
Chapter 243: Ma Wentao is quitting

Chapter 243: Ma Wentao is quitting

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

Outside the operating room, Chen Yan was the first to receive the good news that the surgery was a success. “Cousin-in-law, don’t cry anymore. The surgery is over, and the result was good. The rest will depend on us to take care of Chen Yun. Now’s not the time to be weak.”

“Yeah! As long as he’s still alive. I don’t even dare to imagine what it will be like without him in our family. As long as he’s still alive, even if he’s paralyzed, I’m willing to assist him for the rest of our lives. Yan, please thank the doctors for me. I don’t know what I should be doing. Take this money. Don’t be stingy about treating them to a meal. You absolutely must thank the surgeons,” Chen Yun’s wife said while giving her a bank card.

“No need to mind such a thing. I’ll take care of all this. There’s probably no need for something like a meal. The primary surgeon has a good relationship with me. I need to change into my nurse’s uniform, and then I’ll go to the ICU to check on how my cousin is doing,” Chen Yan answered.

“Can I come as well!?” Chen Yun’s wife had a really expectant expression as she hugged her son who was currently fast asleep. She also wanted to go see her own husband who had just suffered so much.

“No. The ICU won’t allow you to enter. It’ll be fine with just me checking up on him. Organize your emotions. The days coming will be the hardest.”

The anesthesiologist and operating room nurse brought the patient Chen Yun over to the ICU. Zhang Fan’s physical abilities were being buffed by his System, so he hadn’t felt anything during the surgery which had lasted for more than six hours, all while standing without a moment to rest. But now that the surgery was finished, Zhang Fan suddenly felt as if his legs had been injected with lead. Since things were so hard on him already, he could imagine how much harder it would have been for his three surgical assistants, who were all much older than he was.

The three much older surgeons were currently sitting down against the wall and smoking in the doctors’ resting area while chatting about meaningless things. There were chairs in the doctors’ resting area, but they instead chose to sit down on the ground against the wall, as stretching their legs out while smoking was the most comfortable position for them. Smoking was actually forbidden in the hospital. However, the hospital would usually turn a blind eye to doctors smoking in their resting area. The surgeons were truly exhausted.

However, Zhang Fan and the other three men all had satisfied and delighted expressions. It felt really, really special to succeed at such a surgery. Such a sense of accomplishment couldn’t be brought by money or authority. To describe this feeling in words, it was just like something warm flowing into the heart, while a faint sense of excitement flashed in the brain.

This sense of accomplishment would bring about self-discipline and pride. Countless doctors all around the world would shout about how tiring their job was. However, the great majority of doctors still wouldn’t give up on their job for a different job of equivalent pay. The job of doctor just had such a special attractive quality to it.

Since Zhang Fan was basically cheating with his System buffing his physical body, and he was also much younger than the other three doctors, Zhang Fan managed to recover after only about 10 minutes of rest. “My dear three leaders, shall we go get some food? With the current time, we might as well count this meal as both lunch and dinner.”

“No. All I want right now is to sleep,” said Director Li while continuing to smoke.

“I’m also not interested.” Vice Director Chen had his eyes closed. Since it was the weekend, fewer doctors were on duty at the hospital. The four of them were currently the only ones in the doctors’ resting area right now. Vice Director Chen wanted to immediately sleep here.

“Being young is so nice. I’m not hungry at all right now. Feel free to go by yourself.” Director Zhao was also really fatigued. Instead of leaning with his back against the wall like the other two surgeons, he was already spread out on the ground, as if he didn’t have any bones in his body. He didn’t seem like an expert doctor at all right now!

Although the three older men weren’t feeling hungry right now, Zhang Fan was really starving. He immediately rushed out to go and find something to eat. He didn’t want to trouble Shao Hua’s parents to make food for him, so he simply ordered three dishes at a Sichuan cuisine restaurant right behind the hospital. He scarfed all the food down ravenously.

It was common for many surgeons to have stomach problems, since surgeons would often be unable to eat meals at normal times. This was an unfortunate and unavoidable problem with the profession.

It would be impossible for a hospital department director to not have tricks up their sleeve and some spies of their own. Originally, the proctology director intended on having a fun honeymoon with his new wife for two whole months. However, his spy in the proctology department called him and told him about how Zhang Fan had organized such a major proctology surgery for the department. The proctology director was no longer in the mood to stay out and have fun. He figured that he would no longer have anything to do by the time that he returned if he really stayed out for two months.

Three days after the rectal cancer surgery, the proctology director suddenly canceled the rest of his vacation and returned to work at the hospital even though he had only taken slightly more than two weeks of his planned vacation! Since the proctology director had returned, Zhang Fan was now freed from the proctology department.

The hospital administration director asked Zhang Fan if he wanted to finish his rotation in proctology right away, or if he wanted to stay for a full month in the proctology department. Zhang Fan chose to immediately finish his rotation, as there was nothing else meaningful to do here. The proctology director had rushed back to work without finishing even half of his planned vacation. Zhang Fan understood that this meant the proctology director felt his position was threatened. Since it was almost New Year’s, Zhang Fan wanted to take some time off to rest so that he could properly accompany his younger sister Jingshu.

