
Chapter 449 - Episode Ninety-Five - Red Dream (13)

Chapter 449 - Episode Ninety-Five - Red Dream (13)

I’ve been able to maintain a thin layer of “Gouma” to strengthen my body and withstand the waves, while resting my magic for about half an hour.

…… I was able to regain enough magic power to return to the wooden dragon for a while.

I wanted to keep watching a little more, but I was also worried about leaving Mea with that useless high elf king Olviga.

I sprinted across the surface of the ocean and returned the way I came.

To be honest, my body feels uncomfortable all over now, but there is no pain, as if I were paralyzed.

It’s fine for now …… but the repercussions for my body that will come after are terrifying. I think I’m going to die.

…… When I get back, I’ll ask the alchemists to help me make a potion that will ease the pain before the backlash comes.

In the end, I was able to find the wooden dragon Quetzalcoatl drifting on the sea.

I kicked the surface of the sea, jumped up, and climbed on top.

Mea was standing at the edge of the dragon’s top, waiting for me.

When she sees me, she runs up to me with a glow in her eyes.

…… I saw Olviga shivering at the edge, but I pretended I didn’t see anything.

“I’m back, Mea. It looks like everything’s all right.”

“Welcome back, Abel! Mea believed that Abel would definitely come back safely!”

Mea comes straight to hug me.

…… there was still a lot of momentum left in her, but I didn’t stumble because I still had the “Gouma” activated.

I’m glad I didn’t get into any awkward situations ……

“It’s good to have you back, Abel! Now, get me back to the castle as quickly as possible! I want to pick up some tea, take a nap with a beautiful woman, and forget about everything that happened today!”

Olviga came running towards us, arms outstretched, ready to hug us.

I swung my legs up and lightly kicked Olviga in the face.

Olviga’s body drew a beautiful parabola and flew to the edge of the wooden dragon.

-Thirty minutes later, I was moving the wooden dragon towards the sky country Alfheim.

It would be a hassle to turn back after coming all the way to the Dinrat Kingdom, but at any rate, I had to send Olviga back.

To be honest, I don’t feel any obligation to go that far for this guy, but considering Olviga’s position, if we treat him any more roughly, it could spark a war.

“Listen, Abel? It is a folly to kick me in the face that even a fellow High Elf could not atone even if he died 10,000 times. You are the one and only, and I have forgiven you just in time with a heart as wide as the sky. Don’t ever forget that, will you?”

Olviga said while rubbing his swollen left cheek.

“I, I know. I’m really sorry about that. I’m really sorry about that. It’s just that I got a little relaxed, and …… well, I guess I just got irritated and pointed my feet out ……”

“That’s right, it’s okay if you understand.”

This guy …… his attitude is getting bigger again.

Well, I’ll put up with it for now.

If you return it to the sky country Alfheim, I will never see it again.

“But the thing is …… I just blew up your god, and do you have no particular feelings about that?”

“How do I say this. A god who drags his people who believe in him to their deaths just for the sake of their own position should be destroyed immediately. And to top it all off, he damaged the Moon Din, and that’s just annoying. I’m If he’s going to involve us in this, he should only do it when he’s winning. Even though I was supposed to have a happy and peaceful day today as usual.”

“I, I see ……”

Olviga looked anxiously at the sky, as if his words had reminded himself.

“The Moon Din …… it seems to have been damaged, I wonder if it’s okay? The light seems to be weaker, but it’s closer, so is it safe? Hey Abel, what do you think? You’re smart, aren’t you?”

I squinted and frantically observed the moon din.

Looking at the damage, it’s …… not going to be a little damaged.

Isn’t it quite conveniently filtered?

The High Elves seemed to be quite desperate because without the light of the Moon Din, their magic power, fertility and even their lifespan would be weakened.

“If the distance and the light have changed, I doubt it will ever be the same. I don’t think it’s going to be much better.”

“N-No way ……! I don’t care if you’re lying, just tell me the good side! You’re making me nervous!”

Why was this slacker chosen to be the King of the High Elves ……?

“Even though you’re the experts when it comes to the Moon Din.”

“I don’t know, I’ve been throwing these things to the wise men for generations. I’ll just pass it to the Goguru …… He’s a dying old man, and he says things that are off the mark, but you can always rely on him for knowledge.”

