
Chapter 716

Even the principal and interest are returned to you. What else do you want? "

Mu Nan Shu got up and saw him sitting twice, so Gu Qi didn\'t notice his height.

When he stood up, he was so much higher than her. It should be one meter nine.

Gu Qi was still in the heart of his vomit. He must be weak. Until she could not maintain her stance on one leg, she would make complaints about her.

Lying trough, where is the weak, is clearly a strong attack.

The man looks like Yu Qianhe, and Gu Qi obviously feels the strength of his hand when he is held up by him.

In this way, I feel like a weak sufferer!

What are you doing? I\'ll give you a kiss, won\'t you be so mean? "

Mu Nan Shu glanced at the cloud spinning and said coldly in his voice, "go out."

After that, he took Gu Qi and went to the bed inside. Yunfang felt heartache, but he could not help it.

He admires the same gentleman, but he likes men.

A heart broken into countless pieces, which is more terrible than he likes women.

Anyway, if you like women, I can become the way you like. Who knows the gender you like is different. Do you want Yunfang to have sex change surgery!

Cloud spinning wipe tears to exit, out of the time did not forget to close the door for two people.

Her God is gay and heartbroken.

So this whole night, the music played by Yunfang was all sad, causing countless people to cry.

As for Gu Qi, she was left in bed.

At least, she is also an old person who walks in the night without touching her body. She has always been the only one who teases others.

She felt that the chrysanthemum might not be safe tonight, and she went back crying and hawing.

"I don\'t like white women any more."

Mu Nanshu did not speak, so he stood on the edge of the bed and looked at her as a demon.

Gu Qi played her three inch tongue, began to brainwash mu Nanshu.

"What do you think is so funny about a hard man? If you want to play, you can play with women.

Look at the waist, thin legs and big chest. It\'s very soft to touch. It\'s great. "

The tone of her voice is like a stinky man who died in a woman. That\'s a debauchery.

"How many women have you played with?" Mu Nanshu asked.

His life is like a pool of stagnant water, ten thousand years as one, suddenly a bird flew by the dead water, chirping.

Not only noisy, but also from time to time to bring branches and stones into the water, stirring the calm lake water ripples.

No one had ever dared to talk about the benefits of women in front of him.

Even if someone wanted to arrange women for him before, it was more obscure, and no one dared to do it after he refused.

No one is as vivid as Gu Qi to say how good a woman is.

Gu Qi thought carefully, "well, quite a lot."

There are not 70 or 100 people who play flying chess with her, but those little sisters have a beautiful face and play chess in a mess.

"How many?"

"Maybe one or two hundred? I can\'t remember one by one, after all, most of the time it\'s a few people together. "

Although mu Nanshu doesn\'t touch women, he knows about men\'s and women\'s affairs. When several people play together, his eyes are slightly deeper.

"Is it fun?" He asked.

"It\'s fun. I\'m sure it\'s more fun than a man. I don\'t think that Miss Yunfang is good just now. Her skin is white and her voice is beautiful. If she calls, my bones will be soft."

Mu Nanshu said faintly, "your voice is very delicate."

This is the truth, since the first time Gu Qi acted as a demon on his body, he inexplicably reacted.

He had that feeling when he just kissed her.

He is not a person who will aggrieve himself. There was no need in this respect before. Now that he has it, he will not let go of Gu Qi.

He never cares about men or women.

Gu Qi wiped the bangs on his head and said, "little brother, I know I\'m the most gorgeous jade tree in the wind. Yes, but men and men are uncomfortable in bed."

Mu Nanshu pinched her face, "you are also very soft."

He returned what she had said before, and Gu Qi wanted to beat his mouth.

She is a woman, can not be soft?

Or she\'ll explain the situation now. She\'s actually a woman.

But this man seems to be very powerful. Even Yunfang is respectful to him. Maybe he is the master of this club.

This kind of place, however, needs strong strength. Gu Qi is a newcomer and doesn\'t want to get involved with big people.

What if you cheat him?She didn\'t dare to take risks until she knew his temperament.

"Little brother, I beg you. Please let me go. There are eight younger brothers and sisters waiting for me to feed. Now my little sister is waiting for me to go back and nurse."

"Oh Have you brought up your sister here Mu Nanshu\'s fingers have been wrapped around the zipper on her chest.

"I, I came in over the wall. I heard of Miss Yunfang\'s name. I want to see her and leave at a glance."

"You don\'t have to go now."

When the zipper is pulled down, there is only a white T-shirt inside. Although she is wearing special underwear, she will still have a slight bulge, which will be found at a glance.

She covered her chest with her hands. "Little brother, can you let me go?"

Mu Nanshu saw that her small hand holding her wrist was as white as snow and her fingers were beautiful.

"Little brother, if you don\'t like it, I\'ll call you uncle? Hum, I beg you.

I\'m old and young, and there\'s a husky and a budgerigar waiting for me to go home

"I raise it." Mu Nanshu direct road.


"Your eight brothers and sisters, and husky the budgerigar, will be raised with you and me."

Gu Qi blinked his big eyes, confused.

Clothes have been torn open, Gu Qi is like a prostitute, shrinking in the corner of the wall, holding his body.

"You can kill me, but you can\'t disgrace me. I\'m..."

"You said you could make me want to die." Mu Nanshu returned the words of that day to her intact.

Gu Qi\'s intestines all Regret Qing, why does she want to talk nonsense!!!

"I You\'re kidding me

"If I make you want to die, I\'ll never joke."

Seeing that he was about to come over, Gu Qi stretched out his hand: "wait, you can do it, but I have one condition!"


"If you can beat me in flying chess, I\'ll sleep with you." She yelled with a red face.

Mu Nanshu raised his eyebrows and asked people to play chess.

He likes all kinds of chess, and his favorite is go. For him, flying chess is just children\'s play.

Gu Qi, wrapped in a quilt, sat on the bed and began to jump up and down again.

"Ha, I can tell you that I am the king of flying chess, and no one has ever played me."

Mu Nanshu didn\'t speak and sat cross legged. He understood the basic rules.

"After you."

Gu Qi held the dice and murmured: "grandfather Jesus, the Virgin Mary Hallelujah, bless me and throw it to six."

The rule of flying chess is that whoever throws to the sixth plane can set off first. She used to rely on luck to throw a target.

The first failure, she watched mu Nanshu throw, six!

Six, then the plane can take off, and there is a chance to continue throwing, it is six again.

When he throws eight sixes and starts all the planes in two colors, Gu Qi grabs his hand and says, "you cheat."

"The same dice, how can I cheat?" Mu Nanshu light road.

What he said is the same. How can he cheat?

Seeing his plane start to take off, Gu Qi kneels on the bed and murmurs: "66, I want six."

Nanko is still proud of the plane.

"See, it\'s six."

Mu Nanshu didn\'t even throw eight sixes. Gu Qi chose a plane nearest to him.

As long as she catches up with him, she can take his plane back to the base camp.

"Well, I want you back home."

Several times later, her plane was flown back home.

Gu Qi looked at the screen full of Mu Nanshu\'s planes flying back and forth. Every time he could throw himself to the nearest road, the planes arrived at the destination one by one.

And poor her, out of one was hit back, her eight planes are all in the base camp.

"You lost."

"Wow, you must have cheated." He wants to reach for his face.

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