
Book 10 - 6 – The First Drop of Tear

The sound of exploding firecrackers in the courtyard, mixed with the boisterous sound of shouting, cheering and applauding, woke Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling up from their slumber.

Kou Zhong sprang up from the bed, ran to the window, looked out and called, “Xiao Ling, come quick! The firecrackers are better than the ones at Yangzhao piers during New Year’s celebration!”

Xu Ziling let out a moan; he turned around and went back to sleep, ignoring him completely.

Kou Zhong came back and sat on the bed; he sighed and said, “I have already advised you; if only you listened to me, we would joined hands to deal with Li Tianfan’s plot, and then go find the Four Big Bandits to give them trouble. You would not have to suffer eighteen wounds, big and small!”

Xu Ziling laughed in spite of himself, “Since when did you pick the habit of taking joy in calamity and delight in disaster?” he said.

As if nothing had happened, Kou Zhong calmly said, “Since last night, when you abandoned me, a pitiful orphan. Tell me, who’s the one causing a lot of trouble?”

Xu Ziling sat up cross-legged on the bed; he said indifferently, “You should be grateful to me. Otherwise, how could you be this high-spirited? Oh! No! You should be fuming mad!”

The two boys glared at each other hatefully, and then turned their heads around to avoid each other’s eyes. But the two boys could not bear to stay mad at each other for long. Very soon both burst out in laughter. The difference was that there were tears in the midst of Xu Ziling’s laughter, because his wounds have not healed completely.

Catching his breath, Kou Zhou said with a laugh, “Actually, I have fallen into your evil scheme: ‘Li Xiuning is yours, Zhong Shao ought to go be the hero who saves the beauty’. Would that Shen Luoyan be considered mine? Other than you, Xu Shifu, who would be the best hero to reprimand the beauty?”

Xu Ziling reached out to gently stroke his big head and said, “Out ancestors said: between the heaven and the earth, nobody does not belong. Li Xiuning is definitely your ‘escaping one’; it’s not appropriate for any outsider to meddle. I was that good to you, yet you have the impertinence to blame me. Besides, ‘great spread out is numbered fifty; forty is used, nine remains’. If we exclude Li Xiuning, the escaping one, who could say for sure that beautiful Junshi is not included in that number? Who could say for sure that she does not belong to you?”

Kou Zhong asked in amazement, “How come Ling Shao’s mood is much better today? As soon as you woke up, you are like the little bird in the springtime that sings continuously.”

Xu Ziling blurted out laughing and said, “If you think Shang Xiuxun would have any regard toward me, the Daxia [chivalrous hero] with saber scar of last night, then I can tell you that you have a crazy thought! When I left, she did not even know what’s my surname and what’s my given name.”

Speaking to this point, he could not help recalling the feeling when he and the beauty stood with backs and hips pressed against each other as they deal with the enemy.

Kou Zhong giggled and said, “It’s useless for you to say anything now; let’s just wait and see who’s right! Ha!”

There was a knock on the door. Xiao Juan called out from the other side of the door, “Other than you, two fellows, the entire Ranch are ready to express good wishes and celebrate the victory; you are not out yet?”

Just by listening to her tone, which was unlike before where she shouted and berated the two boys, they knew that she was carried away with excitement.

The two boys looked at each other, they could see the delight in each other’s eyes. If they could make Xiao Juan, this adorable girl, this happy, then all the hard work and pain they suffered last night was worth it.

The two boys were of humble origin; therefore, they had special affection and a feeling of camaraderie with lowly people such as maids, servants, and the like.

Without waiting for their response, Xiao Juan continued her shouting outside, “Quickly get up, wash up and change your clothes. The troops returning in triumph will be back in the city soon, we must welcome them outside the city gate! Nujia must go now!”

After sister Xiao Juan left, Kou Zhong knitted his brows and said, “I really do not dare to think: our victory in last night’s battle was not easy, I don’t know how many people sacrificed their lives? What do you say, how would Shang Xiuxun deal with Tao Shusheng and Yuan’er, that pair of spies?”

