
Chapter 531


At the moment when the two people looked at each other, it seemed that all the sounds around them were gone, and only the two of them were in the silent space.

Lu Jingyun shook the grip ring. No one knew how nervous he was. His palms were wet and his fingers were shaking.

Looking at Joey\'s beautiful figure, his smile was clear and his eyes moved. He almost didn\'t dare to step forward.

Seeing Lu Jingyun\'s stupidity, everyone could not help laughing.

Lu Jingyun in the laughter of the crowd, this just slowly stepped forward, secretly took a deep breath, squatted in joy\'s bedside.

Holding Joey\'s hand, a deep kiss on the back of her hand.

Joey felt his nervousness tremble, so he put out his hand to touch his head playfully and said to him quietly, "husband, don\'t be nervous!"

"Oh, I\'m still whispering at this time."

Lu Jingyun is about to pick up Joey and walk away, but the girls are laughing to stop.

"What are you worried about? I know Lu Shao is worried, but the bride\'s shoes have not been found yet. Really, how can we forget that? "

Lu Jingyun had to put Joey down again. He really wanted to hold someone directly and leave, but he still had to follow the steps.

Looking for shoes?

Lu Jingyun glanced at the room and then at Joey.

Joey didn\'t pay any attention to him, just laughed, and then glanced at the makeup bag beside Ruan Xiaoxiao.

Lu Jingyun goes directly to Ruan Xiaoxiao\'s make-up bag and opens it. The crystal shoes are inside.

"No, how can it be so accurate?"

"Joey, did you just tell Lu Shao? Right? Is this cheating? "

"I didn\'t say anything." Joey smiles innocently, hands spread out, "you all watch, can I cheat?"

Then, Joey threw a tacit smile to Lu Jingyun. Lu Jingyun knelt down on one knee and held Joey\'s delicate white ankle, almost earnestly putting on her shoes.

What people can\'t see is that Lu Jingyun\'s hand, holding Joey\'s ankle, has been shaking nervously.

Joy playfully touches Lu Jingyun\'s hair, but the people next to him can\'t help laughing.

"I knew you loved each other, and you didn\'t have to watch so many of us, right?"

Joey smiles at the crowd, they are numb, so what?

After putting on the shoes, Lu Jingyun picked up Joey directly and finally got the beauty back.

When Lu Jingyun and Joey got on the plane with red silk and slowly left the island, everyone also took the ferry to the hotel where the wedding was held.

On the plane, Joey has been held by Lu Jingyun.

"You\'re really nervous. I didn\'t expect that Lu Shao, who was not frightened by the changes, would have such a day. Ha ha... "

Joey pinched Lu Jingyun\'s ear and said with a smile, "I\'ll pinch it for you. It won\'t be nervous."

Lu Jingyun looks at Joey\'s eyes. Today, after the makeup artist\'s special make-up, the beauty is full of charming amorous feelings, especially when his eyes turn, which makes him excited.

"Honey, you are beautiful today."

"It\'s a wedding dress."

"No, you are too beautiful. The wedding dress is just a foil."

Joey liked his sweet talk. He gave his kiss to his mouth and touched her hair happily. It was not as natural as usual. It was hard because it was shaped.

"What a beautiful day! More handsome than ever

Lu Jingyun gave a low smile and touched her abdomen. "Did you make trouble today?"

"No, well. I know that today is our big day, so there is no fuss at all. How nice

Joey also exaggerated patted his stomach, smiling confidently at Lu Jingyun.

My baby is so smart and knowledgeable about the current affairs before she is formed. If she is born, she still doesn\'t know how to be smart.

"All right, don\'t shoot," Lu Jingyun quickly grabs Joey\'s hand, smiles fondly, and then says to the child, "baby, you must be good today. Stick to it. If you drop the chain for your parents, I\'ll clean you up."

Joey giggled and looked at her husband. She could not help kissing her face.

Before long, the plane went to another island. Lu Jingyun was still holding Joey carefully. After getting off the plane, he got on a row of luxury sports cars.

The car drove across the island and arrived at the hotel.

At the door, the salute is Qiming. Joey is directly carried into the hotel by Lu Jingyun. All the people look at him and laugh and coax. Now Joey is a little embarrassed and hides in Lu Jingyun\'s arms.

Because of the combination of Chinese and Western wedding, at this time in the hotel, they still have a link.