Zhang Fan decided to go ahead and use his New Year’s vacation time. Since Zhang Fan was unmarried, and his hometown was more than 300 kilometers away, he was allotted seven days of vacation time per year. New Year’s vacation time was another seven days as well, so Zhang Fan could use all of this vacation time for a combined 14 days.

Well, only someone like Zhang Fan who had special status at the hospital would actually be permitted to take such a long 14-day vacation. A young resident doctor or rotation doctor would only be able to dream about their vacation days, without actually being able to take such a long vacation! They would lose their job otherwise!

From what this author has seen, women usually liked to buy some things which they really loved at the time of purchasing, but might never touch again in their life.

Shao Hua and Jingshu were like this as well. When they went to Thailand, they had only brought a single large suitcase with them. However, they returned with three large suitcases! They brought back latex pillows, very large-brimmed straw hats, all sorts of dried fruits from Thailand, and many accessories.

Zhang Fan finally felt reassured now that Shao Hua and Jingshu had finally returned from Thailand. Zhang Fan really did give himself some rest time for real on this vacation. Zhang Fan was currently sitting in the middle of the sofa while Shao Hua and Jingshu both snuggled up to him on his left and right side respectively. They were showing off what they had brought back on their trip to him.

“Look! I bought this jade ring for you!” Shao Hua purchased a really green ring for Zhang Fan.

“It looks pretty nice, just like a glass marble!” Zhang Fan simply gave it a glance. He had no interest in such a thing. Besides, as a surgeon, he couldn’t wear jewelry on his hands. How was he supposed to perform surgery with that on his hand?

“You have good taste. This jade ring cost 800 or so yuan. Apparently, it’s some type of special glass. Just look, look, it’s so beautiful!” Shao Hua and Jingshu were really cute and silly to have spent 800 yuan at a tourist hotspot on some so-called special glass.

Zhang Fan really wasn’t accustomed to having so much free time. Although he wanted to sleep in, he would always automatically wake up early in the morning! He would then go out for his daily morning jog, study his medical textbooks, and then go out shopping together with Shao Hua and Jingshu.

For doctors, especially surgeons, they would usually care a lot about their reputation. Although something like reputation seemed rather ethereal, there were indeed those who dreamed every day of becoming famous. Yet, no matter what they did, they couldn’t become well-known at all.

Zhang Fan was starting to become famous in Chasu City now. Various government employees at certain bureaus started learning that Zhang Fan was highly skilled, since they would have good information channels. Through the government employees, the average citizen would also slowly learn about who the most skilled doctors in town were.

In the past, Zhang Fan would receive very few phone calls on his cell phone. At most, Shao Hua, Chen Qifa, and his other friends and coworkers would call him. They all knew that Zhang Fan was really busy, so they rarely called him. But now, Zhang Fan was really starting to hate the invention known as the cell phone!

Although he was on vacation, he couldn’t turn off his cell phone. Zhang Fan had already reported to the hospital when applying for his vacation that he wouldn’t be leaving Chasu City. This was the special nature of working for the hospital in comparison to other jobs. As long as you were still in the same city as the hospital, you wouldn’t be allowed to turn off your cell phone. The hospital might summon you over at any moment, interrupting the doctor’s vacation.

While the hospital didn’t contact Zhang Fan for anything major during his vacation, many people now started calling Zhang Fan through their connections to have him treat them. Zhang Fan didn’t refuse a single one. Firstly, Zhang Fan loved to grind experience for his System. Secondly, this was simply how Zhang Fan was. He would help everyone who needed it. While he could indeed refuse, that didn’t fit with his personality. Besides, he figured that he should broaden his connections in society, rather than cut them off.

Some people would luckily be born into incredibly wealthy families. However, obviously most people wouldn’t be so lucky. If you wanted to have a good life or achieve a certain standard in success, you would have to work hard unless you were born lucky.

It was about to be New Year’s, but Zhang Fan wouldn’t have a chance to rest anymore. For a certain reason, Ma Wentao was now quitting his hospital business! This suddenly happened without any warning beforehand at all.

Ma Wentao gave Zhang Fan a phone call. “Sorry! I’m leaving!”

“Where are you going?”

“I don’t know!”

“You don’t know?”

“Yeah, I don’t know! There’s no hope anymore for starting my new hospital! I would like to transfer legal ownership of my current hospital over to you. If you don’t want it, then I’m just going to close that hospital!”

“What!?” Zhang Fan was incredibly astonished to hear this!

“Think it over. I’ll come meet you in three days!”

That was all that Ma Wentao said. Zhang Fan held onto his cell phone while sitting down on the sofa. He was absolutely stunned by this!

“What is it? Were you called to perform a surgery?” Shao Hua was concerned because she noticed that Zhang Fan seemed to be petrified.

“That’s not it!”

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