
Book 50 6 – Night Curfew in Chang’an

Book 50 Chapter 6 – Night Curfew in Chang’an

Translator: Foxs' Wuxia

The two boys recalled the same problem, immediately they were shocked. Supposing the visitor was Shi Zhixuan, what do they do? Although they pretended to board the ship and go out of the Pass, what kind of person Shi Zhixuan was? How could they easily deceive him? If he came to the Situ Mansion to investigate, what would the consequences be?

While they were blaming themselves for their negligence, Hou Xibai pushed the door and walked in. Seeing them in a state of shock, their countenance deathly white, he asked in surprise, “What happened?”

Exhaling slowly, Kou Zhong said, “Fortunately, the one coming is the disciple and not the Shifu. Otherwise, we will be in trouble!”

Hou Xibai revealed a thoughtful look. Sitting down on Kou Zhong’s other side, he asked with a frown, “Are you going to make your move tonight?”

Kou Zhong signaled Xu Ziling with his eyes, indicating that he should talk to him.

Xu Ziling heaved a sigh, he helplessly said, “We have no other choice.”

Letting out a hollow laugh, Hou Xibai said, “Am I a hundred percent fool that until now I still think that Shi Shi and I have the affection between a master and disciple?”

Kou Zhong said, “It’s very hard to blame you on this, because for a long time now you have always been in touch with his sentimental side. Ay! Tell me how to explain it.”

Turning to Xu Ziling, Hou Xibai asked, “Ziling has a bit more opportunity to come in contact with Shi Shi, what kind of person he exactly is? Do you think he is still lying to me? Why would he lie to me?”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “Frankly, I really can’t see through him. Perhaps he is lying to you to pacify your heart, but perhaps he is revealing the truth. Moreover, due to Yang Xuyan’s betrayal, he might have a change of heart and put his hope on you. As for the real truth, I am afraid only he knows.”

Hou Xibai sighed and said, “I have just seen Shen Meiren; I should say that it was she who came to see me, to inquire about your whereabouts. I told her in accordance with your instruction that you guys already left Chang’an.”

The two boys felt relieved, knowing that Shen Luoyan already escaped this calamity, Li Yuan did not charge her with any crime.

Hou Xibai suddenly laughed and said, “You are hiding here, probably it’s a way that looks stupid but is actually exquisite, because Shi Shi will never think that you are this careless, but on the other hand he will never guess that you are still in Chang’an. Therefore, this is the safest place instead.”

And then he asked, “How about Wanwan?”

Xu Ziling replied, “She has something to do, she will be back soon!”

Hou Xibai said, “Wanwan might be Shi Shi’s most important target. He might snatch her ‘Tianmo Jue’ for himself, by hook or by crook. The ‘Tianmo Ce’ becoming one again is the dream of all sects and all factions with ambitions – after the holy school split up.”

“What is Xibai’s plan?” Xu Ziling asked.

Hou Xibai sighed and said, “I am planning on leaving Chang’an immediately, to go back to Bashu to pass my days in a bit more relaxed manner.”

Kou Zhong asked in astonishment, “Aren’t you painting the Bai Mei Tu Juan [Hundred-Beauty Painting Scroll] for Li Yuan?

Hou Xibai smiled and said, “After obtaining the ‘Han Lin Qing Yuan Tu’ last night, suddenly my thought came alive like a spring; I completed the remaining dozen or so beauties in one breath, endowed with poetry and literature. Before coming here, I went into the palace to submit the scroll. Looking at it, Li Yuan did not stop sighing in praise, and bestowed me a thousand taels of gold. I took the opportunity to tell him that I am going back to Chengdu. I am coming here is to bid two gentlemen goodbye. If Ziling is coming to Bashu, you must look for Xiaodi to have a chat and a drink. Although I, Hou Xibai, have acquaintances everywhere under the heavens, speaking about intimate friends, I only have two gentlemen Xiongtai.”