Xu Ziling mused, “These two are people with some status; Tao Shusheng even holds a very important position. Shang Xiuxun will have a very big headache in dealing with this, it could even implicate a lot of other people.”

Kou Zhong smiled wryly and said, “I hope this matter will occupy enough of beautiful Changzhu’s mind, because if she stays idle, she might suspect us. We simply have too many things that she ought to be suspicious!”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “One day delay is better than nothing. My wounds won’t be completely healed and leave no scar before three, four days.”

Kou Zhong pulled him out of bed and said, “Then what are we waiting for? Right now it is crucial for us to buy some time and hope that Li Xiuning would understand the situation and be a bit more discreet in concealing our identity, so that we can learn some exquisite skills from Lu Miaozi.”

※ ※ ※

That day Shang Xiuxun and Liu Zongdao did not return to the city with the troops. The one leading the procession was the Housekeeper Shang Zhen. Obviously he has not been informed yet about Yuan’er; while receiving the accolades of the people lining up the streets, he looked so proud.

For those who came back to the city, their most important task was to take care of the wounded soldiers and the remains of those who sacrificed their lives. So it could be imagined the intensity of the battle outside, as they were still in ruthless pursuit of the defeated troops of the Four Big Bandits.

By dusk that night, the two boys groped their way toward Lu Miaozi’s small two-story building. This number one craftsman under the heavens was surprisingly in a very high spirit. Pointing to the pair of divine escape claws on the round table, he asked, “Are these things working?”

The two boys wholeheartedly and sincerely nodded their heads, while their mouths uttered incessant praise.

Lu Miaozi laughed aloud and said, “I did not expect Ziling to be able to get rid of one Big Bandit using this trinket. The two of you were able to turn the Ranch’s defeat into victory; otherwise, the consequences would be simply unthinkable. In the last thirty years, I have never been as happy as today.”

Finished speaking, he picked up the pair of divine escapes from the table; shaking his hand, he threw them out the window, into the abyss under the cliff.

The two boys were stunned.

Lu Miaozi spoke casually, “I don’t want you to repeat my disastrous policy. If you are used to depending on this gadget, don’t think that you will make a cun of advancement in your qinggong. Although in the beginning you will have some conveniences, in the end the gains do not make up for the losses. Do you understand?”

Albeit begrudgingly, the two boys understood Lu Miaozi’s good intention; they both nodded their heads.

Lu Miaozi cast his glance toward the beautiful scenery under the setting sun outside the window, the scenery that recalled past memories. With a wistful sigh he said, “There is a subtle and inalienable relation between time and life, just like the alternating night and day, just like the elusive life itself, so that the heart is distracted, and it is difficult to be oneself. Just like success and failure, which is only a fleeting matter, and not an impassable chasm at all. In the end, a pile of yellow dirt will bury all those successes and failures. You are still young, it might be very difficult for you to understand what I said. But in the end there will come a day when you will have the same perception that I have. Beyond victory, there might be defeat. The two are the different sides of the same coin.”

The two boys listened with a frown on their foreheads as they ponder over it deeply.

Lu Miaozi’s expression showed that he was reminiscing of the past. He said gently, “In all my life, I only fell in love with two half-women. Tell me now, don’t you think that was a strange remark?”

Kou Zhong said, “One of the half women must be Empress Yin, Zhu Yuyan. I wonder what complicated and confusing relation did Mister have with her?”

Lu Miaozi laughed and said, “Kid, you are very practical. As soon as you see any opportunity, you wanted to know the details about Yin Gui Pai.”

Kou Zhong unashamedly said, “This kid just want to obtain justice for Mister.”

Lu Miaozi nodded and said, “That was the main reason why I am holding the two of you in such a high regard; if we cannot deal any harm to that witch, even in my death Laofu will not be able to close my eyes.”

