
Book 61 2 – Hardening the Heart

Book 61 Chapter 2 - Hardening the Heart

Fu Cailin cast his gaze back to the night sky. Using a tranquil tone, devoid of any emotional fluctuations, he said, “This is a world full of lunatics and ignorant people. Without enough power, you will be deprived of the right to enjoy the miracle of life. Between nation and nation, it is like this, between people, it is also like this. Our dialogue tonight will end here, and I want to ponder quietly.”

Seeing that he was asking them to leave, Kou Zhong hurriedly said, “Is it possible to allow this kid to say a few more words?”

Fu Cailin did not look at him, as if he had turned into a motionless stone sculpture; he said, “Speak up! But if you want to explain the matter between Junchuo and you, it’s certainly not necessary! Because I already know what kind of people you are.”

Kou Zhong did not know whether he should be delighted or disappointed, because he could not figure out how Fu Cailin really see him and Xu Ziling in his heart. He spoke heavily, “I can assure you, Shigong, that as long as one day Ziling and I are still alive, we will definitely not let anybody repeat the wicked conduct of Yang Guang in the past, we could become friendly nations, everybody could coexist in peace.”

Fu Cailin spoke indifferently, “What will happen to you in the future?”

Kou Zhong was almost at a loss for words; he smiled bitterly and said, “The biggest threat to Gaoli right now is not us but the Tujue, whose ultimate goal is to expand and to conquer. Only when the Central Earth becomes a unified and powerful country can the Tujue be restrained. Isn’t the lesson that Yang Guang taught us not painful enough? Moreover, several hundreds of years of chaos of war have greatly harmed our vitality, forcing us to quietly think. Everyone hopes to recover well in the long years to come. No one can predict what will happen in the future, we all hope that Laotianye will be a little bit more sympathetic. The Central Earth longs for peaceful reunification, how could Gaoli be not like that? What I, Kou Zhong am saying, every word comes from my lungs, Fu Dashi, please bequeath your listening ears.”

Fu Cailin spoke indifferently, “I have been thinking about this issue for a long time, so I don’t want to spend any more mental and physical efforts in this regard tonight. Tomorrow night at zi hour [11pm - 1am], I am asking Shaoshuai’s great-self to come again, to let me gain first-hand knowledge of Shaoshuai’s Moon in the Well one time. I hope it will be another miracle; Junyu, see the visitors out!”

Stepping on the apricot wood bridge, Kou Zhong could not help asking Fu Junyu, leading the way ahead silently, “What is this all about?”

Fu Junyu halted her steps and said, “He likes you.”

Scratching his head, Kou Zhong said, “He showed clearly that tomorrow night he wants to see my Moon in the Well; you call that he likes us? In that case, I’d rather that he hates me.”

Xu Ziling, three men stopped behind Kou Zhong, among them, Hou Xibai shook his head with a wry smile and said, “Whether Fu Dashi is happy or angry, it’s hard to fathom, we were all having a good conversation, but suddenly he chased the guests away.”

Fu Junyu slowly turned her tender body around to face the four men. Under the gentle and soft moonlight, her face met the moon, glistening and dazzling, but a little disheartened, she said, “I already told you earlier to leave, but to you, loyal advice jars on the ears [idiom], and now you fall into such a plight. Shizun is not going to bother about your and Ziling’s relationship with Da Shijie [first martial sister] anymore. The reason is as he said, because he understands what kind of people you are, and also understands why Da Shijie was willing to sacrifice her life for you.”

Knitting his brows, Ba Fenghan said, “Since the old grievance has been resolved, why still unwilling to let the matter drop?”

Fu Junyu looked at Ba Fenghan for the first time, tranquil, she replied, “You guys cannot put yourselves in somebody else’s shoes. You must look at the whole thing from Shizun’s perspective. But I cannot blame you, because you don’t understand Shizun’s situation.”

Evidently Hou Xibai had a very good impression on Fu Cailin, deeply concerned, he asked, “What’s the problem that Dashi finds it difficult to solve?”

