
Chapter 152


"Shut up." Luo Fu glared at her. "Ye Shao told me personally, can there be any fake?"

"What about that? Today, Qingqing didn\'t apologize at all and made people angry again. This What about this? " Luo mother\'s anxiety, Luo father has no accident and anger.

"But ye Shao also said that he didn\'t do Lao Qian\'s business."

"Who is that?"

"Who is it? Ye Shao didn\'t say. For the time being, we don\'t care about the old money. Let\'s keep the Luo family\'s property first. Ye Shao didn\'t say clearly that he would attack the Luo family, but he meant that even if he didn\'t, someone would be angry for Joey

Luo Fu came back all the way, thinking about what was going on. Is it just a coincidence that old money was dealt with because of Joey? And who\'s behind that guy who\'s mad at Joey? Is it a fake? Or when did the man actually do it? Does that person really exist, or are they just guessing wrong?

All this, Luo Hongbin from the beginning to the end of repeated conjectures, but there is no clue.

"Tell me what happened today?"

Luo\'s father looked at Luo Qingqing with a pair of eyes that simply couldn\'t help. He seemed to have been completely disappointed with her. He didn\'t care how the daughter was now. The focus was all for the cause of the family.

Luo\'s mother described what happened to see Joey and her husband today. After hearing this, Luo\'s father immediately asked, "don\'t you know who her husband is?"

Luo Mu shakes her head, and Su Hang on one side does not know the meaning.

Did not ask Luo Qingqing, Luo Fu called quickly Xiao Jiang, you can help me to find out Joey and Lu Jingyun. One is a staff member of Trina Solar International, and the other will tell me as soon as possible. "

Isn\'t Joey\'s husband an unusual person?

Luo Hongbin has no other guess now, and he has no way to think of anyone else. Except ye Lin, this Joey is really too common. The only one who can do it for Joey is not her husband, who else?

However, Luo Hongbin\'s intuition is good, but still lost to those very realistic data.

Just a clerk? How is that possible?

"I think that Mr. Lu is not simple, Hongbin. It can\'t be said."

Luo\'s mother thought so, but Luo\'s father shook his head.

Since there is no clue, now we can only wait and guard passively.

"Su Hang has been keeping a close eye on the company these days and can\'t let go of anything unusual. We are now in the light, the other side is in the dark, and we are very passive. We must be careful. "

Luo Fu put down a lot of doubts and speculation, first look at his own company, now can not find the exact target, can only be cautious defense.

Su Hang is also extremely serious. This is really extraordinary.

However, while strengthening its preparedness, SUA has other plans.

Joey, I don\'t know if she can really be so cruel to deal with the Luo family and his son-in-law.

For several days, in fact, not only Luo\'s family was worried, but Joey was also worried, for fear that Luo Qingqing, that crazy woman, was really not good at giving up.

However, as if there was no movement in the past, Joey thought suspiciously that maybe Ye Lin really helped.

Is worried about whether to talk with Lu Jingyun about meeting Ye Lin, no matter whether he really helped, the identity of Ye Shao alone seems to make the Luo family fear a lot.

Although joy didn\'t like the peace from Ye Lin\'s identity, he would not be ungrateful.

However, Ye Lin has not been contacted yet, but Joey is surprised that Su Hang even asks her to meet again.

This time, it was said that they met alone.

Joey got the news. What\'s the need to meet alone?

When meeting at this time, Joey couldn\'t guess what Su Hang meant, but she didn\'t want to hide it from Lu Jingyun. She said that there was nothing to hide between them.

so, in the evening, Joey told Lu Jingyun about Su Hang\'s request to meet.

"Did you agree?" Lu Jingyun\'s dark eyes darkened and asked.

Joey shook his head. "I have to ask my husband first."

With an appearance of petty flattery, Joey stares at Lu Jingyun with big eyes and shows him completely that he is as good as I am and honest as I am.

With a smile in his eyes, Lu Jingyun touched the little baby\'s head and praised him as Joey wished.

"Well done, my dear. My husband loves you

A deep kiss, will continue this love, will Joey pain to bed.

Several times "love", Joey was powerless to lie on Lu Jingyun\'s body, yawned, and soon forgot about it.

When she got up the next day and washed herself, she remembered that she had not been answered by Lu Jingyun.

Bumpy ran into the kitchen, again asked Lu Jingyun\'s answer.

"Honey, you haven\'t shown me. Will Su Hang see youJoey bit his toothbrush, but he spoke very clearly. He asked Lu Jingyun for help.

Lu Jingyun stirred the millet porridge in the pot and turned back: "you can see it."

"Really?" Joey raised eyebrows. When was her husband so generous? If he looks like that, there must be something to be said.

Sure enough, Lu Jingyun continued to add. "I see you with me."

So, the point is that he wants to see him.

Joey took the order and went back to Suzhou airlines, but as Lu Jingyun told him, he didn\'t say that her husband would also like to see him.

I really don\'t know what the look of Su Hang will be when he sees Lu Jingyun?

Joey can\'t guess why Su Hang asked to meet, but Lu Jingyun can see clearly Su Hang\'s mind.

Such a man, what temperament has been doomed, this time to meet, nothing more than shameless very.

However, Lu Jingyun does not prevent meeting. How can this kind of attack on former love enemies not have the opportunity of Lu Jingyun\'s appearance?

Lu Jingyun has never been in direct contact with Su Hang. When he thinks that his beloved, who is in pain in his heart, has been hurt by this man, he can\'t let Su Hang off lightly.

In particular, he was the man of that crazy woman who didn\'t know what to do.

It\'s a great opportunity. We\'ll try our best to save him one more effort.

Looking at her little woman, she didn\'t have any sense of vigilance. Lu Jingyun felt that it was good that she had accepted this little woman. Otherwise, she would have been bullied.

Now Lu Jingyun can forget the time when he felt that he could not protect his baby.

The meeting place was about a cold drink shop near Jiangcheng University. Anyway, Joey was accompanied by Lu Jingyun, but he forgot what was special about this place.

Lu Jingyun can easily guess what Su Hang is thinking. This cold drink shop must be a place of special significance to both of them. It\'s a pity that Lu Jingyun has to be happy. With her husband, why does the little woman care about the heartless man who hurt her and what memory she had?

When Lu Jingyun, with a spoiled face and a smile, walks into the cold drink shop with joy, he sees Su Hang looking over, and his surprise eyes immediately sink down.

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