Joey was put in the rest room first. Lu Jingyun went to prepare for going in advance. After a while, joy\'s parents and friends came in.

"Xiao Yi, you are beautiful today."Wan Jiaqi couldn\'t help admiring. In fact, she had seen it when she was in the Island villa. However, when those young people were making trouble, she was not good to join in the fun.

"Thank you, mom." Joey looks at Joe\'s father and Joe\'s mother, and smiles at them, "Dad, mom, thank you."

"Silly girl, thank you for what?" Qiao\'s father couldn\'t help but blush in her eyes, while Qiao\'s mother\'s face was red and her eyes were also red. After all, she came forward and took Joey\'s hand. "Xiao Yi, you have today. Mom and dad are very happy. You will be better in the future. "

"Well," Joey answered, unable to help crying.

"Don\'t cry, don\'t cry," Yang Fan warned, trying to stop Joey\'s tears. Don\'t spend your makeup crying on this great day.

"Yes, yes, it\'s a good day. We should all be happy. Don\'t cry." Wan Jiaqi also quickly laughed and told them to stop crying. "Be happy, our bridegroom is still waiting outside. Brother Lu, I\'ll give it to you in a moment. "

Joe\'s father was quite nervous and laughed, but his fingers were still wringing.

"Dad, there\'s nothing to be nervous about. You see how calm I am. In a moment, you will send me to the front. In fact, all the people\'s eyes are on me. You don\'t have to be nervous. "

"Ha ha ha Yes, brother Lu, you don\'t have to be nervous. Xiao Yi is the main character today. Look at you. Why are you still shaking? "

Joe dad is embarrassed to smile. Can he say that if he is not nervous, he will not be nervous? He had never seen such a big scene, especially his daughter\'s wedding.

However, they also said that today\'s protagonist is Xiao Yi, and everyone is looking at Xiao Yi. He is just a foil, just a foil

Joe\'s father comforted himself that he was not nervous.

"Well, it\'s about to start. Let\'s all go out."

A group of people ran out, leaving only Joey and Joe\'s father.

Listening to the silence outside, Joe took a deep breath as Mendelssohn\'s Wedding March began to ring, and Joey, smiling, took his father\'s hand and walked out.

Blue sky and white clouds, golden sand beach and red carpet, blue sea and white roses, the whole scene is colorful and beautiful, and the most beautiful is the bride joy in white wedding dress.

Everyone\'s eyes are focused on Joey, including Lu Jingyun, who is just in front of them and is smiling but waiting nervously.

With the rhythm of the music, Joey under the leadership of his father step by step forward, in front of Lu Jingyun closer and closer, Joey in a little nervous, more a kind of emotion and excitement, it seems that such a scene appeared in the dream, as if they had experienced together, everything seems to have known each other.

When his father handed joy\'s hand to Lu Jingyun\'s, Qiao\'s father, who was still very nervous, opened his mouth and choked.

"Today, I formally gave you our little Yi. She is the best girl. You must treat her well, take care of her, and make her happy every day in the future. Because she\'s worth it. "

Joyton was also a little uncontrollable. His eyes were red. Lu Jingyun took joy\'s hand and held it tightly. He promised his father, "Yi Yi is my life. I swear with my life that I will be good to her all my life."

Qiao\'s father nodded and quickly wiped away the tears. He quickly stepped back to one side and sat down. Wan Jiaqi and Qiao\'s mother around him had already started to cry.

Joey and Lu Jingyun stand in front of the MC and listen to him talk about the most beautiful oath.

"Mr. Lu Jingyun, would you like to marry Miss joy as your wife, love her from now on, respect her, comfort her, protect her, and be loyal to her, whether she is ill or healthy, rich or poor, until the end of your life?"

“…… I will. "

Joey is a little surprised, looking at Lu Jingyun, because his voice is actually with dumb choking.

"Miss Joy, would you like to marry Mr. Lu Jingyun as your wife from now on..."

Joey stares at Lu Jingyun\'s eyes. His black eyes still shine with water. He is also infected. He cries uncontrollably.

"I will!"

"Now the bride and groom will exchange rings."

Lu Jingyun shivering for joy to wear the ring, Joey also quickly put on the ring for him.

After that, Joey\'s hand was just grasped by Lu Jingyun, and devoutly kisses her ring finger. Then he raised his head, and his tears flowed out.

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