You’ve been doing nothing for 10,000 years. ……?

And then, a little while later, I finally came back to the sky country Alfheim.

I can finally part with this incompetent king.

Although Mea didn’t say it out loud, she seemed to be deeply relieved.

We flew over the floating continent and lowered our altitude to return to the High Elves’ royal castle.

Olviga was also looking down at the royal castle with great excitement.

“Oh! Ohhhhh, the people are looking up at us! Bless you, your king has returned! Now that we’re here, it’s my turn! You’ve done a great job, Marren, but I’ll give you credit for getting me home!”

“…… I see, good for you.”

“So, do you also want to come to the sky country Alfheim?”

“No, thanks ……”

“Fuhahahaha! Of course, I’m joking! You can stay here on the ground and look up at us for all I care! Now, quickly let me down!”

“…… I’m glad to see you’re happy.”

I look down.

As you can see, all the High Elves were looking at Olviga.

He is a High Elf who has lived for 10,000 years ……

Huh, aren’t they somehow bloodthirsty?

All High Elves have scary eyes.

“What do you mean, It’s because you kidnapped me.”

“…… Mea thinks those people look like they’re glaring at Olviga.”

“Really? I see that all the people on the ground have a blank look on their faces, is that how you see us?”

Yes, I thought it was the wooden dragon’s fault, but it just seems that they’re glaring at Olviga.

Also, it looks like they’re raising their wand against Olvigas.

“Olviga’s back! Kill him!”

“You incompetent piece of trash with an inflated sense of self-love and age!”

“I’ve always suspected he’d never do anything!”

As we approached the royal castle, we could hear the High Elves shouting.

Even Olviga couldn’t escape the reality of the situation, and his face turned pale.

“Wha-What’s going on here! Where is the Sage Goguru! Sage Goguru! Explain to me what happened while the king is not here!”

A small old elf with deep wrinkles standing on top of the royal castle raised his staff.

“Listen, everyone! It’s not only that the foolish king was defeated by the invaders despite his strength alone, but also that he performed the forbidden magic of star-casting in our sacred land, knowing that the sky country Alfheim, would be half-destroyed just to protect his pride! It must be because Lord Silfheim has given up on the High Elves because of our king’s disgraceful behavior! There is no reason to make this disgusting man our king any longer!”

The old elf shouted, and the whole country shouted in agreement.

“A coup d’etat! It is foolish of you to rebel against me, a man who is as good as a god! Have you lost your mind, Goguru!”

Olviga’s eyes grew bloodshot as he leaned forward from the wooden dragon and shouted.

“You’re right about everything.”

You’re the one being foolish.

If you think about it, this guy got really excited and dropped a meteorite on this city.

It seems that was unforgivable. No wonder.

“I’ve never been so humiliated in my life! Good, you will regret this! You shall rot away in fear of my might and terror, and in sorrow for your own folly! I will show you the power of my magic that is expected of me by Lord Silfheim, who rules all things under the sky!”

Olviga shouts with a face full of rage.

I was able to hear them at close range, and I was horrified at the sound of their rage.

The faces of the High Elves were also tense.

I was reminded of the power of Olviga, who had ruled the High Elves for 10,000 years.

“Come on, Abel! Let’s show those ungrateful fools the difference in power! For now, let’s destroy about a quarter of the city!”

“Okay, then I’ll put you down on top of the castle, Olviga! Good luck with the rest.”

When I pointed my wand at Olviga, he smoothly got down on his knees and quickly hugged my legs.

“Are you going to let me die? Please, Abel! I’ll give you a quarter of the sky country Alfheim …… or even half of it! I have no one else to turn to!”

“No, thank you. I’d like to get home as soon as possible.”

“All right! I’ll give you all of the country Alfheim! I’m fine as long as you leave me a room in the castle and let me enjoy my luxury in moderation! Don’t you think it would be more convenient to leave me as a mere ruler? Please, sir!”

“Let go of me, I can’t move! I don’t plan on helping you in this mess!”

While I was struggling with Olviga, the High Elves began their simultaneous attack.

A storm of magic bullets was released from the sky country Alfheim, at the wooden dragon.

Although the wards were repelling them, it was a tremendous amount.

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