decided that he could overcome the heat of the lake if he worked with others. He decided to get help from the North Sea Ice Palace and try using the cold energy to create a path out of here.

“Let’s get help from the Ice Palace for now.”

The crisis called for the North Sea Ice clan and the North Sea Ice Palace to join forces, which could help them unify once more in the future. Then, someone ran over.


They were his son and granddaughter. Dan Cho-jin sighed in relief as he saw them safe and unharmed.

“You’re fine.”

And as he confirmed what they said, Dan Cho-jin said,

“We don’t have time for this, the lava is flowing in quickly so let’s hurry and go to the North Sea Ice palace.”

Hearing that, Dan Cho-ja held up his hand and said,

“There is no need for that, and no need for those people here.”

“What are you saying?”

“Father, this is a trap.”

“What are you saying? Tell me in a way that will help me understand what’s happening.”

Dan So-young answered to his shouting,

“Grandfather, all the members of the clan near the pier and lake were killed.”


Dan Cho-jin couldn’t hide his shock at those words. Even if that wasn’t the conclusion he had in mind, he not only wondered how such a thing had occurred but also how no one knew they were missing.

“Grandfather, you know how the power line was out 5 days ago?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Because of that, we didn’t even know about the Gate warning. Out there, the members who were guarding the lake and pier were killed. What do you think this means? This is all a trap by those Ice Palace bastards!”


Dan Cho-jin was at a loss of words, likely shocked at how certain she sounded.

He always thought of the Ice Palace as his compatriots from the same bloodline, but since the evidence pointed at the Ice Palace as the perpetrators, he was immensely disappointed.

“How can this… no, it can’t be that.”

Normally, it would be easy to take this in by others but this was not the case for Dan Cho-jin, who trusted the Ice Palace.

It made no sense of him that they would kill their own people just because they were now in different factions.

“Father! All the members killed had signs of the Ice and Snow Sword technique. You need to accept this now!”

Dan Cho-jin continued denial made Dan Cho-ja yell, but nevertheless, Dan Cho-jin shook his head and said,

“No, it can’t be that. I will go and see the truth with my own two eyes!”


“What are you talking about?! The lava is rushing and you want to go check that place now?”

The lava was flowing in quickly, and it now seemed like the entire path would be cut off. At that instant, the members of the clan shouted,

“Leader, the lava is reaching us! We can’t stay here any longer!”

All of a sudden, the lava was dangerously close to their location because even though they were all trying to hold it off, nothing seemed to work.

Meanwhile, out of stubbornness, Dan Cho-jin said,

“If you won’t come, then don't come, I will go there myself.”

Both the father and daughter were perplexed by his attitude. They then heard,

“Who is the leader of the North Sea Ice clan?”


Everyone looked at the source of the unfamiliar voice.

“And you are?”

Until now, there had only been members of the clan present, but a stranger with a black suit and white face suddenly appeared.

Of course, it was none other than Chun Yeowun.


“Who are you?”

“How did you come here?”

Both father and daughter pulled out their swords and aimed them at Chun Yeowun, showing their Murim instinct.

Their faces were stained with tension because someone was able to come this close to them without being sensed.

Then, Chun Yeowun spoke with a smirk,

“You’re dogs who don’t even know your master.”


“Before anything happens…”

Chun Yeowun raised his hand upwards.


At that moment, something strange happened in the sky. Countless Ice Swords were scattered in all directions while filled with heat. The members of the North Sea Ice clan were shocked at the sight.

“T-that sword?”

“What is this?”

Chun Yeowun waved his hand towards the lava, causing the Ice Swords dyed in blue light directly hit the flowing lava,


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