
Chapter 44 - Dragon-slaying Preparations!

Chapter 44: Dragon-slaying Preparations!

Deer Heart Village.

It was located in the northern part of the continent, near the mineral-rich Longsong Alley.

It occupied an area of about 3,000 square meters, and there were about 20 people living there.

If one were to judge based on appearances, Deer Heart Village would look no different from an ordinary, unassuming desert village.

No one would expect it to a settlement under Agatha’s rule.

Escape and resistance were not allowed.

If not for the fact that Deer Heart Village was located in the trade route that crossed the desert, the villagers would not have been able to hold on.

They were like livestock in captivity, trembling in fear of the Red Ancient Dragon.

The sky had just revealed a hint of white, and the warm sunlight had just shone on the desert, when suddenly, a lone figure slowly approached the village from a distance.

The middle-aged man who approached the village was slightly hunched over, and he carried a bag that was taller than an average adult.

The middle-aged man’s slender physique did not look particularly strong. However, contrary to the villagers’ assumptions, he seemed to possess great strength in his arms.

However, as the man had hidden both his arms in his sleeves, unless one observed carefully, they would not have noticed the mechanical nature of his arms.

The middle-aged man that had approached the village was none other than —


The guards of Deer Heart Village had noticed Bloom from afar.

The village chief had gathered the villagers to greet the visitor with open arms.

“Greetings, traveler, may I inquire as to where you’re heading to?”

“On behalf of Deer Heart Village, I welcome your arrival. Deer Heart Village can provide most of the items you need for a small fee.”

The old village chief asked enthusiastically.

Deer Heart Village had been exploited by Agatha for a long time. Without a surefire means to make money, they would have perished a long time ago.

Deer Heart Village’s method of making money was very simple. It was to receive tourists from all walks of life and to provide them with the resources they wanted.

Such resources include, camels, horses, clean clothes, and drinking water.

Naturally, the cost of these resources were not cheap. Most of the goods provided by Deer Heart Village were several times more expensive than those from the city.

Therefore, every time a traveler were to pass by Deer Heart Village, the villagers would make a killing.

Bloom nodded and went straight to the point.

“I came to Deer Heart Village to investigate the Red Dragon that has been attacking this place. If memory serves, the dragon’s name should be Agatha, right?”

After hearing Bloom’s words, the old village chief’s cloudy eyes flashed with renewed vigor.

The three heroes had died tragically in the desert. Although Deer Heart Village was isolated from civilization due to Agatha, news from the outside world was still passed to them via travelers.

He did not expect anyone to come of their own volition, especially after the tragic death of the three heroes.

As a result, the village chief was impressed with Bloom’s bravery.

Naturally, the village chief did not recognize Bloom. Although Bloom’s name and reputation was known far and wide, how many had actually seen the Dragon Slayer in the flesh?

Moreover, Bloom’s appearance had changed drastically. It was to an extent that most of his former friends would not recognize him either.

“Sir, although we admire your courage, I believe that it’s necessary to advise you against your actions.”

“You know not of Agatha’s fearsome strength. Even the three heroes of the kingdom were no match for her. Compared to them, you look frail and weak. It’s better for you to go home.”

Although the old village chief was not a good person, strictly speaking, the death of the three heroes was in part, due to him.

As such, his guilty conscience compelled him to persuade the traveler from throwing his life away.

After all, Bloom did not have much muscle. Although he looked very experienced and calm, how could he put up a fight against Agatha without possessing enough strength?

Moreover, should Bloom actually go and challenge Agatha, Deer Heart Village might come under attack due to the assistance the village had offered Bloom.

Of course, the old village chief did not know that Agatha had already left this desert.

Had the village chief learned that Max and Mia were the only dragons that remained, he would probably set off in a crusade and put an end to the thorns in his side!

“I heard that His Majesty the King is also preparing to launch a crusade against the dragons. I doubt that you’d need to do anything.”

The old village chief had already done his best. Should his advice fall onto deaf ears, there was nothing else he could do.

Bloom smiled faintly and said.

“Mr. village chief, you don’t have to worry. I have come across more dragons than you’d expect.”

“If you could provide me with Agatha’s habits, or weaknesses, if any, it would be a great help to me. Oh yeah, the name’s Bloom, by the way.”

Upon hearing the traveler’s name, the village chief trembled violently!

The old village chief’s expression changed instantly, and he now looked at Bloom as if he was a god that had decided to save Deer Heart Village!


“Are you actually Mr. Bloom!?”

Bloom nodded.

His title of Dragon Slayer had brought him some convenience at times.

A young man beside the village chief was somewhat puzzled. He did not understand the village chief’s sudden shift in attitude.

“Lord Village Chief, who is Mr. Bloom? Why are you so excited?”

The old village chief turned his head and glared fiercely at the youth.

“Mr. Bloom is a famous Dragon Slayer who was known throughout the continent a decade ago! The number of dragons that Mr. Bloom has slain is simply unimaginable!”

“Although the three heroes might be stronger than Mr. Bloom in times of war, before dragons, Mr. Bloom’s strength is second to none! Before dragons, the three heroes are no more than toddlers when compared to the likes of Mr. Bloom!”

The villagers were shocked at the village chief’s words.

“Oh my God, please save our village, Mr. Bloom!”

“Please save our village. We have really been enslaved by that Red Dragon Agatha for far too long!”

Bloom smiled and said, “That’s what I intend to do.”

Upon learning of Bloom’s intentions, Deer Heart Village instantly went into an uproar.

“That’s great. The nightmare plaguing our village will finally come to an end! There is finally hope!”

“Please let us treat you to a grand feast!”

The old village chief secretly wept tears and whispered.

“My dear Emily, you can finally live in peace.”

Bloom could not help but grin when he saw the enthusiasm of the villagers of Deer Heart Village.

“Everyone, you don’t have to go this far. All I ask is information regarding Agatha!”

The mechanical arm hidden in Bloom’s sleeve was slightly glowing at this moment.

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