
Chapter 174

After the Banquet at John’s Palace, John’s deal was officially signed with the Elves .

after the banquet, Alison spoke after trying all the cuisines, "The praise of cuisine by those traders is understated . I never thought the food can taste so good . The Wines themselves were very good and of high quality, I guess only the tears of the 1000-year-old Aspen tree could match them, A pity that it can only be extracted them once a year and that too in low quantities . Yes, I have decided, our first trade will consist of all sorts of wines which were present in this banquet . I personally am prepared to use Nature magic on your all of your farms’ first thing tomorrow morning . "

Duke Rose was surprised after hearing Alison, "Ambassador Alison, are you sure? I heard you don’t even usually entertain the dukes or other ministers in the Ayananore kingdom with your nature magic . or are you just spouting bulls**t . "

Alison was drunk as he spoke in an angry drunk manner, "Of course I am sure, you think I would back down on my promise . I will do it first thing in the morning . I usually only get to drink once a year since I only have one 1000-year-old tree in my yard . I am someone who doesn’t joke when it comes to using nature magic . "

Mist slapped his forehead as he heard Alsion, He murmured, "Usually I only had to bear this type of nonsense from this guy only once a year, what a headache . This will be problematic . It seems this drink is really good that even Alison is moved . "

Alison heard Mist as he glared him with sharp eyes and asked in an angry manner, "What did you say?"

Mist sighed and spoke, "Nothing . "

Mist murmured, "I wonder if you are an elf or a dwarf, seriously . "

Duke Rose smiled as he saw Alison and spoke to John, "You are quite lucky John . Mr . Alison usually doesn’t even entertain the queen or princess Emena if they want to use Mr . Alison’s power for fun . He only uses it when it comes to emergencies . I guess this was also coupled by the fact that both of the ambassadors have a good impression on you as you cared a lot about your populace regardless of their identity . Your Fight with the Radiant Church was a blessing in disguise as your medicines bought quite a shock to them and hence the chance of an alliance with you . "

John nodded as he understood their feeling after watching the happy atmosphere from them .

Later, the whole Kingdom got to know about Count John’s alliance with Elves . The most peculiar thing was that Ayananore Kingdom’s Strategist Mist and Foreign Ambassador were present in the North-frontier Kingdom . This was the most explosive news to the whole kingdom . Even John got to know about their identities later on . He was quite surprised by their positions .

John spoke as he read about Duke revealing their identities to Ealdron, "No wonder, Duke Rose was so respectful to them . This also means that they are quite confident in their abilities as they traveled with a small team of elves . These guys didn’t even bother to report me . "

John sighed and continued, "Sigh, I guess I need to cut some slack at least . "


In the Imperial Palace,

King Lionheart was the one who was most bewildered about after reading about this alliance . He had a face which seemed it had gone full red because of the anger after reading this news .

He roared in the Ministerial palace as he read it, "How is it possible, How the fuck was that upstart able to forge an alliance with those stubborn elves . I need an explanation . And what is this bullshit about them trading an extensive amount of goods? Our plan will be ruined if this count is able to feed his populace . "

One of the Ministers in charge of Magic Metals named Gryphon spoke, "There is still a chance Milord . If we attack him with numbers . We can easily occupy them . We also have those Ballista blueprints with us . And this time we can make those ballistas with our magic metals as well . Our tests were almost successful for making those ballistas with magic metal when the upper ministers agreed to you attacking count John in the previous verdict . The current results are successful . That count will be at a disadvantage when it comes to magic metal and this will be our chance . "

Gryphon was a young man with red curly hair and someone who possessed a Kingsly aura . This guy’s name was Gryphon Lorr . The first son of the Lorr family .

A lot of ministers in the palace murmured, "It seems he was always waiting for this chance . Can we really suppress this guy in the future . "

Lionheart was quite surprised as he heard Gryphon, "hahaha, No wonder you are from Lorr family . Good news . Immediately start mass production of those Ballistas with Magic metals .

Lionheart thought as he heard good news, He thought ’hmph, that count thinks that he is quite smart, huh . I will now lets see how this count dances in my hands . It seems I need to reward the Lorr family . There are anyway power struggles going on between the brothers and cousins in Lorr family . They won’t be a problem for us . ’

Looking at King’s smile everyone understood what was going on his head .

Lionheart groaned as he read another one of Hector’s scandals in the paper, "Damn, just how much trouble has this kid-created in the kingdom that there is always a scandal about him every day in the newspaper . The royal family is losing face every day because of him . Can’t he just carry enough money instead of scaring other guys in the auction using his power and authority . "

Nobody in the palace laughed as they pretty much got used to this scene of the king getting angry every day after reading about Hector .

Part of the reason King read the newspaper every day was that he was curious about Hector and his everyday activities . Even the king himself didn’t realize this fact .

Currently, Wilson and other Dwarf spies had started their own workshop near Tornwall’s shop .

Wilson grumpily spoke after reading the newspapers, "Damn, the dukes in this kingdom are quite ruthless . No respect for their men . No wonder this Duke is making a stand against them . "

Greg shook his head and spoke, "This boy is quite easily influenced . "

Jackson smiled and spoke, "Well, the information contained in them was true as well according to our reports . But there is certainly a bias . He is a kid so it’s expected for him to be influenced so easily . Meanwhile, those ballistas did more damage than what we expected, recently prince had a meeting with Duke Fjord . I guess he too is moving and showing his cards . "

Greg too nodded and spoke gravely, "This will be a big war . I hope everyone at home remains safe . Ambitions of King Ludwin are quite big as you might know . "

Jackson nodded as he agreed and spoke, "Of course the creation of that weapon shot itself started the fires of ambitions in his eyes, not to mention the previous coup . However, this weapon Ballista itself isn’t inferior in naval warfare . "

Greg looked around the shop and shooed Jackson, "I have told you many times not to speak about that previous incident . Forget about it, you will get your chance later on . You don’t want to die a pathetic death, right?"

Jackson nodded as he controlled his emotions, He smiled and spoke after controlling his emotions, "I guess you are right, the only thing we have to do is follow orders . No wonder I get angry at that kid whenever he opens his mouth as he resembles just my past self . I would have died if you were not there to stop me when that happened . "

Greg nodded and indicated approval with his eyes and didn’t speak anything as he had a smile .

Grey then spoke after looking at the people, "However, this town is quite good . It has a relaxed feel to it . And there are a lot of unique things in this town . I always thought that making the best weapons was our end goal . However, this town has broadened my horizons . "

Jackson nodded as he can’t refute this fact, "Yes, Just that Clock tower or those commonly used bicycles that are used by common people are masterpieces on their own . Just those Bicycles have increased the trade and the flow of goods of this City . "

Greg spoke, "Well it is only facilitated by the fact that this City has good roads . Anyway, I can make those bicycles after I studied them . Maybe we should make 3 wheeled bicycles or maybe even 4 wheeled bicycles as this wouldn’t be a breach of laws . Yes, I would make my bicycles the fastest ones in this domain . We the dwarves can’t lose to this ragtag bunch of all other species . "

Jackson laughed and continued, "Hahaha, Good idea, yeah lets go that way . "

Jackson muttered after heard Greg, "This city has really changed our way of thinking . I guess ideas would always create more ideas . "

Wilson meanwhile roared as he read the newspaper, "Ohh my . . . Good . This count has decided to remove the cap on that unique alcohol . Now that is something good . Take that scummy king . No, I shouldn’t be cursing him, it is because of him that we are able to enjoy those new wines . "

Greg and Jackson smiled as they heard Wilson, "Hahaha . Yes, the wine here is still the best . Come Kid . "

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