
Chapter 41

From Diana’s point of view, John had already become one of Vlad’s favorites . It might be because of his abilities or talent or business, or it could be a combination of everything .

Meanwhile, after some time, Diana’s maid Maurice prepared a grilled jerk chicken with salads, this was one of the recipes which John had shared at Steve’s house earlier and from there they got it over here .

"Who knew we could use these spices in another way and make our food more tasteful . Good food Maurice . "

"Well John really is an interesting guy, we got to see a lot of new things after making his acquaintance,"

Maurice was quite happy after perfecting the recipe and getting praised by Diana,

"That’s certainly true princess, we even got to learn so many new recipes and make food in new ways . "

While Vlad only nodded a bit, which couldn’t even be seen . Vlad did so instinctively as he always liked to maintain his composure . But Diana’s still noticed it, she only smiled and didn’t ruin it for Vlad . While Vlad could only see her act haughtily .

"Okay, send this recipe to dad and others in the family, I think they will certainly like it . what do you guys think?"

Maurice, "I am sure Sire and Madam would love it, we should send them this recipe without wasting any moment . "

Vlad replied, " Well, it depends, but I think it is an okay dish . "

Usually, Vlad wouldn’t comment on the dish and simply shake his head in disappointment when he was not satisfied with a certain dish . However, today it was quite surprising that Vlad had a good opinion on food .

It was only during royal banquets or the chief chef of their mansion who got face from Vlad when it came to an appraisal of food .

Meanwhile, Vlad bought a sketch of John’s Mansion from one of his documents and showed it to Diana’s, he showed this sketch as he found this architecture quite interesting, this sketch was made by one of the traveling artists who recently visited the North-frontier town . Initially, the artist wanted to make a sketch of animals and birds in the wild but after he saw the Mansion, he changed his mind and decided to make a sketch of John’s Mansion . Vlad got this sketch via one of his informants as he had decided to get full information on John and hence he got to know about John’s mansion .

"Young Miss, as you had requested earlier we investigated John a bit more and got to know about his recently built mansion, what do you think about this architecture? From our information, this mansion was personally designed by John and implemented by one of the Woodworkers from North-frontier town . Recently, they have also started selling various types of new furniture which have become famous among merchants of North-frontier town and their nearby villages . "

Diana thought for a while and gave her thoughts about the mansion after looking at the sketch, "quite unique, I think we made a good investment this time around, Just from looking at this sketch I can imagine the amount of effort required to make this mansion possible, maybe he wouldn’t have required a lot of effort because of his talents but this is nonetheless a very good work of art . "

Vlad smiled and said in a teasing tone to Diana, "Sure enough, top architects from around the world would have charged humongous prices for this type of palace to be built . It seems your instinct really got us lucky this time around", this time Vlad was really complimenting her but he still had his sadist smile on his face .

In the Royal Heavenly Palace of the Imperial City,

One of the servants of the Royal Palace was waiting for her Majesty as he was going to be rewarded by her .

"You did quite well in finding these Rose soaps, nowadays his majesty is quite happy and I feel it is because of these soaps which are having a good effect on my skin as well as it creates a good atmosphere because of smell . "

As the women were always competing for his majesty Lionheart’s attention, all of her wives competed with each other and tried a lot of things .

This time it was Cecilia who was rewarding a servant for his work .

Cecilia asked the servant, "before going, tell me, from where did you get these soaps . "

After getting his bag full of gold, Servant answered her hastily "Her Majesty, it was one of the caravans of Morgan family which reached capital to trade their goods, as I was pretty close to one of the dealers, I got this soap earlier than others, it is rumored that Marquis Ray is one of the backers of Rose soap in the southern domain . "

This servant knew that it was inside information which mattered when he was dealing with her and hence answered her questions .

"He also told me that it was Joseph Morgan who stuck the deal with the creator these soaps and this didn’t lack truth as recently Joseph got more attention and resources for his trade in the north from his family . "

Cecilia thought and made a decision while she gave her orders to the servant, "Make sure you delay this news as much as possible in the palace, if that guy from Morgan family wants to sell all of his goods, then tell him to contact us, we can anyway resell them if we bought them in plenty . "

The servant then saluted and took her orders, "As you wish her highness . "

Inside a very luxurious room, his highness Lionheart as well was pretty much pleased with Rose soaps he used after bathing for a few days,

Today before going to the courtroom, he asked his butler, "What do you think about these new soaps which are quite popular among the aristocratic circles nowadays . "

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