
Chapter 69

Glenn thought a bit after Prague’s influence and said to Prague, "Okay, it’s decided, we will move there and announce our departure in the coming days, I guess some people would anyway be happy that I cleared their way . "

Prague said a bit hesitatingly, "Maybe, but the management would certainly be unhappy and try to get back at us for leaving them without a good reason as they would think we are rebelling because of their unfair treatment . "

Glenn frowned a bit and said, "Well, I don’t care anyway . We only need to be prepared if they try to do anything funny . And I guess since Baron John has personally sent this letter to us, he is prepared to face the consequences of hiring us . Recently I heard he had also offended Prince Hector but because of a certain backer, Prince Hector isn’t acting directly but I am sure with his petty personality he will try to get back at him soon .

Anyways Eva too lives over there, even she sent me a letter but I thought it was not worth it previously until I got a letter personally written by the Lord of North-frontier town and also that rejection letter from management again . "

Prague smiled after hearing Glenn’s decision and said to him, "It is still better than nothing, who knows maybe we can change something if we go over there . A lot of people got invitations from them and also others which included increased wages and better resources however a lot of people have shrugged it as we did earlier as they think how much resources can the north-frontier town give them to support their works . However, a lot of people who are at the other end of the stick were moved by their offer because they are not in good books of management or other powerful aristocrats plus they have not seen results of their hard work over the years . One such person is Professor Hague who published his work on the cruel reality of the Slave-trade over the years which included propaganda from the state which normalized it . His resources were seized the moment he published this work and gave it to upper management . This work was censored to the masses and only professor Hague carries it now . He was quite stubborn on some of his views . however, he kept a low profile as he understood that after that incident, his life could be in danger since he was someone who is powerless . You know what happened to professor William years ago after he wrote about the scandals about the throne and some court officials, I guess Hague is afraid of dying without achieving anything great and one of the most important reasons is most nobles wouldn’t hire him in their domain as they might get implicated by their rivals because of him .

The most horrifying thing about Professor William was that his wife ended up dead and his daughter in a whorehouse, only his boy escaped that massacre . I guess that incident scared a lot of people . "

Glenn thought a bit and said, "Yes I remember Professor Hague, he was given a lot of cold shoulder by upper management, He gave me quite an impression when I met him for the first time, he had a determined gaze when I met him . Well, where did you get this information? and it seems Baron John intends to hire anyone capable even if they are misfits for some and are hard to control . The very fact that he is willing to court these people to educate his masses means that he has the political will to confront the Imperial University, even if it means going head-on against them however his only obstacle would be the funding to operate such a massive project . However, I am relieved to know that we are being hired by someone who is fearless on certain issues so I guess I will bet on this chance even if it means I am taking a wrong path . "

Prague said to Glenn in a mocking way and a determined gaze, "We don’t know if it is a wrong path unless we try it . From my current information, some of those guys who got the invitation are going there because of the increased wage, as they don’t see a future over here . As for the information regarding professor Hague and professor William I got it from the brats gossiping as usual . You might know how our University has a lot of children from noble households and their gossiping habits, don’t you?"

Glenn thought and said, "I guess that’s true as those children can’t control their mouth . Anyway, what I liked about the letter is his big ambition where he plans to educate all the people from his city, regardless of their status . You also saw his plan for a systematic way of removing slavery from his city . I guess Professor Hague was probably moved by his plan . I only came to this conclusion after I got your information regarding his previous work . And from his initiatives, I can see that he is planning big and long from how he even planned to remove slavery and his plan to teach all the people regardless of their status . I guess if he becomes strong enough he will disregard the laws of Aelius and make his own laws according to his values and people of the land . "

Prague also continued, "A lot of professors got the same invitation like us but it seems Baron John had only written that letter to us as he was quite interested in your theory of teaching and need for reduced taxes . However, I don’t know and can’t confirm the personal letter for professor Hague . "

Glenn said without any hesitation, "He most probably got it since he is working for such a long time and has a lot of experience on how the Imperial university deals with certain situations . Experienced men would be valuable to him and he certainly would know about him . I am only wondering why he is spending such large amount on teaching people because most of the Nobles only create Knight schools unlike the other schools of learning where there is no real benefit for them unless they have resources and reputation of royal family to create a profit as you know most of the people are poor and can’t afford such education . "

Glenn smiled and continued, "Maybe he sees something which we can’t, I wonder what we will see after the success of such an ambitious plan . "

Prague too nodded and said, "That’s true, However, the biggest surprise was the arithmetic Professor Liam who has announced that he will head to North-frontier town . I wonder what persuaded him to make such a decision to work there? He even proclaimed that anyone pursuing a career in Arithmetic and Mathematics should follow him to North-frontier town for higher studies . Anyway, he has always been an odd one when it comes to certain things . However, I don’t think he was Joking when it came to the topic of arithmetic and mathematics .

And from rumors, in a few days, Baron John is going to reveal the internal policy of his city where he will reveal the laws for his town . I wonder how it will play out . And recently there are rumors that he is creating a new type of army called the police force which would only focus on the internal order of the city . Quite a unique creation of dividing the work of army for invasion and defense while another force for internal order of the city . "

Glenn asked Prague, "The division of work for army in internal matters and outside is quite a unique and good idea since the teams would focus on their main jobs without the need for diverting their strength and time on other matters, This may also increase the efficiency of particular forces when it comes to certain matters .

Anyway, what do you think of their papers, ink and how they write on those papers? they were quite identical characters so its hard to believe that someone can copy the same identical characters on other pages . I believe they made something which gives them power and resources for publishing in quantity and hence their confidence in providing us with enough resources because unless you are a duke you won’t be able to get hands-on so much resources whether it is men or material . "

Prague thought a bit and replied to Glenn, "I don’t know, but that may also be the reason they are quite confident in funding this project of educating everyone from small to old in that town . As for the paper, it was of higher quality compared to the papers we use over here . They may have higher costs which we don’t know or they may have revealed it to us just to showcase their prowess . Recently they have been creating a lot of new things, from my sources, the recently popular Soaps in the upper aristocratic circles have been produced by them and the designs for new the clothes which were provided by the Snake family has also been provided by them . Because of this, recently a lot of traders and people have been visiting North-frontier for better opportunities . However, people still don’t like the idea of living in a border town where beasts could invade them at any time . "


Meanwhile, at John’s Mansion, there was an important meeting taking place where all the officials were present .

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