Fu Junyu’s pair of eyes showed sorrowful expression, she spoke in a low voice, “Shizun’s age is over one hundred years old, he knows that time is limited, his allocated lifespan is about to arrive. If Shizun leaves, no one will be able to hold back Ge Suwen’s ambition. Gaoli’s current situation of Xinluo [Silla], Baiji [Baekje], and Gaoli [Goryeo], standing like the three legs of a tripod [fig. balance of forces] - is melting like ice and breaking like tiles [idiom: disintegrating], the fire of war will spread to every cun of the peninsula mainland; this is the situation that Shizun is unwilling to see the most. However, he can also see that this is the tendency that can’t be changed, only after the chaos there can be unity and peace, but this can only happen without foreign intervention. Do you understand what I mean?”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “Understand a little bit. Therefore, the most ideal situation for you is the Tujue invading the Central Plains, causing their feet to sink deep into the mud, and both sides suffer with us, right?”

“More or less,” Fu Junyu replied.

Shaking his head, Hou Xibai said, “That is not fair!”

Cold frost appeared on Fu Junyu’s pretty face, she spoke heavily, “What qualifications do you Han people have to talk about fairness with us? No one in Gaoli can forget the brutal act of Yang Guang’s thief army. If it wasn’t for Shizun leaving the mountain [of a hermit] to appeal, taking the advantage of the time when the Sui army was busy raping and looting to launch comprehensive counterattack, and thus driving away the Sui army, God knows how the situation might develop? For us, any punishment you suffer is well deserved.”

Xu Ziling was afraid that Hou Xibai would get angry of the reprimand, he interrupted, “Yu Yi, please calm down. We did make huge mistakes, but hatred cannot bring peace. The most important thing is that we, both sides can live together peacefully in the future.”

Fu Junyu sighed and said, “You have seen Shizun, you should understand what kind of person he is. The problem is that Shizun unable to see whether the ruler of the Central Earth in the future is not another Yang Guang. If the final victor is not Kou Zhong but the Li Tang, then Li Jiancheng will inherit Li Yuan’s position. Shizun absolutely has no good opinion on Li Jiancheng. Under this possibility, Shizun would rather let Tujue people and you kill each other, restrain each other.”

Kou Zhong was at a loss, he asked, “Since Shigong has such a view, why not go all out to help me? Instead, he wants to move a saber, move a spear with me, trying to take my little life.”

Fu Junyu spoke indifferently, “Shaoshuai misunderstood! How could Shizun have the heart to take the life of the person who recognizes Da Shijie as your Niang? Judging from his attitude towards you tonight, he has grown fond of you, he wants to make Shaoshuai sound out the difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat tomorrow night, to give up your alliance with Li Yuan, so that you won’t be killed by Li Yuan. In the future Central Earth, if you, Kou Zhong, unify the world, you will be able to contain the Tujue and gain enough time for the reunification of Gaoli. Originally I was very worried that he might make his move to your life tonight, but now I don’t have this misgiving, because he likes you guys.”

Kou Zhong said, “I will go to Ge Suwen immediately to settle the account, to take his dog life, so that Shigong will have a peace of mind.”

Fu Junyu spoke in displeasure, “If Shizun wants to kill Ge Suwen, how could Ge Suwen live to this day? With no other choice, Ge Suwen has become the hope of reunifying Gaoli. This kind of thing, only someone who is vicious and merciless on the one hand, but understands grace and power and can put it into effect on the other hand - can accomplish it, Ge Suwen is precisely such a person. Shizun was willing to let him come along, it will be a great help to his reputation, which is implicitly supporting him. You must not touch him.”

“Cannot touch him?” Kou Zhong blurted out, “What if he provokes me?”

Fu Junyu said coldly, “Think about it yourself!”

Finished speaking, she left quietly, leaving the four men standing at the bridgehead, speechless.

Except for Hou Xibai, one after another Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan had received attack and setback coming from all sides, both in their mood and willpower so that they felt it was all a bit unbearable, which gave rise to a feeling of depression that even a steely willpower would find it hard to resist.

Advancing towards the outer gate of the Ling Yan Pavilion, Kou Zhong said with a wry smile, “I will definitely not be able to sleep tonight. Tomorrow will be even more difficult than today. Even if I could cross the Li Yuan punishing Li Shimin barrier, I won’t be able to cross Shigong barrier.”

Hou Xibai said, “Fu Dashi has no intention of killing you, so you can refuse to take up the challenge. Even if you do, losing would not be a big problem.”