Finished speaking, he stood up cheerfully and raised his cupped fist toward Xu Ziling and said with laugh, “Thank you very much Ziling for giving me the pointer of entering the painting into martial art; it made me see unlimited scenery in martial art study. This time I am coming back to Shu [short name for Sichuan], other than focusing to avoid the struggle between Shi Shi and you guys, I also hope to have the opportunity to meditate with full attention. We part here and now, I hope that in the future there will be a day I can meet with two gentlemen again.”

And then he grabbed Kou Zhong by the shoulder and said with a smile, “Originally I did not like you at all, because sometimes your speech are unpleasant. Only after I got to know you that I discovered that not only Shaoshuai is a true friend, you are also a very interesting person, who is able to maintain optimism and positive outlook in harsh situation that can infect other people, so that Xiaodi benefits a lot!”

Amidst his hearty laughter, he calmly floated away.

Hou Xibai suddenly came to say goodbye, the two boys could not help feeling a bit envious. And by saying that he was ‘looking forward to see them again later’, it was akin to secretly wishing them success in breaking Shi Zhixuan’s Bu Si Yin Fa.

Kou Zhong withdrew his gaze from following Hou Xibai’s figure disappearing in the depth of the forest tree in the garden. He laughed and said, “Last night’s taking the risk to steal the painting is worth it. After obtaining Old Zhan’s painting, his entire being appears like he shed his mortal body and exchange his bones.”

“He has made the right decision,” Xu Ziling said, “This place is really not suitable for him to stay. My guess is that he has made up his mind to do whatever it takes to protect Shi Qingxuan. This is also the only way he can replay his master’s kindness, which is to prevent Shi Zhixuan from doing foolish thing.”

Kou Zhong said, “There is one more thing I have not told you. After seeing Yi Lao, I went to see Old Die to say goodbye. He is going to leave Chang’an today to go back to Liyang to be the commanding officer over there. If Li Yuan is dealing with Li Shimin, he will help me with all his strength, otherwise he is going to hold back his troops without moving until Li Shimin and I decide victory or defeat. Our Old Die is really not bad, at least he is better than Li kid’s Old Die.”

Xu Ziling felt Kou Zhong’s influence more and more. If he had Du Fuwei’s all-out support, sooner or later there will come a day where he will have enough power to contend against the Li Clan. At that time, Li Yuan will have no choice but to rely on the Tujue people’s help, and then the world’s chaos would continue until what year?

Kou Zhong said, “We need to get a good rest, to preserve and nurture our spirit. Dealing with Shi Zhixuan, we can’t lack the least bit of spirit.”

Waking up from a deep sleep, Kou Zhong reached out to grab the hilt of the Moon in the Well. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Wanwan, wearing white clothes like snow, slipping in through the window like a specter.

Kou Zhong breathed a sigh of relief. Sitting up cross-legged, he casually rested the Moon in the Well on his lap, while fixing his gaze onto Wanwan, sitting at the end of the bed. Stretching himself, he asked, “What time is it?”

“The sun is about to go down!” Wanwan replied, “What time do you think it is?”

Kou Zhong was shocked, “Unexpectedly I slept that long?” he said, “Where is Ling Shao? Why did you come back so late? If Li Yuan began the hunt and arrest operation against Cao San, Old Shi will surely hide inside his thief hole, and when we walk on the street, I am afraid it is not too convenient.”

Wanwan covered up her mouth and laughed tenderly, her manner enchanting, she spoke tenderly and coyly like a little girl, “You ask so many questions in one breath, how am I going to answer you. Fancy that in a tense moment like this, you were still able to sleep like a pig; your snoring could be heard several streets across.”

Kou Zhong crossly said, “You exaggerate more than I do, how could I snore? Sleep is some kind of knowledge, particularly in the battlefield; those who cannot grasp every opportunity to sleep will not become good commander-in-chief. Is Ling Shao listening?”

Xu Ziling’s voice came over, saying, “Reasonably speaking, Wan Dajie ought to be more nervous about tonight’s operation than we are. If she is not worried, what else do you have to worry about?”

Wanwan blissfully said, “Ziling really understands me.”

Kou Zhong sized Wanwan up with full attention, he asked in surprise, “How come Wan Dajie look like you have become a different person, cheerful like a little bird just out of the cage?”

