
Chapter 93

There was a Banquet now after the show,

Ambassador Luke tasted some food and commented, "It seems the food here is quite good . From the looks of it, Ray, you weren’t bragging when you publicized about the food made by Baron John’s men . "

Marquis Ray grinned as he spoke, "To be honest, you would be more surprised if you try all the delicacies over here since I only tried some of the food made by his men when he visited me earlier . And buttering up with me won’t help you . "

Luke laughed, "Of course, I know the noble etiquette . Interests and Honor triumph above everything else . Well, today I am only here to lay out the position of Royal Family . To be very honest, I was quite surprised by the previous event . "

Bishop Robert interrupted as he spoke after he heard Luke, "However, from what I heard, the Baron here is quite stubborn when it comes to certain things . "

Luke rebuked him and spoke, "Well the same can be said about Radiant church, you guys have stringent rules as well . As for Baron John, I can’t be sure since I heard he was quite easy going with his own people as we can see that he reduced the taxes here to the lowest point possible so that commoners can have an improved life . I can see why he chose to reduce the taxes as he had an alternative to knights and these weapons would surely reduce the burden of the state . "

Taylor spoke as he heard the conversation, "Well our Lord did spend quite a lot when he made this weapon . I hope everyone is enjoying the banquet today . Lord will arrive in a minute . "

Luke smiled as he replied immediately, "Butler Taylor won’t have to worry, because I am sure this banquet can rival the cuisines of Royal banquet, I hope you guys can introduce some of the cuisines at the Royal court during celebrations . Meanwhile, I wonder If I can have a private meeting with Lord John later on . "

Taylor understood Luke’s meaning as he heard him, "Surely, Lord was quite surprised when he heard that you were present today at the event, He also hoped to have a talk with you . Both Lord and Ambassador Luke can meet later on after the banquet . "

Duncan couldn’t hold Lukav as Lukav came to the front and said, "Ahahahaha, It seems the rumors weren’t filled with bias when they praised the cuisine of Hope . Duncan, come and have a bite, these dishes are quite delicious, I especially liked this thing called Pizza . "

Duncan Facepalmed as he heard Lukav after he ate the delicacies, Duncan thought, ’I guess I really can’t control Lord Lukav completely . I guess Lord may also be trying to judge the baron since the baron has enough strength to protect himself after watching the previous show . ’

Duncan replied as everyone on the scene was watching them, "Haha, I guess we came uninvited today, I hope you guys don’t mind . "

Lukav Rebuked Duncan when he heard, "Hey, who says I came uninvited, I got a letter of invitation for this banquet, We just decided to come here in a disguise . "

Lukav looked at others and said, "As for you guys, you don’t have to worry, I was only interested in this town as I heard there were a lot of new things coming out of this town . "

Ambassador Luke came and first saluted Lukav, "I would have already paid my respects to you, your highness, if I knew you were going to come over here . "

Lukav watched both Luke and Robert and continued, "I am quite sure both of you are full of schemes today after watching that weapon in action . You won’t mind if I buy some of those weapons, right?"

Ambassador Luke said in a roundabout way to Lukav, "Of course your highness, I don’t mind, however, I am not sure about how your father would react or would Baron John really want to sell those weapons to you . "

Meanwhile, John just arrived when this scene was taking place,

John came and lifted up the tense mood that was taking place, "Today is a joyful event so I hope everyone can have fun, today we will be serving the newest alcohols that we made at the brewery, I hope everyone enjoys it . Taylor, order the men to serve it to everyone . The first one is a white wine called snow and the second one is a Red wine called Red Moon . This will only be served in Hope restaurant and sold in small quantities at our stores every day . "

Ambassador was quite surprised but he didn’t show it at his face as he first took the white wine cup and drank it slowly, "Hmm . . . this wine is quite good, perfect for the parties . "

Marquis Ray also took a sip and spoke, "Yes, This wine is a lot better compared to the best ones that I have in my cellar . I think I will buy both of them back to Pearl City . "

Frank whispered to Marquis Ray when he said it, "It seems today you used your words quite astutely because from what I know, I think you still have the Royal wine that is usually produced by King’s brother in law . "

Marquis Ray coughed a bit and whispered to Frank, "Ahem Ahem, of course, you have to be careful with your words . I hope you won’t mention that again"

Frank laughed and spoke, "hahaha, I am only teasing you, you shouldn’t be worried . "

Lukav drank Red Moon and gave his opinion, "I think this red wine suits me quite well, it is heavier compared to all the drinks I had tried earlier . Additionally, it also has a sweet taste that goes well with it . "

Lukav continued as he tried the white wine as well, "This white wine name snow is light compared to the Red moon, However as Ambassador previously said, it is suited for parties where both men and women can drink . Well, I would still prefer this red wine over white wine . And in my personal opinion, both of these wines are the best wines I have tried in all these years . "

John laughed, "Hahaha, I am quite glad, you guys were happy with our new wines . "

Meanwhile, everyone was quite shocked after hearing Lukav because they knew that Lukav didn’t easily give good criticism when it came to alcohol .

Duncan sighed a breath of relief when he heard Lukav, "I guess Lord still has some tacit since we are here to make an alliance . "

Georgio whispered to Duncan, "Or maybe those wines are really that good as even Lord was compelled to praise about them . You should be aware of our Lord’s personality when it comes to wines . "

Duncan sighed as he heard Georgio, "I guess you are right as well . Since we can’t expect the Lord to change overnight . Both ways it is good . "

Lukav asked Taylor, "So who are the creators of these wines, I would really like to meet them since they can make such wonderful wines . "

Taylor coughed a bit and spoke with pride, "Ahem . . . Ahem . . . Actually, both of the formulas were given by Lord John, As you know Lord is a Pharmacist and dabbles a lot in herbs and other plants . So he incidentally created those wines is what I think . "

Lukav had surprised look on his face when he heard John created both of these wines, "Quite an interesting guy . It seems he likes to explore a lot and create more novel and new things . Well, I hope I can get a carriage full of Red Moon . You see I am quite fond of Wines, I hope you don’t reject me . "

Georgio spoke to Duncan, "It’s quite surprising to see Lord behave in such a manner . "

John nodded and answered Lukav, "Since today is a special occasion, we won’t reject anyone on personal orders . I hope we can get back to real business . "

After the end of the Banquet, everyone got back to real business .

John smilingly greeted Marquis Ray and said, "It has been quite a while, Marquis Ray and Mr . Frank . I am sure you were quite surprised by all the events that took place today . "

Marquis Ray smiled and replied, "It surely has been an eventful day . I never thought it would be this big . I heard from Joseph that he is going to be the Head of the Trading Chamber of Commerce of your domain . Okay, I will get straight to the point, I wonder if we can buy those ballista’s to arm our naval fleet, I think it would be better for both of us since our trade routes would be protected more firmly and that would reduce pressure on Joseph while you guys could get a big defense contract that would also include future maintenance . I have a piece of good news for you, Duke Sapphire Rose will come to meet you personally in a few days, because of certain circumstances he was stuck earlier and couldn’t make it up over here in time today, however, it is not an official visit . From what I know it would be an opportunity for both of you . "

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