Xu Ziling smiled wryly and said, “Mister, please set your heart at ease, we have already had some enmities with Yin Gui Pai.”

Thereupon, with ‘I spoke one sentence you narrate one word’, he and Kou Zhong told Lu Miaozi their story. When they narrated how Wanwan was able to make her body appear without the slightest bit of qi in her meridians, Lu Miaozi showed a serious, deep-in-thought expression.

Finally Kou Zhong said proudly, “And now that demon [or beautiful woman, see Book 8 Chapter 10; also in subsequent paragraphs] must be thinking that our souls are roaming the netherworld. You cheated me, I deceived you; how fun!”

Lu Miaozi pondered deeply for half a day; finally he spoke solemnly, “From what you told me, this demon has received Zhu Yuyan’s personal instruction, and has become the next person after Zhu Yuyan within the Yin Gui Pai to master the Tian Mo Gong [celestial devil skill].”

Xu Ziling asked out of curiosity, “Is Tian Mo Gong difficult to train?”

Kou Zhong mused, “There must be at least three people who had mastered it; otherwise, who handed down the Tian Mo Gong?”

Slapping the table, Lu Miaozi said, “Well said. But the first one who unlocked the ‘Celestial Devil Secret’ was not Yin Gui Pai people, his background was even more unfathomable, unlike Ci Hang Jing Zhai’s [see Book 1 Chapter 7] ‘Sword Canon’, which was founded by a Buddhist nun.”

As if he had just gained a sudden understanding, Xu Ziling remarked, “That ‘Celestial Devil Secret’ is a bit like ‘Secret to Long Life’. Although there were people of the successive generations who managed to cultivate it, but nobody can really be immortals; including the two of us.”

Delighted, Lu Miaozi said, “Speaking with you, I can save a lot of time. ‘Celestial Devil Secret’, the ‘Sword Canon’, the ‘Secret to Long Life’ and the enigmatic ‘War God Catalog’ put together are known as the Four Masterpieces of the Ancient and Modern times. Each book contains secrets about life and the universe throughout all ages. How could they be that easy to unlock?”

“War God Catalog?” the two boys asked in unison.

Chapter 6 - Part 2

Lu Miaozi said, “That is probably the most elusive among the Four Masterpieces. Although subsequent generations have orally passed on the legend about this book, nobody has ever seen it for real. I am not too clear on the details myself, so don’t ask me.”

Frowning, Kou Zhong said, “Supposing Zhu Yuyan and Wanwan really mastered the Tian Mo Gong, who, other than Ci Hang Jing Zhai people, could possibly match them?”

Lu Miaozi said flatly, “You, two boys.”

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong looked at each other; they were dumbstruck.

Quite a while later Kou Zhong grabbed his head and said, “I was just accidentally training a little bit. The fact is that I don’t understand one word of those undecipherable strange characters in the ‘Secret’. Hey! Can it be considered I have mastered it?”

Lu Miaozi burst out laughing, “The ‘Secret to Long Life’ was passed on from generation to generation, and I don’t know how many people have trained it, but no one has ever learned any martial art out of it. You did. Whether it was accidental or the right place at the right time, that is the fact. Moreover, just by looking at the fact that Wanwan tried to harm you but failed to kill you, I can tell that the eccentric martial art from the ‘Secret to Long Life’ is able to contend against the Tian Mo Gong; otherwise, I would suggest that you two find a hole to hide, and never again appear in Jianghu.”

And then, he rubbed his hands excitedly and said, “All right! Enough chatting, let’s go back to the topic at hand. Are you interested in learning more about Yin Gui Pai?”

※ ※ ※

It was only close to daybreak that the two boys returned to their lodging. Sleeping less than three sichen, Lan Gu already came to wake them up. But this time she came with good intention: she had arranged new residence for them.

