
Chapter 62 - Necromancy Potion, the Blazing Felix!!

Chapter 62: Necromancy Potion, the Blazing Felix!!




At this moment, Max’s existence was like a nightmare that corroded the soldiers’ hearts.

Of course, there was no lack of strong-willed people within the human army.

However, they were also rational men.

Even if they piled all their strength together, would they be capable of pulling off an attack as powerful as Calsus’?

Would they be able to survive an attack that contained the might of a miniature sun?

Definitely not!

That blinding sword that burned as bright as the sun would kill them instantly! They would die before even noticing what had happened!

However, not only did the Red Dragon Hatchling withstood the terrifying attack, it had even killed Calsus in a single strike!

Moreover, the soldiers had also sensed the sheer destructive power from the Thunderous Divine Retribution that Max had unleashed in his lair earlier. This alone had convinced everyone to steer clear of him.

Most of the soldiers’ sanity were still intact, however, what other choice did they have? They were powerless against Max, and thus the only choice that remained for them was to flee!

After all, everyone had seen Max being struck with a Dragon-vanquishing Bolt with their very own eyes! However, all that transpired was the sound of metal colliding against hard dragon scales, and nothing else! Max was completely unharmed!

Everything was going according to Max’s plan.

Humans often thought of themselves as the smartest species. Even if their rationality had been corroded by fear, they would still subconsciously reiterate this opinion of theirs.

They believed that their eyes would not lie to them.

Thus, when Max had used his Invincible Golden Body to intercept the terrifying Dragon-vanquishing Ballista Bolt, the 100 thousand soldiers had naturally assumed that humanity’s greatest weapon had lost its effect against the dragons!

After all, Max’s skin had not been penetrated!

However, was that truly the case?

No, should any brave soul re-attempt firing a Dragon-vanquishing Bolt at this moment, Max would undoubtedly be incapacitated and he would immediately plummet onto the ground!

However, in reality, none of the soldiers were willing to even try again, even though many had run right past it while fleeing.

Moreover, as a result of Felix’s mishap, 2 out of the 3 Dragon-vanquishing Ballistae that they had brought to deal with Agatha had been lost within Max’s lair!

The aftermath of Max’s Thunderous Divine Retribution still remained in the lair, and as a result, any living creature that attempted to approach the lair would come into contact with the destructive will that was contained within the Thunderous Divine Retribution.

Although greatly weakened, the tiny electric currents that lingered in the air could easily kill humans with weak defenses.

Naturally, not everyone had given up on the Dragon-vanquishing Ballista.

In the distance, a familiar figure had already set his target on the remaining Dragon-vanquishing Ballista.

Both of the person’s limbs were mechanical contraptions.

He was the Dragon Slayer, Bloom!

“What do we do, Felix?”

“Should we prepare to flee?”

At this moment, the battlefield had undergone an earth-shattering change.

A large number of deserters had caused the morale of the entire army to collapse. One deserter resulted in ten more, and ten deserters had spawned a hundred more deserters. The effect was like a ripple that spread through the army’s ranks, and before long, the movement was already too late to halt.

Even at this moment, Gallio and Felix, who were once the brains of the army and commanded everything, were powerless to salvage the situation.

After all, in the face of death, most would lose all determination that they once held.


“What do you mean, flee?”

“We are soldiers, Gallio!”

Felix cursed Gallio vehemently. He did not expect Gallio to be the type of scum who would run away from a fight.

Gallio was momentarily stunned by Felix’s reaction. However, soon after, he seemed to have thought of something and nodded.

“Indeed, Felix, you’re right.”

“Now that the continent has been unified by the old king, even if we try to escape, where can we even go to?”

Gallio laughed bitterly.

“To be honest, I really hate you, Felix.”

“But I’m sure that even you are aware that this Dragon Hatchling is no simple dragon. The fact that it can easily defeat that brat Calsus means that we are not to take it lightly.”

“I’m such a fool. I should never have accepted the order to lead this crusade into this crummy desert in the first place. With such huge losses incurred, even if we were to return, I doubt that we would be let off lightly. Thus, we might as well go all out here. If we managed to somehow defeat this Dragon Hatchling, perhaps, the old king might forgive the losses we’ve incurred.”

At this moment, Gallio reached into his satchel and brought out a pitch black bottle.

Despite the moonlight shining upon it, the black bottle did not produce any reflective glow whatsoever.

It was like a black hole that sucked all light from its surroundings.

This was Gallio’s most precious potion. However, due to the circumstances he was in, he had no choice but to use it.

“Alright, cut the crap, time to give it our all.”

Intense flames appeared all across Felix’s body.

Following that, several magic arrays appeared behind him!

Ripple Overdrive!

Oath of Gold and Stone!

Profound Protection!

Casas’ Bonfire!

Under the support of the four great magic arrays, Felix’s muscles began to expand exaggeratedly.

At the same time, countless elemental spirits in the air also rapidly gathered in Felix’s direction.

Felix’s muscles, which had swelled to their limits, suddenly lit up!

It was as if his essence, energy, and spirit had reached the pinnacle of his life!

“Gallio, hold back that dragon for me!”

“I’m confident that my strongest move will break through its defense!”

Upon hearing Felix’s roar, Gallio’s eyes gradually darkened. He looked at the countless soldiers around him who were trying to escape, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Necromancy potion, A Million Undead!”

Gallio laughed out loud as he filled the bottle in his hand with immense mana. Suddenly, as if stimulated, the liquid in the bottle began to boil intensely.

“Restrain the Dragon Hatchling’s movements!”

Upon saying this, the liquid in the bottle suddenly shot out and scattered into the air!

The liquid immediately evaporated into the air and then turned into grayish-black smoke.

Countless soldiers who were escaping inhaled the black smoke from their mouths and noses.

The next instant, they looked as if they had lost their minds.

Their eyes turned white, and the veins on their bodies bulged. They trembled uncontrollably.

A strange scene had enveloped the battlefield as thousands of soldiers began to contort uncontrollaby!

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