
Chapter 602

"Don\'t worry. I\'ve always been gentle with women, and I promise I won\'t hurt you." His kiss was about to fall, and Gu Jin turned his head aside.

His kiss only fell on her ear, Rao was so. Gu Jin felt that the place he touched was like sticking a blood sucking insect. As disgusting as he was, he felt as disgusting as he was.

"Get out of here

She struggled like crazy, but Carter was interested.

He is used to too many clever women, to tell the truth, his appearance, body, identity are first-class.

Usually, as long as he waved, there were a lot of women coming to the door. I thought Alice would be more interesting.

However, Alice fancied him to be Si Li Ting, and she took the initiative to ask for it. After playing several times, she also lost interest.

He doesn\'t love women. Women are just his tools to warm the bed. This has not changed since he touched the first woman.

Gu Jin was the first woman to struggle and looked at him with disgust.

Carter\'s face was full of interest. He had never had such a desire for a woman.

Gu Jin was extremely afraid. Although she had encountered similar situations before, at that time, at least she had a dagger on her hand for self mutilation.

Now her hands and feet are chained, and she can\'t hurt herself.

By the way, hurt yourself?

Gu Jin thought of a way, whether it is useful or not, she can only do so.

She jerked her foot toward the implantation, and she suffered a gunshot wound to her lower leg, although the wound had been treated, it did not.

After her tossing, the wound in her leg broke open again.

"If you want me in a flood of blood, do as you please."

Buried in her ear, the man looked down and saw that the gauze on her calf was stained with blood.

Just now she opened her wound in her struggle. This woman

Blood flow quickly, along her white leg flow, white and red interwoven, very shocking color.

Her constitution was not good, and she didn\'t eat when she woke up. Her pale face was even more pitiful now.

"It\'s your leg that\'s hurt. I want your body. There\'s no conflict." Carter\'s impersonal words came.

This pervert!

Gu Jin takes a breath of cold in pain. She frowns tightly. She needs some pain.

She used to be a person of perseverance. Since the last time she gave birth to a child, she suffered a lot.

From then on, even if Gu Jin pulled a small cut, she couldn\'t bear it, let alone how painful it was to open the wound again for the second time.

Gu Jinshi can\'t bear it

It\'s not that she pretends to hurt, but she can\'t bear it.

Did not expect that it is this murmur, Carter will focus on her tangled face.

Her pale face was whiter because of too much blood loss, as if her vitality was diminishing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If other women do this, he will not have any pity, anyway, the average woman after a time he has no interest, how can he consider other people\'s physical problems.

Seeing Gu Jin\'s appearance, Carter frowned and got up from her and swung the door away.

Gu Jin took a long breath, and the trouble finally left, but her situation is not optimistic.

The blood was still flowing, but her limbs could not get rid of the shackles.

The room is mainly white gray and decorated elegantly.

She couldn\'t see anything else useful. What is this place?

Although Carter was expelled temporarily, her life was threatened.

No, Carter won\'t let her die. If she dies, there will be no threat.

Gu Jin felt that he was getting weaker and weaker, which made him feel miserable Is she dying?

She felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Before she could close it, she saw Carter with the doctor.

It\'s saved.

She closed her eyes.

When she woke up again, it was dark outside. Gu Jin felt thirsty and hungry. How long did she not eat?

Carter sat on the bay window, his fingers flying across the keyboard of his laptop.

How much she hoped that meeting Carter was just a dream. She could see Si Li Ting when she woke up, but all this was not a dream.

"Awake?" Carter looked up from his notebook and looked at her.

"Did you tell him?"

Carter covered the notebook directly, got up and walked towards her.

"As I said, the person I\'m most interested in now is you."

When the bell rang, someone delivered the prepared food. The servant looked down and did not say a word. He put down his things and left.Carter took a bowl of shark\'s fin porridge and scooped it to Gu Jin\'s mouth.

Although Gu Jin was very hungry, she did not dare to eat. Who knows if there is anything in it.

"If you\'re afraid of what I put in, I\'ll show you."

Carter took a mouthful in front of her face, Gu Jinbai one eye, "if you really put that medicine, what\'s the use of it?"

"As you are now, do you think I need medicine?"

Gu Jin\'s face turned red, as if he was right.

"It\'s up to you to eat or not."

"You let me go. I hurt my foot and my physical strength is so poor that I can\'t escape. I\'ll get up and eat by myself."

"Poor physical strength? What are you suggesting? " Carter chuckled.

In some ways, he is very similar to Si Li Ting, especially in the appearance of tyranny and rascal.

Gu Jin blushed with anger, "get out."

Carter felt that she was so cute and reached for her.

Gu Jin looked at him warily, "what do you want to do?"

"How can you get up without helping you?"

He helped her up and put a cushion behind her.

"If you let me go, I can get up and eat myself."

"No, I want to feed you."

Carter picks up the porridge again, but Gu Jin looks at him in a huff.

"It\'s up to you to eat or not. If you don\'t, I\'ll just take it away. You\'ll have to get through the night."

Gu Jin thinks of Si Li Ting and Jin Nuo. She knows that her health is not good, and now she is injured. She does not protect herself well, and the consequences are unimaginable.

She does not want to see Si Li Ting again when she is a decadent appearance.

Even if she felt sick, she had to eat it to have vitality.

Gu Jin tangled in his heart and bit off his mouth. Seeing her eating well, Carter felt in a good mood.

To see her is like to see the Muppet cat that she once raised, and she ate obediently.

One mouthful after another, he was very active in feeding, and Gu Jin was hungry and eating vigorously.

Unconsciously, she ate a whole bowl of porridge and even belched.


Gu Jin blushed fiercely, "I\'m full."

"Well, I know." Carter looked at her, which was not like a mother who had a baby, it was clearly a girl\'s appearance.

"How can my personal problems be solved if you lock me up like this?" Gu Jin sees that there is no initial gunpowder between each other, so she puts forward a request.

She found that Carter and striding probably have the same blood relationship in their bones. Men like them eat soft or hard.

She can\'t force, can only relax his vigilance, step by step.

And it was Daniel who took her, and before her, Daniel took Alice.

So what about Alice and Daniel?

Even if Alice and Carter joined hands, how could Alice give herself to Carter?

Whether it\'s Alice or Carter, it\'s not easy to fall into someone\'s hands.

One is the tiger\'s den and the other is the wolf\'s nest. If you have to choose one, it is the difference between being eaten alone and being dismembered.

Compared with Alice\'s madman, Carter is at least rational. If he is stabilized first, he may have a chance to escape.

"Whatever you want to do, call me. I\'ll help you."

"Shhh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh Gu Jin looks at him displeased.

"Everything I say, of course, includes Shhh."

"Go away!"

Why is this man more abnormal than cheese Li Ting!

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t leave until I\'m tired of you. Do you want to solve personal problems now? I can do it for you. "

Gu Jin would like to kick him to the ground.

"No! I don\'t solve it. "

"It\'s not good for you to hold on for a long time." Carter\'s voice was flat.

Gu Jin was so angry that he closed his eyes and ignored it. How long will it take for Carter to buy shares? Why does he want to add more?

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