
Volume 3 Extra 1.2

Volume 3 Extra 1.2

Translator: Reflet

Editor: Weasalopes



「Aoba-sensei, the principal, and Tachinami-sensei, the homeroom teacher. Everyone’s concerned that yer overdoin’ it.」


I felt even more pathetic now. It’s sad that I even made the people around me worry. But still, I must…

「I’m dumb ‘n clumsy, so I prolly can’t change this way o’livin’……」


「And I honestly can’t do nothin’ to atone for what I did to hurt Azuma-kun. If I could, it’d be to neva get involved with ‘im again. So I gotta do my best in all otha things.」

Yes. I can do nothing for the victim. All I can hope is that he can recover enough to love again. I pray every day that there will be an amazing woman that can help the broken Azuma-kun to get back on his feet. At any rate, it’s important that I never do anything to him ever again. It would be outrageous should I get him into more trouble by trying to atone just to fill my self-satisfaction.

「Yukari, come on……」

「Whatever. Let’s head back.」

Because I fully intend to live out my life carrying these regrets.

2.A Certain Private Highschool, Third Year, the case of Katsutoshi Hideomi(former male classmate)

「Wazzup Katsutoshi, ya seem super pissed.」

「Oh, it’s you, Omori. Flirtin’ around as always I see.」

「Nope, I ain’t.」

「Nah, I heard. Ya did it with the fifth one, right?」

Looking coldly at the dandy man of the class, I check to see if what I heard was true or not. In actuality, no matter how many girls Omori did in succession, as long as it didn’t harm me I didn’t care. But for some reason, every time this guy changed girls, I always got caught up in the mix. It wasn’t like I teamed up with Omori or anything. We were hardly even friends, and I was reluctant to even hang out with him.

「So Omori.」


「If ya don’t put a can in it, yer gonna seriously be fed raw meat chocolate one day.」

「Nah nah nah, I ain’t do nothin’ like that unless it’s a real nice girl, y’know?」

「It don’t matter how fine a girl they is, when it happens it happens.」

I really don’t want talk about this, but the one who messed up Azuma this bad was just a normal girl who, other than in class, or more accurately, other than when she made contact with Azuma, never stood out in a good or a bad way. Even the girls who blindly imitated her and the girls who beat Azuma so bad he got sent to the hospital were all super normal girls that didn’t fall far from the cloth that you could find anywhere.

Thanks to that, both me and the other guy who came from that middle school couldn’t trust these living creatures known as women.

「Welp, ya really don’t like girls, so I get why ye say that. But why’re ya so grumpy?」

「Same reason yer grumpy. Why do the gals ya dump always come to me fer revenge time afta time……」

「They do?」

「Yup. Wanna try askin’ the others?」

Omori looked around as he heard me say that. Several of the boys who met his gaze gave me a dirty look before staring fixedly at Omori with slightly harsh expressions as they nodded.

「For serious……?」

「And they act like I’m tellin’ ya lies about ‘em to getchu to break up with ‘em. I don’t even care about who ya decide to go out with, an look what happens to me.」

「Ah~……、I’m real sorry ‘bout that……」

「If ya really feel that way, then make sure to rein in ya women real close, or else don’t get close to me eva again.」

I’m just tired of it all, so I told him off loud and clear. Ever since Azuma’s incident, I’ve hated girls. I honestly never want to get involved with any guy who even tries to be a playboy.

「You hate me?」

「I don’t like or dislike ye. Ya greet me, I’ll greetcha. But imma tell ya upfront that I don’t wanna progress no further, and I don’t got a single interest in who ya are as a person.」

「Man, that’s even worse than sayin’ ya hate me……」

Omori frowned, but I don’t care.

I know that this guy wonders why both I and the other guy who came from that middle school hate women. But he’s a fool and he goes about things the wrong way, and even if that wasn’t the case, I don’t need him butting into our affairs. He was an unbelievably charming guy, so I couldn’t hate him, but neither do I want to get to know him, nor do I feel there would be any merit in doing so.

「I won’t say that I’m without ma flaws. Yer prolly talkin’ to me outta genuine concern, and I git that. But that ain’t no reason fer the girls ya dump to be handed off to me fer disposal, y’know?」

「I neva intended to do that……」

Well of course he didn’t intend to. If he didn’t know what the girls would do after he dumped them, it would be weird for him to be aware of it.

「Hey, why they even goin’ to you for complaints?」

「Cuz apparently everyone knows I hate girls. They claim I toldja things about ‘em to get y’all to getchu to break up with ‘em.」

「I neva heard nothin’ about ya interest in women……」

「’Course not. Ya don’t try ‘n get to know none of them so ya don’t know what they be like.」

Precisely that. Not a single classmate knew a single thing about what each girl was actually like. No one knew what would set off a land mine, so everyone knew their names and faces, but other than greeting or talking to them in a professional manner, none of the boys tried to forge connections with them.

Honestly, it’s already painful enough to have to memorize the names and faces of people I either have no interest in or despise, so I’m not so much of a masochist that I’d go out picking fights with these girls. Several boys in the class, including Omori, said they weren’t scared of girls and claimed the girls never tried to snap at them, but it was still ridiculous to insist that I trust the same bunch who whispered malicious gossip behind people’s backs in class or banded together to ostracize others.

First of all, the girls who claimed women aren’t scary were hardly different from the same kinds of girls that bullied and sent Azuma to the hospital, nearly killing him and leaving him with a mental disorder in the process. What they really meant was that they decided whether or not losers had the right to live. Maybe some of them had good intent in their warnings, but ultimately, what they advocated for was generally slandering other people’s personalities and interests.

And although they claimed that men should wear clean, proper clothing, the girls had still ended up finding a way to slander Hiroshi, who only looked a bit uncool but was not dirty nor sloppy. This was truly double standards in a nutshell.

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