
Chapter 454 - Episode One Hundred - The End of the Story (5)

Chapter 454 - Episode One Hundred - The End of the Story (5)

The next day after the meeting with Kudor and Peter, I immediately decided to leave the Fage territory and head for the village of the Marren tribe.

After saying goodbye to Lark and the Alchemist Division for a while, I moved with Mea to the village square.

Elia’s carriage was already waiting for us.

Many people from the village came out to see us off.

However, there was no sign of Peter.

Maybe he was no longer in the Fage territory.

Peter seemed to be busy cleaning up after the world war, and with his own retirement, he must have a lot of things to do.

It made me a little sad to think that I might not see him again.

“Really, Abel-kun, I’m going to miss you for a while …… But you’ll come back again someday, won’t you? I’ll always leave the head of the alchemist division seat open.”

“Thank you, Lark-san.”

I shake hands with Lark.

It would be nice if there was a way to easily travel back and forth between the Marren village and the Fage territory ……

You can’t fly a large weapon like a wooden dragon too often ……

Peter also said that it would provoke the nobility and royalty of other territories, and that he wanted it to be stopped as much as possible.

Transfiguration magic is also not practical for very long distances.

Hm …… It would be good if I have a good idea

I’ll have to think about it again.

When I looked at the people who had come, I saw a large man.

It was the collector.

He was wearing an apron from the tavern “Dwarf’s Lair”.

The tavern’s sign girl, Ela, was standing beside him with a smile.

“S-So you’re here ……”

“I thought Mea would never come either ……”

As we both stared in surprise, the collector scowled and glared back at us.

“Is it bad to come here? I didn’t want to see your face, but Ela insisted on seeing you guys off.”

The collector stroked Ela’s head.

“H-Hey, Shu-san, that’s too strong! Please don’t do that, it will mess up my hair too!”

Ela blushed and waved her hands in the air.

…… I’m glad to see that you seem to be getting along well.

Rather than that, I guess you’ve moved up from being a raghead to an employee.

That muscled body is absolutely useless ……

If it was a human range, it would definitely be the strongest physical body.

“Abel-kun, I’m sorry to see you go …… but I think you should get going. The other members of the group are attracting her to the laboratory now, but Alta-san will be sniffing you out soon.”

“…… I guess so.”

I nodded to Lark’s words.

I didn’t tell Altamir about my return because I thought she would be annoyed if she knew I came back.

“Wait, Abel! Where do you think you’re going!”

…… Just then, I heard Altamir’s angry voice from afar.

I was surprised and shook my shoulders, then gave a small bow to Lark and the others.

Mea took me by the arm and we hurriedly got into the carriage.

“Elia-san, please leave immediately!”

The carriage began to move.

When I quietly emerged from the carriage, Altamir was floating on the ground, chasing after me from behind.

Isn’t that guy trying to hide the fact that she’s an artificial spirit?

With tears in her eyes, Altamir wielded the magic cell phone Magiphone in her hand.

“Wait a minute! What am I going to do! about the Magic Wave Towers and the magic cell phone Magiphone!”

“I’ll be back soon, sooner or later! I’ll take care of it then!”

“I was looking forward to it! I was looking forward to completing it! You should at least finish the magic wave tower before you go! Then it’ll be easier to contact you!”

“Don’t be absurd! The Magic Wave Tower is broken! It’s going to take a lot of time to rebuild it and we don’t have enough materials or funds. Please be patient.”


…… yes, the magic wave tower broke when the Abel cannon was fired.

What a shame.

I was also surprised when I saw it.

It had been reduced to dust, and what appeared to be part of the magic wave tower had been transformed into a completely different substance.

To be honest, the cost of the magic wave tower for that one shot was too bad for me.

The members of the Alchemist Division who had followed behind jumped at Altamir from behind and held her body down.

“Wha, What are you doing! Let me go, let me go!”

Altamir was struggling like a child.

It’s a shame, but it seems I was the one who was popular, Altamir.

The position of Commander in Chief is not a bad thing.

“Forgive me, Alta-san ……! The Commander is going home for a while and won’t be here!”

“We want to take our time too!”

“Honestly, it’s too hard for me to help with the hard work of building the magic wave tower again! Please at least give us some time!”

The group members were saying these things as they apologized to Altamir.

“…… hmm? Isn’t there something different?”

…… Isn’t there something more to it than that.

You don’t want to interrupt the Commander going home, or something like that ……

I leaned out of the carriage and watched in a daze as Altamir’s wailing became more and more distant.

When Altamir was out of sight, I pulled my head back into the carriage.

“…… Alta-san looks a little pitiful. When you have time, please make it again, okay. Mea is also looking forward to the magic cell phone Magiphone that will allow me to communicate with everyone in the country.”

Mea said with a wry smile.

I tilted my head and muttered, “Yeah, I guess so”.

“But …… how come the magic wave tower blew up and the Abel Cannon worked exactly as it should?”

“What ……?”

Mea’s expression froze.

“No, I honestly don’t understand why it’s broken when I succeeded. If the magic wave tower is broken, then it should have failed. Why was it able to pierce Silfheim’s “Red Dream” accurately? Why is the world safe?”

I put my hand on my chin and thought.

However, I couldn’t think of any answers.

“Isn’t it a reaction or something?”

“It’s not that simple, you know. It’s strange, isn’t it? Only the magic wave tower was shattered cleanly, right? If it’s a reaction, then at the very least the Dinrat Kingdom must have sunk, or it won’t be consistent. I really have no idea why. “

“T-That thing …… Keep it a secret from Peter-san and Kudur-san, okay?”


[more information]

Volume 10 of “I reincarnated as a Dragon Egg” went on sale on July 16th! (7/17/2019)

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