It was in the Senior Shifu living quarters at the kitchen courtyard, located at the southern side of the Flying Horse prairie. Altogether there were four separate buildings.

The two boys’ original expectation was merely that each of them would have a decent room, but beyond their expectation, Lan Gu actually took them to the doorstep of one of the buildings and said, “This house has a front hall with bedrooms at the rear. Other than public baths, everything else is available. The house has been swept clean. You may bring your stuff and move in immediately!”

It was the very first time that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling had a house all for themselves; a peculiar feeling welled up in their hearts.

Lan Gu was unusually pleasant toward them; she said, “These past few days everybody was busy. Wait till Liang Fu Guanjia [deputy housekeeper] has a bit more time, I will ask for a maid for you to better serve your accommodation.”

And then, beaming with smile, she said, “Since you are from our kitchen courtyard, when you have a chance to see Changzhu, don’t forget to say a few good words on our kitchen’s behalf.”

It suddenly dawned on the two boys that since they have become Changzhu’s favorites and were often called to see her, this woman was trying to curry favor from them.

Lan Gu also said, “Princess Ning’s party sent someone to let me know that when you have time today, go to their place. She really enjoyed the cakes you made for her the other day!”

※ ※ ※

By dusk that day, after moving their belongings, which could not be called ‘simple’ anymore, to the rooms they selected, the two boys returned to the spacious front hall and sat down.

Kou Zhong stretched out his limbs and said with a sigh, “Now this is what I call ‘power’. Even if the kitchen is like this, were it not for Shang Xiuxun treating us favorably, we would still be piling up and being squeezed into that narrow nest.”

Xu Ziling spoke indifferently, “Li Xiuning is looking for you, why don’t you go to see her?”

Casting him a sidelong glance, Kou Zhong said, “One lifetime, two brothers. You can’t possibly let me going alone miserably to see her, can you?”

Xu Ziling could not help laughing; he said, “You think Li Xiuning is extremely dangerous [orig. severe floods and fierce beasts]? The one she wishes to see is you, not Zaixia. You think I am that naïve? Ha! Please forgive Xiaodi for not able to help however much I’d like to!”

Kou Zhong sprang up and started to sing, “The wind came whistling over the cold water, once the warrior leaves ... Ha! I am not going to say any ominous words! You want me to go, then I’ll go!”

Seeing Kou Zhong left excitedly, Xu Ziling was amused; he sprawled comfortably on his chair, and turned his gaze toward the garden outside the window. His mind went back to their discussion with Lu Miaozi the previous night.

This number one craftsman under the heavens was definitely very experienced and knowledgeable, erudite and multi-talented. He had read ten-thousand scrolls of books, and he had walked ten-thousand li of road, so the benefit they derived from him was not shallow.

Because he was not an ordinary person, oftentimes his conduct came as a surprise, which was puzzling to everybody else.

Suddenly his sixth sense picked up something, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching.

Almost immediately the image of Luo Fang appeared in Xu Ziling’s mind, which surprised him to no end. How did he recognize Luo Fang’s footsteps without deliberately trying to? How did he automatically know it was Luo Fang just by the sound of his footsteps?

Right this moment, Luo Fang stepped over the door in high spirits; he called out, “You must congratulate me, I am now a Fu Zhishi [deputy manager]!”

※ ※ ※

Kou Zhong walked past the stone forest, and reported the purpose of his visit to the Li Clan’s guards.

Soon afterwards he was sat in the side hall where Li Xiuning was talking to Yuan’er the other night, and the guard withdrew.

Kou Zhong waited in bewilderment; leaving the chair, he looked out the window. A pair of beautiful butterflies was frolicking among the cluster of flowers, chasing each other.

From the inner hall, Li Xiuning’s footsteps were coming closer. Finally she stopped behind him and said, “Thank you!”

Kou Zhong spoke indifferently, “Am I free to go now?”

Li Xiuning was silent for half a day. Finally she spoke softly, “Do you remember that night I stabbed you with a dagger over the window?”