Ba Fenghan shook his head and said, “You can think like this, but Shaoshuai definitely can’t, because he cannot afford to lose. Currently, the situation in Chang’an is delicate, Shaoshuai must remain undefeated and powerful, so that he can restrain Li Yuan, while at the same time make those who have the heart to support Li Shimin to come and throw their lot with him. And Fu Cailin making light of traveling a thousand li to come to the Central Earth this time, he shows clearly that it is to raise Gaoli’s prestige. If Kou Zhong became a scholar who does not dare to take up the challenge, or perhaps becoming defeated general under Fu Cailin’s hands, how could he be qualified to become the ‘Heavenly Saber’ Song Que’s successor?”

Although Kou Zhong was fully aware that this was the case, hearing Ba Fenghan’s words, he still could not help feeling worry on top of worries; he heaved a deep sigh.

This moment they reached the outer gate, a low-ranked military officer came out to meet them; saluting, he said, “Receiving Wei Gonggong’s order, Mojiang [lowly general] has prepared the carriage to respectfully take Shaoshuai back to the Xing Qing Palace.

Even if Kou Zhong closed his eyes, he would still be able recognize him as Chang He. Wei Gonggong was sending the highest-ranking general on duty in the imperial palace tonight to wait upon them to depart, it seemed to be a bit out of place.

Noticing that Kou Zhong was staring at him, unexpectedly Chang He avoided Kou Zhong’s gaze, he lowered his head and said, “Shaoshuai, please get in the carriage to take a ride.”

In Xu Ziling and the others’ eyes, Chang He’s demeanor did not appear to be peculiar, However, Kou Zhong, who had been through trials and tribulations with him, plus he knew his conduct well - felt that there was shame in his heart. In the end, Chang He must be a person with a conscience; if he was forced by Jiancheng to harm them, he would be blamed by his own conscience.

His thoughts moving in his heart, he took two steps forward, and spoke using the ugly divine doctor’s tone in low voice, saying, “Chang Daren, I am Mo Yixin, I trust that you have been well since we last met.”

Hearing that, Chang He’s countenance changed, he looked at him.

Because Chang He entered the gate alone to greet them, plus he was several zhang away from the imperial guards guarding outside the gate, and Chang He’s personal guards in charge of guarding the carriage were even further away, there was no worry that someone in the Tang Army’s side would be able to hear them.

Kou Zhong said, “Chang Xiong can inform Liu Zhenghui Daren that Mo Yixin is back!”

Chang He’s countenance changed again, it suddenly cleared, it suddenly darkened, suddenly he lowered his head again, yet he did not dare to answer him for even half a word.

Kou Zhong did not have the heart to force him, he laughed aloud and said, “Wei Gonggong is very thoughtful …”

Forgetting his disguise, Chang He urgently said, “Don’t get in the carriage!”

Kou Zhong promptly changed his tune, he continued, “However, we want to take a night walk in Chang’an, no need to trouble Chang Daren.”

Chang He pretended to be startled, he said, “This … this … we will have to follow Shaoshuai’s intention, but please let Mojiang show the way, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings when encountering patrolling troops.”

He also spoke in low voice, “Don’t go back to the palace! By dawn, it should be fine!”

Kou Zhong was relieved; Chang He was indeed a supremely honorable and righteous person, he became brothers with him not in vain, he could also see that he was unwilling to be exploited by Jiancheng to plot against them, because after Chang He became the commander, he should only obey Li Yuan’s order. From this, it could be inferred that this was just Jiancheng and Yuanji’s crafty plots and machinations, it had nothing to do with Li Yuan.

Xu Ziling heard the dialogue between the two men clearly, a thought floated in his mind: since Jiancheng and Yuanji were so daring to lay out a trap to kill them in secret, naturally they would not be willing to let Li Shimin off. He joined in, “We are thinking of going to the Hong Yi Palace to say hello to Qin Wang, we want to trouble Chang Jiangjun to make arrangement.”

Chang He showed a shocked expression, he wanted to say something but then hesitated. Finally, pretending to be in difficult position, he said, “Hong Yi Palace is located ten li or so west of the city, I wonder if Shaoshuai could wait until tomorrow, so that Xiaojiang [little/small general] has time to make proper arrangements.”

By this time, Kou Zhong was certain that among the imperial guards escorting the carriage, there were Jiancheng and Yuanji’s men, hence Chang He was putting on an act, he spoke to let those men hear, so that they could make indirect explanations to Jiancheng and the others. And the reason why Chang He showed such a shocked expression was that he could see through their relationship with Li Shimin. Furthermore, from his hint, he inferred that Li Shimin was in danger, hence the reason he offered protection.

