
Chapter 295 - Should I call in sick for you?" (1)

Chapter 295 – “Should I call in sick for you?” (1)

The balls were exactly the same as what she had seen on television before. The magnificent ballroom, the melodious live music, gentlemen and ladies all dressed up grandly, dancing. In order to rise up to their classiness, Yan Shuyu, too, dressed up like a butterfly in different gowns and adorned by different jewelries every day. The only thing in common between all of them was that they were all extravagant.

Yan Shuyu wasn’t exactly free labor during this time either. Ever since she attended the annual party with the boss, the boss had set the rule that any gowns that she had worn and jewelries that she had worn would become hers, no matter their costs.

Yan Shuyu, too, was excited. But, owning to the downside of human nature, one never appreciated what one already possessed. All of Yan Shuyu’s luxurious goods such as her purses and jewelries quickly filled all the closets at home and she cared less and less about them. She had so many diamonds that they were now just shiny rocks to her. She was way more excited when she received her paychecks.

To date, the one that Yan Shuyu wore the most was still the Hermes bracelet that the boss had brought back for her during his business trip when their first became a couple.

She had once thought that it was disgustingly expensive, alas, it was always easier going from rags to riches. Now Yan Shuyu finally realized how plain and simple it was and she felt very comfortable wearing it.

As the attraction of gowns and jewelries decreased gradually for Yan Shuyu, so was her interest in balls.

Truth was, the banquets that the boss attended in England was much more Tall, Grand, and High Class than the Zhou’s annual party. Take one of them as an example. Yan Shuyu felt that the host looked somewhat familiar so she looked him up on her cellphone on their way back home. She almost dropped her cellphone when she read that the man that she found familiar looking was a royalty. In fact, news about his family could be read on Weibo from time to time.

Mommy, I have just attended a ball threw by a prince!

Yan Shuyu didn’t just feel prideful, she felt that she had brought pride to her entire family and her ego expanded immediately.

The boss had further received invitation from some politician after that event and they even had a pleasant conversation inside of a castle. After a few events like that, Yan Shuyu finally calmed down from her initial excitement. She wasn’t the mighty one after all. Even though she was lucky enough to stand next to the boss as a live human being but her functionality was no different than that of a vase. She felt that she was lucky to have met all these big shots but, the day that she no longer stood next to the boss, none of these big shots would know her.

All in all, attending all these grand and foreign balls and meeting all these big shots provided nothing more than conversation materials for Yan Shuyu. Really not all that meaningful.

It wasn’t in Yan Shuyu’s nature to brag so all the more she had lost interest in these events after a few times.

Contrarily, looking at the two kiddos heading out for fun every day with the chauffeur and bodyguards and chatted about the fun parts of their days after they have returned and, looking at how she was in England but hadn’t visited any of their landmark, Yan Shuyu felt that she got the short end of the stick. The more she thought about it, the shorter the stick seemed.

The boss was good. He went on a business trip and took them to Northern Europe for a few days and traded her to attend his annual party in exchange. She, on the other hand, was dragged by the boss to multiple banquets and was so busy that she wasn’t even able to experience London. Shouldn’t she get some benefits out of that too?

Yan Shuyu was slow to come to that conclusion. When she realized that she was “stiffed”, all of the activities were already over and they were to fly back the next day. It was meaningless to go barter with the boss at this point.

Her mind was set, however, and went to address that with the boss. She had, after all, spent a lot of time with the boss by now and had picked up some art of talking from him.

“Yuanbao and Xiao Yi had a great time but all I did was attended events with you and didn’t even have the chance to sight see…”

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