Casting him a glance, Wanwan said, “I am happy, aren’t you happy for me? You guys don’t have to worry about the timing, whether we are early or late; if we are too early, it will not be beneficial and will be harmful instead. For instance, we might bump into Shi Zhixuan coming back from the outside, returning to the meditation room via the secret tunnel, or something like that, then tonight’s plan might go down the drain completely. Shaoshuai is smart, haven’t you thought about that possibility? Therefore, we must wait until Li Yuan starts the operation before we can go to Shi Zhixuan’s secret place.”

Scratching his head, Kou Zhong said, “Wan Dajie’s remark makes sense; when should we go in then?”

Wanwan replied indifferently, “The Xu hour [7-9 pm] is the limit, we must slip in before the Xu hour.”

Next door, Xu Ziling’s voice came again, saying, “How come when talking about the hour, you can be so sure?”

Wanwan explained, “You have your own plan, Li Yuan also has his own plan. You guys are sleeping in here, naturally you don’t know what’s going on outside. Li Yuan announced to the whole city this afternoon that today all the city gates will be closed one sichen earlier, at the beginning of the You hour [5-7 pm], and then starting on Xu hour, the whole city is in night curfew, all shops will be closed by imperial decree.”

Kou Zhong was astonished, “Hunting and arresting one Cao San should not need such a big disposition of troops, right? If Shi Zhixuan becomes suspicious and he inquires to Yin Zuwen, it will be really bad!”

Wanwan said, “Li Yuan is a Jianghu veteran, and he is dealing with a top-ranked big enemy, how could he be that stupid? Internally he claims to be conducting house-to-house search for Yang WenGan and the remnant of his defeated clique; there is no mention of Cao San or Cao Si.” [Note: the ‘san’ in Cao San’s name is ‘three’; here, ‘san’ and ‘si’ are three and four, respectively.]

And then she simply lay down on the bed; laying down her tender body across the wooden bed, she sighed and said, “There is still an entire sichen to rest, if nothing alarming is happening, don’t wake me up.”

At the beginning of Xi hour, a drizzle fell from the sky, enveloping the City of Chang’an in heavy mist as if it was inside a light muslin curtain.

On great streets and small alleys, the number of pedestrians was gradually decreasing, the Tang Army set up checkpoints outside street intersections, conducting random check on passers-by. Patrolling troops on horseback could be seen everywhere. The situation was tense, even before the designated curfew time, none of the large and small shops did not close their doors and put away their wares, making the atmosphere even more tense.

Soon after night fell, the three left the Situ Mansion. They advanced gradually and entrenched themselves at every step toward the secret room where Shi Zhixuan was hiding. From side streets and alleys, sometimes through houses and leaping over the buildings, being more scared than hurt, the soldiers were heading to the roof of the private houses around the secret room, to overlook the situation of the secret room across the street. The Wu Lou Si’s courtyard wall towered in the distance, separated by one street.

Inside the temple, the lantern was dark the fire black. Coupled with its connection with Shi Zhixuan, the king of the demonical people, outwardly it looked eerie and mysterious, and indescribably strange.

Wanwan, lying low between the two boys, said, “Stop peeking, if Shi Zhixuan happens to be inside the building, he might generate reaction.”

Scared, the two boys hastily lay low on the other side of the roof ridge.

Wanwan spoke in low voice, “This move of Li Yuan is superb. Night curfew plus house-to-house search, how could Shi Zhixuan not obediently return to the meditation room? Later on, should we ambush him at the exit of the secret road, or should we deliver a frontal assault to him head-on at the entrance to the secret road inside the temple?”

Thinking deeply, Kou Zhong said, “First of all, we must be clear how Li Yuan is going to attack the meditation room. Li Yuan is not a fool, the imperial strategic advisors under him are numerous, they must have guessed that Shi Zhixuan has another secret road to come in and out; could it be that each time he leaves the meditation room he must call a little monk to put the lock in?”