Chang He suddenly revealed a determined look, he signaled him with his eyes first, and then said, “Shaoshuai has an order, how could Mojiang dare to disobey? However, it involves the opening of the city gate, Xiaojiang must report to Wei Gonggong. And because of the long distance, it is quite inconvenient, Shaoshuai, please get on the carriage first.”

He and Kou Zhong were used to working together, he smiled and said, “When you enter a village, follow the local custom [idiom], naturally everything must be done according to the rules. But frankly, I am really not used to riding in a carriage; I always feel stuffy, how could it compare to riding a horse and galloping in delight? It would be better to let us wait here for Chang Daren’s news.”

After Chang He took the order and left, Ba Fenghan asked in heavy voice, “By doing this, would you harm Chang He instead?”

Kou Zhong said, “Don’t worry! In this day and age, Ke Dazhi’s side can’t possibly reveal that I am Mo Yixin, because that will let Li Jiancheng know that the Tujue have deceived him. Since there is no such clue, plus Chang He received Li Jiancheng’s support to ascend to the commander position, there’s no way tonight’s crafty scheme won’t work, Li Jiancheng will only blame Laotianye for not cooperating, he can’t possibly punish Chang He.”

Hou Xibai said, “Ziling’s brain is turning so fast, currently, Qin Wang must be Jiancheng, Yuanji’s another target of attack besides us; very ruthless!”

Kou Zhong happily said, “So it seems that Li Yuan is still hesitant about how to deal with Li Shimin, otherwise, why would Li Jiancheng take the risk out of desperation to receive heavy blame from Li Yuan?”

Ba Fenghan shook his head and said, “As long as the arrangement succeeded, which is the ones killing us are the Tujue people, Li Yuan will not be able to do anything to Jiancheng and Yuanji. As for dealing with Li Shimin, Yang Xuyan’s assassination experience, combined with his skill in the fusion of the ‘Yu Jin Wan Fa Gen Yuan Shi Jing’ and the ‘Bu Si Yin Fa’, and he is attacking while we are not prepared for it, he is not without any chance of success at all.”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “This kid is indeed a first-rate muddled egg. Ay! I hope to get to Hong Yi Palace in time, as expected, there won’t be any good sleep tonight. His Niang’s!”

They all waited painstakingly for another quarter of an hour, Chang He finally came back, he had his men leading four fine horses, and said happily, “Reporting to Shaoshuai, everything is as Shaoshuai indicated, please get on the horse!”

After galloping out of the imperial city, escorted by Chang He and more than a dozen imperial guards, the four turned right and galloped towards the Jin Guang Gate. The sound of horses’ hooves broke the tranquility of the night, even more, the sound of drums came from a distance, reminding them that it was the third watch [11pm - 1 am, midnight - which means they went back in time … don’t ask me, I am just translating it as is] of the night.

Crossing the long bridge spanning the waterway, they arrived outside the Jin Guang Gate. The suspension bridge of the Jin Guang Gate had already been lowered. In addition to the hundred Tang soldiers guarding the gate, there was also a unit of cavalry team of nearly 80 men, waiting respectfully in formation inside and outside the gateway, a big disposition of troops, which was beyond their expectations.

A military general urged his horse over to give salute and said, “Commander of the city guards, Liu Hongji pays his respect to Shaoshuai, Xu Xiansheng, Ba Xiansheng, and Xibai Gongzi.”

It was the first time that Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan met him. They knew that he and Yin Kaishan were the two big commanders, high-ranking military officers of the city guard system, Li Yuan’s trusted aides. They could not help paying special attention to him.

Liu Hongji was tall and thin, with a grizzly black moustache and a cold look in his eyes, cool-headed expression typical of military personnel, so that people would not doubt that when he received the order to kill and stab the enemy, he would immediately execute it without hesitation; his conviction would not be easily shaken even more. The most particular was the thick black long eyebrows extended straight to his temples, and the brows were connected at the Yintang [acupoint at the midpoint between the medial ends of the eyebrows] above the bridge of his nose, which increased his heroic, ferocious air even more.

Hou Xibai laughed and said, “We trouble Liu Dajiang again!”

Liu Hongji spoke indifferently, “Xibai Gongzi is too polite, the responsibility is Hongji’s internal duty.”

Turning to Chang He, he said, “Huangshang’s order, Shaoshuai will be waited upon by Hongji. Chang Daren, please return to the palace immediately.”

