
Chapter 671

Before the stepmother is to Lin father renal failure on the ground, said to give Lin father surgery.

It\'s all fake. Father Lin has no kidney problems. In fact, he has a heart problem.

"I just occasionally have some heart discomfort. Before that, I wanted to have a physical examination. Your aunt would never let her go. She said that she wasted money. Why would she waste money for physical examination.

I thought it wasn\'t a big problem, so I didn\'t go to check it. Who knows it will happen.

Xiaojun, you don\'t care about me. It\'s all my retribution. Before I lied to you that I was ill. That\'s the price I cheated you.

By the way, is there anything wrong with Miss Tan? I heard your aunt call to say something happened to Miss Tan. "

Lin Jun looks at his father, who is still wearing an old shirt bought at a discount in the supermarket.

On the contrary, the stepmother\'s clothes and hands are lower than thousands.

Lin Jun had advised his father before that they should use the money together. His father said that he didn\'t dress up and that his cotton shirt was better to wear.

Lin Jun was not a fussy person. He thought that as long as his father was happy, how could his father be happy?

"Lol\'s all right. She\'s going to buy you some light food nearby. Dad, why do you faint?"

After hearing that Tan Luoxi had no accident, father Lin was relieved.

"It\'s OK. I\'m afraid of her accident. It\'s not easy for you to find a girlfriend these years. Dad knows you must like her.

When you called your aunt, she asked me how much money I wanted as soon as she heard that you would give her a sum of money.

I mean to persuade her and Xiao Jie to let Miss Tan go. How could he do that?

Your stepmother said that I was protecting you and didn\'t want you to take money, and said that she would let you take tens of millions of yuan. She and Xiaojie went away.

When I heard this, I was worried. Where are you going to find tens of millions for her?

People don\'t know, don\'t I know you? You have been a serious child since childhood. Even if the president is not in the company, you can\'t move the company\'s money.

As a little assistant, how can you have tens of millions? I don\'t know if Xiaojie will hurt Miss Tan. She said she wanted to go. I was in a coma when I was worried

After hearing his words, Lin Jun was so angry that he gnashed his teeth, "this mother and son are not as good as animals!"

"Xiaojun, don\'t be angry. Your aunt and she have lived too many hard days before. Now they forget their roots when they have some money."

"Dad, until now you are still talking for her, because of this woman, we are almost father and son to turn against each other, and we have no hatred!

Mom died early. I don\'t mind if you say you want to marry someone else, but what is the woman you married?

From the moment she entered the door, she didn\'t pay attention to our father and son. She regarded you as a slave and me as a tool to make money.

Again and again, for your sake, I forbear her again and again, and you can see that what I get is to make it worse. "

Lin\'s father comforted Lin Jun, "Xiao Jun, don\'t worry. I\'ve figured out these things.

Maybe in your eyes I always feel incompetent, blindly protect her, when she suffered too much, also suffered a lot of crime.

When she was with me, I didn\'t have any money. I just wanted to treat your aunt well in my life.

Let her completely out of the past pain, let her not sad.

She took other people\'s kindness to her as a matter of course. She became more and more acrid and mean, and broke her hand for money.

Because of her relationship, Xu Jie was also a mess of education, and now even dare to do things against the law.

I was wrong. Every time I thought she would stop, she took the years you gave me.

Every time she promised to keep it for Xu Jie to marry her daughter-in-law. Now the girls are snobbish.

But I didn\'t expect that she cheated the money to buy luxury goods. Xu Jie, like her, had no intention to study and did mischief outside every day.

Last night, she even said she wanted to take the money and fly away. Even I was in a coma, she didn\'t look at me more.

I realized that I was blind these years. For such a woman, I lied to you with her and almost killed you.

Xiaojun, I\'m sorry, I\'m really wrong. Don\'t worry about me in the future. Let me live and die on my own. I\'m not worthy of being a father. "

Lin father\'s eyes tears rolling, he covered for many years, but still did not cover the woman\'s heart warm.

"Dad, you haven\'t changed. You\'re just cheated by that woman. As long as you promise me to divorce her, lol and I will be filial to you in the future."

"Xiaojun, whether you will be filial to me or not, I have planned to divorce her.

In retrospect, I\'ve been paying all these years. She\'s like a queen who\'s on the top. She\'s never been nice to me.Just now I was thinking, even if I could come up with a reason for not divorcing her, but there was not even one reason. How failed I was to live. "

"Dad, if you can figure it out."

Tan Luoxi brought the porridge over. "Uncle, you wake up and have some porridge."

"Miss Tan, Xu Jie didn\'t do anything to you, did you?"

"No, uncle. Don\'t worry. I\'m all right. Eat first."

Father Lin has never been warm. No matter how sick he is, the mother and son will not care about him.

The tears in his eyes fell down, and his heart was also very uncomfortable. He ate porridge with big mouthfuls.

Stepmother\'s voice sounded: "husband, something happened. Last night, Xiao Jie\'s friends were all caught in the police station. Xiao Jie disappeared."

When she came home, she heard the neighbor say that the ambulance had come. Only then did she know that Lin\'s father had an accident.

The first thing to do was not to comfort father Lin\'s body, but to say that Xu Jie, her father Lin\'s heart was riddled with holes.

After entering the door, she found that Lin Jun and Tan Luoxi were both there. She rushed to tan Luoxi.

"It\'s all you dead girl. Where did you get us Xiaojie? Why is he missing? "

She grabbed Tan Luoxi\'s shoulder and shook it violently. Lin Jun was suppressing his anger.

Pulling her body hard to fall, "enough?"

The stepmother immediately cried, "husband, look at your son, now you dare to beat me! You don\'t care about him. "

In the past, father Lin would appease her for the first time, but now he is full of indifference. "If I remember correctly, last night you seemed to say you would divorce me and leave with money."

What else do you want to pay now? There was no son, and Her wishful thinking was in vain.

"Husband, I was not joking with you, you are still angry with me?"

She quickly climbed to father Lin and looked at him with a smile.

"Did you come in and ask me how I am?"

The stepmother\'s face was a little ugly. She still asked, "I\'m sorry, I was so impulsive last night. I think you\'re in good shape. Are you ok?"

"It\'s OK, but I almost died."

"Husband, don\'t blame me, OK?"

"You let go, and when I get better, we\'ll get divorced."

"Divorce? I beg your pardon? I didn\'t divorce you, you want to divorce me? " The stepmother seemed to hear a big joke.

Tan Luoxi couldn\'t bear it. "You heard me right. What my uncle just said was to divorce you."

"Honey, did they say something? Don\'t listen to their provocation. We are a family... "

Father Lin broke off her fingers one by one. "Let\'s get a divorce."

He didn\'t even want to say a superfluous word to her.

Stepmother this began to panic, "husband, you don\'t get angry, I know I was wrong, I change, you don\'t divorce me."

"Stop talking. I\'ve made up my mind that you and Xu Jie are crazy. I won\'t live with people like you again."

The stepmother changed her face in an instant, "well, you can be regarded as saying something in your heart. Your son is promising now, so you want to kick me away.

Do you want to kick me for a young fox? I warn you, I has the final say in marriage. I will not divorce you, nor will I die. "

She began to play the shrew, Tan Luoxi felt difficult, this is a shrew!

There was a man at the door with blonde hair and blue eyes, and his expression was indifferent. A cold voice rang out: "then you go to die."

Lin Jun\'s eyes were bright, "Ye, you are here."

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