Wanwan said, “That is precisely the key. Li Yuan might have Wu Lou Si, inside and outside, put under heavy siege first, and then with ten-thousand-jun thunderbolt momentum they break down the door and enter, to force Shi Zhixuan to come out. However, Li Yuan and his men have never fought with Shi Zhixuan, they might underestimate his formidability.”

Shaking his head, Xu Ziling said, “Li Yuan’s acting brashly like that will only mess thing up. Shi Zhixuan is astute, when he sees a large number of men and horses coming to Wu Lou Si, how could he not know that his trace and hiding place have been revealed? Moreover, Li Yuan surrounds Wu Lou Si area with massive military force, he will be alerted and will slip away.”

Kou Zhong nodded and said, “What Ling Shao said makes sense. Wan Dajie, what do you think?”

Wanwan said, “It depends on whether Li Yuan is as shrewd as Ziling said. Let’s go inside to look at the situation first before making decision!”

Stunned, Kou Zhong said, “Didn’t you say just now that you are afraid of bumping into Shi Zhixuan?”

“That is just a possibility, the chances are not great,” Wanwan said, “Don’t forget that Li Yuan wanted to do house-to-house search; the safest place is naturally inside the meditation room.”

Xu Ziling said, “Supposing that Li Yuan leads the Zhu Xie Dui [punishing the heretic (or evil) squad] under his command to come stealthily, and then they break down the door and enter, they will definitely seal off the only exit of the meditation room. The remaining escape route for Shi Zhixuan is precisely the secret tunnel under his meditation mat. It can be imagined that the moment he is jumping down the secret tunnel, he must also deal with the martial art masters’ ferocious and sudden assault from above. If at that time we make our move to mount a sneak attack from underground, we could be successful in one strike, and then we could calmly leave from the secret tunnel.”

Kou Zhong and Wanwan nodded at the same time, they agreed with his plan.

Kou Zhong spoke heavily, “This time Shi Zhixuan will definitely die! Let’s go!”

As expected, not a soul was in sight inside the building, the situation was still as before. The three entered the study room to look for the entrance to the secret tunnel. Their mood could not help but tensing up.

Would Shi Zhixuan, whom no one in the world could control, nurse a grievance and end up in this secret tunnel?

‘Dang! Dang! Dang!’

The Xu hour was coming closer, the night curfew bells and drums were sounded.

Kou Zhong fiercely clenched his teeth, cautiously and solemnly he opened the entrance, revealing a set of stone steps going down.

Wanwan reached into her bosom, but Kou Zhong put his hand on hers, he smiled and said, “Xiaodi has another magic weapon.” He took out the night pearl that they obtained from the Duke Yang’s Treasure. Sticking it into the beautiful hair on her forehead, he cheerfully said, “Tonight Wan Meiren is the light illuminating our, two brothers’ path. Treasured swords are to be given as a present to martyrs, pearls are to be given as a present to beautiful women.”

Wanwan was slightly startled; her pretty eyes revealed a confused look. Suddenly she pursed her fragrant lips and planted a light kiss on his cheek, saying, “Wan’er will never lose this pearl.”

A hard to describe feeling welled up in Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling’s heart, since Zhu Yuyan’s death, Wanwan’s hostility toward them has greatly diminished, the question was: could they not regard her as the enemy? The death of the Flying Horse Ranch’s Shang Family’s two elders has always been an impossible-to-untie intractable problem.

Wanwan took the lead to enter the secret tunnel, the two boys followed behind her, wordless and uncommunicative, they came to the secret room where Shi Zhixuan used to change his appearance and put on his disguise.

The other side of the room was precisely the secret tunnel leading to underneath Shi Zhixuan’s meditation room.

Under the illumination of the strange glow of the night pearl on the beautiful hair on Wanwan’s forehead’s hazy and dim light, the world underground was brimming with unfathomably mysterious feeling. Wanwan’s beautiful-like-immortal’s jade countenance made the ambience even more mysterious so that it could not be described by any words.

The three did not dare to speak.

Kou Zhong made a signal for them to proceed.

The three squeezed themselves into the entrance, advancing with their heads down, not daring to make any noise.

Finally they reached the bottom of another set of stone steps. Above was precisely the entrance to the meditation room under the putuan [praying mat made of woven cattail].