Chang He was slightly startled, but he did not dare to speak. After apologizing humbly to Kou Zhong and the others, he turned his horse’s head and went back to the palace with his personal attendants.

The four men had already guessed that this matter would alarm Li Yuan, this moment Liu Hongji was only verifying their suspicion. Since Kou Zhong was going out of the city to meet Li Shimin, the matter could be big or small, nobody dared to make decision without authority. Even if Li Yuan was sleeping, Wei Gonggong would risk offending the Heaven’s power to wake him up and let him make the decision. There was also a high possibility that Li Yuan, due to a lot of loads on his mind, has not yet gone to bed at the moment.

Now that they have obtained Li Yuan’s permission to get out of the city, it was obvious that Li Yuan was still unwilling to have a falling out with them, because strictly speaking, one day the two sides have not formally formed an alliance, the Shao Shuai Army and the Great Tang Army were still in a state of war. If Li Yuan did not let Kou Zhong out of the city, Kou Zhong would suspect that he was being placed under house arrest inside the city, the development of the consequences would be catastrophic.

Naturally Li Yuan was unhappy about this, but he was helpless against Kou Zhong. Even if he clearly interfered in Li Yuan’s family matters, unless Li Yuan gave up the alliance, he could only tolerate him for being unbridled.

Liu Hongji said, “Shaoshuai, please proceed!” At the same time, he signaled with his hand, the cavalry awaiting orders at the city gate divided into more than 30 men, leading at the front out of the city.

Kou Zhong urged his horse to come to Liu Hongji’s, who turned around and waited respectfully - side, he smiled and said, “Liu Dajiangjun need not stand on ceremony, how about we ride side by side and chat for a while?”

Liu Hongji’s pair of eyes shot a complicated expression, he hung his head low, and helplessly said, “Shaoshuai’s order, how could Hongji dare to disobey!”

Escorted by nearly seventy soldiers ahead and behind, the four men galloped out of the city gate, and entered the official road on the open country leading to the west of the city.

The lucid and elegant moonlight covering the earth, spreading across the sky, enveloping the mother earth, the night breeze brushing their bodies, it was a different feeling.

Kou Zhong urged the horse to ride slowly, he spoke in heavy voice to Liu Hongji, “Liu Dajiangjun, do you know why I didn’t have the patience to wait until dawn and was in a hurry to meet Qin Wang, to such an extent as to trouble Liu Dajiangjun?”

The cavalry guards at the front and rear were some distance away from them, hence there was no worry that Liu Hongji’s men could hear their conversation.

Liu Hongji revealed a hint of bitter and astringent smile, he hung his head down and said, “Hongji does not dare to speculate.”

Kou Zhong spoke indifferently, “The reason is very simple, because I am afraid urgent change might happen suddenly in Chang’an, Guanzhong people are in a terrible situation [idiom]. If I, Kou Zhong, sit and watch, but remain indifferent, I would become the history’s sinner.”

Liu Hongji’s long body shook, he looked at him.

Kou Zhong knew that his shocking words had received the desired effect. Meeting his gaze, he said, “Dajiangjun must be thinking that I am using frightening words to scare people [idiom], the words not astonishing, people will die endlessly. But the fact is that every word, every sentence came from the bottom of my heart. The situation of the world today is clear, it has become a two-part situation, and the only person in Guanzhong who can make me Kou Zhong have misgivings is only Li Shimin, one person, nobody else. If I, Kou Zhong only seek personal gain, presently I will just sit and watch, but remain indifferent, and tomorrow the Tang master will definitely deprive Qin Wang of military power, or even banish him from the court to a distant location. The alliance between you and us will become meaningless, because I, Kou Zhong will never cooperate with Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji who collude with the Tujue. Since the Tujue, if Li Shimin is gone and our contract of alliance will be ruining-the-enterprise-for-the-sake-of-one-basketful - will definitely go down south on a large scale, pouncing straight at Chang’an. With the heart of the troops in Chang’an being rattled, Dajiangjun is a person who knows the troops, you must know what the result will be? Do you still think I, Kou Zhong, am using frightening words to scare people?”

Hearing that, Liu Hongji’s expression alternated between clear and dark. Finally he hung his head down and said, “These words that Shaoshuai said, why don’t you put it forward directly to Huangshang?”

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “Because I don’t want to die in Chang’an.”

Aghast, Liu Hongji looked at him.

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