
Chapter 674 - The Best is About To Emerge

Chapter 674: The Best is About To Emerge

Day 8.


The entrance to the Chinese Art Association was already flooded with people.

Today was going to be the last in the series of paintings and the members of the association did not want to miss it. Especially not Zheng Zhong Yang, whose mood was completely indescribable.

He had already had to face the wrath of Elder Lin the past few days. Having to endure the damage every day.

Actually, he felt that the ‘Thousand Miles of River and Mountains Painting’ was the best out of them all. However, he did not know what kind of surprise Elder Lin would bring to him today.

“What do you guys think Master Lin is doing? He has already been standing there for an hour and has not touched his brush.”

“I have no idea. He normally spends 10 minutes and yet this time, he is taking an hour. Could it be that today is going to be some earth-shattering work of art?”

“My heart is already starting to tremble.”

“Same here.”

Lin Fan decided his last painting was going to be the ‘Along the River During the Qingming Festival Painting’. According to the encyclopedia, this painting had many mixed opinions. Some felt that it was a top piece of art while others felt that it was not up to par with the ‘Thousand Miles of River and Mountains Painting’.

Since it was a very large scale painting, even if it was a world-class artist, it would be impossible to perfectly express every detail of every creature. Those extremely fine details were simply impossible to draw out.

Also, the brushwork and coloring skills required for the ‘Along the River During the Qingming Festival Painting’ were more than top notch. Thus, Lin Fan was throwing in his entire concentration and focus on it, to create the most perfect ‘Along the River During the Qingming Festival Painting’.

Even though he had the Chinese Art Knowledge as well as the mystical boost from the encyclopedia, the battle this time was not going to be easy. The difficulty level of this was high, extremely high.

This was all because he was going to do a painting that was even higher level than that of the ones in the encyclopedia manuscript.

To other people, this was simply impossible. But to Lin Fan, it was a challenge.

“President, why hasn’t Lin Fan started yet? Based on how he normally works, this is not normal.”

Zheng Zhong Shan shook his head and said, “I don’t know, he could just be thinking about what to paint.”

Tao Shi Gang had some doubts and said, “It doesn’t seem like it. You can see that Elder Lin’s expression is very serious. It is very different from how he has been while on the other paintings.”

“Regardless of which, the other nine paintings are already good enough. We should let Elder Lin relax a bit,” Zheng Zhong Shan said. He was thinking about going in to tell Elder Lin to not go all out as what they had was already enough.

Yue Qiu Ju Shi stopped Elder Zheng and said, “Don’t. Elder Lin is in such a serious state right now, we should not disturb him.”

Meanwhile, while everyone was still in conversation, Lin Fan got into action.

He had already thought of what he was going to do and, at the same time, had prepared himself mentally.

The true top class piece of art was going to be born from his hands.

What he was going to draw would definitely shock the entire world.

This was the first time since he obtained the knowledge of Chinese Art that he was going to be so serious. It was also the first time he had such an imposing stature.

To surpass the top pieces of art in the encyclopedia did come with some pressure but it was not a difficult thing to do.

Time slowly passed.

8 hours had gone by.

The surrounding masters of the association who were looking on had looks of shock on their faces. 8 hours had gone by and Master Lin had still yet to stop. Moreover, his legs had barely even moved and there was still a huge amount of blank space on the canvas.

“What in the world is Elder Lin drawing? Why does it feel like it is so difficult?”

“No idea. We are too far away and can’t see what is going on inside. I’m afraid that we will only know once Elder Lin is done.”

“Why do I feel like something extraordinary is being created.”

Everyone’s eyes shifted to Yue Qiu Ju Shi. At that moment, it wasn’t only him that had this feeling. They all had it too.

The feeling was different from usual.

“It really is difficult to draw.”

Lin Fan muttered in his heart. Every single detail had to be addressed at the highest level. If any of them had a problem, it would ruin the entire end product. As a result, his entire body and mind had to be at its peak condition as he definitely could not make any mistakes.

9 hours passed.

10 hours passed.

Some of them could not stand up any longer. They were feeling very tired and their bodies were starting to give.

In spite of that, not a single person said a word. They were all afraid of disturbing Master Lin.

In their hearts, there was a sort of feeling that was totally indescribable.

Yue Qiu Ju Shi could not contain himself anymore.

“Elder Zheng, I feel like some extraordinary painting is going to come out.”

Elder Zheng did not say a word but just nodded. His pair of eyes was locked on to the person inside the room.

He really wished that he could just walk up to Elder Lin’s side and see what kind of painting he was doing.

But he knew that he could not. If he were to disturb Elder Lin, it would just ruin all of his efforts.

11 hours passed.

Some of them could not take it anymore. They immediately sat down on the floor to rest.

12 hours passed.

Zheng Zhong Shan looked at everyone and said, “All of you guys should go home. It is going to take a long time and you guys won’t be able to endure it.”

“Hush! President, be a bit quieter,” Tao Shi Gang said. The expression on his face was that of alarm.

Elder Lin had already been painting nonstop for 12 hours. What kind of person could endure this? If it were Tao Shi Gang himself, he would have gone crazy long time ago.

But Elder Lin’s face did not change at all. The brush in his hand was flowing smoothly, not even taking a moment to pause.

This was extremely frightening and it made everyone feel scared.

Some of them were very unwilling but could not do anything about it anymore. They could not take it anymore. Since they were old in age, even though they were doing nothing, just standing there was too much to take.

“We are going to go back first. However, if the painting is finished, you have to let us know, we will rush back,” one of the older masters said.

Everyone nodded, “Okay, got it.”

Some of the younger masters felt like they could still take it and did not want to go. It would be really good if Master Lin could finish his painting before they decided to make a move.

The sky had turned dark.

The association still had a lot of people there but it was still completely silent and not a single sound was heard.

Zheng Zhong Shan finally found it too hard to bear. But he could only go to the association’s office to rest. He was not going to go back today as he had to stay here and make preparations.


The sky had yet to turn bright. The Chinese Art Association members who had gone to rest had already come back. But the moment they saw Master Lin still painting, they were all scared.

Is he even human?

How could he endure it for so long?

Zheng Zhong Shan only rested for a few hours. The moment he got up, he rushed back to wait outside.

Yue Qiu Ju Shi and Tao Shi Gang did the same. They were older in age and could not endure for as long periods. But once they were rested, they rushed back.

They were already shocked by Lin Fan. To be able to paint for such a long period of time was something they did not even dare to think of doing.

Even though they saw it with their own eyes, they still felt that it was an illusion.

“Seal off the association. Stop anyone from trying to enter. We must ensure that it stays silent here,” Zheng Zhong Shan said.

He did not want Elder Lin to be disturbed by anyone.

From yesterday till now, his heart had been racing. It was like something extraordinary was going to happen.

Tao Shi Gang nodded, “I will pass down the instructions immediately,”


Inside the room.

Lin Fan already had his Wu Xia knowledge. This knowledge allowed him to endure all the way until now. Without this Wu Xia knowledge, he would have given up long ago.

Even though he had the knowledge of Chinese Arts, he would not have been able to endure for so long.

As he continued to keep painting, he started to feel more excited inside because this exceptional painting was coming from his own hands.

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