She had provoked a beautiful memory in Kou Zhong’s heart. It was the night the bright moon shone its light at an angle, he and Xu Ziling had just obtained the account book and thus performed meritorious deed for Li Shimin. When they were climbing the hold of the ship, he heard Li Xiuning’s charming voice, and could not stop himself from looking in to take a peek. As soon as Li Xiuning found out, she pressed her dagger against his throat.

It was love at first sight, as well as the instant his extreme failure of the first love began; naturally it was ingrained in his memory and he would never forget it.

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “How could I not remember it? I can’t forget, even if I wanted to for just half a moment. Therefore, I must leave now; otherwise, even if I turned into smoke fish, I would be unwilling to leave.”

“Pfft!” Li Xiuning giggled tenderly. She said, “If you were smoked fish, I would have eaten you, so that you won’t be able to go anywhere else. Please tell Xiuning, was it because of this that you decline Shimin Er’ge’s invitation?”

With his back against her, Kou Zhong said, “Don’t tell me that it is only now that you guessed the reason.” The bitter pain in his laughter was getting deeper.

Li Xiuning heaved a deep sigh. She said, “Oh, Kou Zhong! How can Xiuning deserve your misplaced kindness? On this earth, I don’t know how many women, who are a hundred times better than Xiuning, are waiting for your love. Oh, Kou Zhong! Can you look up to the sky?”

She gracefully walked over to Kou Zhong’s side and pointed to the star-filled night sky; she said, “Each star represents one opportunity; therefore, there are countless opportunities, just like there are infinite stars. The chance encounter between Xiuning and you was just one opportunity. But out there, there are still countless opportunities, some are painful, some are happy, so much so that sometimes it is difficult to differentiate between the pain and the happiness that it is sad and discouraging. You are not an ordinary person at all, naturally you will have extraordinary encounters. You should not be concerned with accidentally missing one opportunity.”

Kou Zhong did the one thing he longed for the most, but also the most unwise: he turned his eyes on her.

He saw an absolutely elegant beauty looking up to the sky, her eyes gleaming with thirst, as if it was a dream or a fantasy; chilling and moving to the extreme.

Severely shaken, Kou Zhong said, “The problem is that you, Xiuning, are the bright moon in the dark sky of my heart. Under this bright moon, other stars have become dim.”

Li Xiuning shot a glance toward him, but as soon as the two sets of eyes met, they both averted their gaze, as if it was a bit unbearable. It was an extremely delicate situation.

Grabbing his head, Kou Zhong spoke with pained expression on his face, “This kind of matter, the more we talk about it, the more it becomes impossible to unravel. It would be best if I leave as soon as I can!”

Li Xiuning was startled, “Can you at least stay to hear what Xiuning has to say?” she asked.

Kou Zhong already made a somersault out of the window. Returning to his mischievous, free and easy style, he revealed a brilliant smile and spoke nonchalantly, “If Princess Ning wanted to invite us, two brothers, on your esteemed brother Shimin’s behalf, please forgive us.”

After staring hatefully at him for half a day, Li Xiuning stomped her feet and said, “Very soon you are going to make Xiuning very angry with you.”

Kou Zhong had his hands pressed on the window sill, as if he was about to lean over and support his weight on it. He said dejectedly, “I am doomed! I should not have come today. Every single expression of yours had made every single illness in my heart more serious; and now I am afraid I am already beyond cure.”

Li Xiuning hung her petite head down and said, “Just consider me begging you. Oh, Kou Zhong! Forget me!”

Kou Zhong turned around and left. Dispirited and downcast, without looking back he raised his hand to say goodbye.

And then, entering the woods, sometimes he was visible, sometimes he disappeared behind the trees, but it was a long time until he finally disappeared completely from Li Xiuning’s blurry vision due to the tears in her eyes.

She finally shed her first passionate tear for Kou Zhong.

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