The sound of deep breathing penetrated the wall and came down.

Shi Zhixuan was indeed sitting inside the meditation room, cultivating his power. Their plan has been half-successful. The next half would depend on Li Yuan’s deployment.

Not only they had to control their breathing, they also had to control the thumping of their hearts; any slightest sound might alarm Shi Zhixuan.

Wanwan made a signal and took the lead to return to the previous secret room.

Inside the secret room, the three sat cross-legged. Although they did not discuss it beforehand, they all knew that waiting here was a lot more appropriate. Now that they knew that Shi Zhixuan was inside the meditation room, they could meditate peacefully, to preserve and nurture their spirit, to quietly wait the approaching moment of success or failure.

Xu Ziling suddenly remembered Shi Qingxuan. A moment later he was going to make his move to deal with Shi Zhixuan. If he really killed him, how would Shi Qingxuan see him? Would she be grateful, or would she hate him? How would Hou Xibai react? How could there be this kind of contradiction in life? Since he made a promise to Shi Feixuan to get rid of Shi Zhixuan, he has always felt that this was a matter of justice, an honor that did not allow one to glance back, both personal and for the public. However, the moment where success or failure was about to be determined, one after another these thoughts came pouring in, and he was unable to control it.

Wanwan’s voice rang out in his ears, “Why is your heart so tumultuous? A bit more careful, please!”

Xu Ziling knew that he could not conceal it from her senses; secretly heaving a sigh, he spoke in low voice, “I am all right!”

Wanwan’s jade hand crawled to find his; she grasped it, seemingly to understand the mood in his heart.

A burst of shiver washed out the lake of Xu Ziling’s heart; even though previously he had been in close contact with Wanwan, but it was far inferior to this moment’s close and dear feeling of two hands holding each other. Recalling that Wanwan would never be his friend, instead of diminishing, that kind of contradiction and pain was growing.

Wanwan stretched out her other hand to let Kou Zhong hold it.

Xu Ziling got stuck inside the memory lane. He recalled his several encounters with Shi Zhixuan, feeling his deep emotion and seeing the side of him that was blaming himself. Did Shi Zhixuan seem to show special sentiment toward him? Yet he was going to make his ruthless move against Shi Zhixuan. Ay! Nature [as the mother of all things] was surely toying with people!

This time it was Kou Zhong’s turn to lean over and said, “No need to bother with whatever his Niang’s. The moment Shi Zhixuan is jumping down from the entrance, we will make our move at the same time, not for ourselves, but for all the people under the heavens. Just consider personal gains and losses as his granny’s bear.”

Xu Ziling took a mouthful of deep breath; he struggled hard to discharge all distracting thoughts out of his mind.

Kou Zhong grabbed his other hand and grasped it firmly.

The three people felt their hearts were linked together.

The secret room was so quiet that a falling needle would have been heard. The silence was so thick that the empty secret tunnel felt suffocating. The pure and dim rays of light on Wanwan’s forehead changed the secret room into a strange, indescribable world.

They closed their eyes and waited in silence for the fortunate timing to come.


The sound of broken door and crashing wood came from above the secret tunnel, shattering the serenity inside the secret tunnel.

The three opened their eyes at the same time. You looked at me I gazed at you, and then they sprang up and darted into the secret tunnel.

Li Yuan’s voice came from above. He let out a long laugh and said, “Shi Xiong really have a skill; first, you toppled the Great Sui, and now you have a plan to strike my Great Tang. Old hatred and new enmity, we will settle the account tonight.”

Underneath, the three people felt great astonishment; they never thought that Li Yuan’s imperial self would really come to lead his troops. He took personal risk to lead the crowd into the meditation room in decisive battle to put the ‘Demonic King’ Shi Zhixuan to death.

Shi Zhixuan spoke indifferently, “Relying on these people and yourself, Li Yuan, do you think you can kill me?”

Yuwen Shang’s voice roared, “You boast shamelessly. Just let us teach you, Shi Zhixuan, so that you know that the world is not without anybody else.”

Li Yuan angrily shouted, “Charge!”

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