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Chapter 55 Gu Pojuns call

Xie Feng shook his head and responded casually: "You know the answer. Why do you ask?".

Mu Wuying sighed slightly and smiled: "Well, at least I had to try. Although I still think it’s a pity".

As dinner continued with casual and cheerful chats, Xie Feng’s cell phone began to ring inside his pants pocket.

Xie Feng took out his cell phone, confused, as he usually does not receive calls from anyone. However, when he saw the name on the caller ID, he understood.

The person’s name was Gu Pojun, Gu Qianxue’s father.

Unconsciously he looked at Gu Qianxue for a moment.

Xie Feng accepted the call but did not speak. Instead, he stood up and looked at everyone with a look that suggested saying sorry: "It’s an important call so I must answer. You can continue, I’ll be back in a moment".

Xie Yao looked at him slightly worried and asked: "Big brother Xie Feng, did something bad happen?".

Feeling the genuine concern for him in her tone of voice, Xie Feng could not help but feel warmth in his heart. He shook his head and looked at Gu Qianxue.

Seeing this, Xie Yao nodded, expressing that she understands.


After leaving the private box, Xie Feng went to the small illuminated lake and while appreciating the view he finally spoke:

"Your daughter is fine, what’s wrong?".

"I know, I heard her voice. It seems that you went outside to eat". Said Gu Pojun and after a pause he continued: "I want to thank you for being nice with my daughter. Qianxue was always overprotected by me and her mother, so she doesn’t have many people she can call friends. Most people who approach her have ulterior motives, but I know I don’t have to worry about you. So, thank you".

The face of Xie Feng did not change at all after receiving the gratitude of the most powerful person in all of China. Instead he responded slightly:

"You don’t need to thank anything. To be honest, your daughter is a wonderful person. I am surprised that in this disgusting world there is still a person like her, who at her age can still be so pure and innocent".

Gu Pojun was silent for a moment before he said: "I am glad to hear that".

While both were silent, a cold gust of wind blew Xie Feng’s hair slightly. He waited for the person on the other side of the phone to tell him the real reason behind his call.

Indeed, after several seconds, Gu Pojun resumed the conversation: "The reason I am calling you is because Qianxue must return to Beijing in a few days to participate in the birthday party of Yao Mei, of the Yao family. So-....".

Xie Feng immediately interrupted him: "Stop, if you want to ask me to be her back guard on her way back to Beijing, save your breath. You know very well that I cannot afford to get too far away from Xie Yao".

Gu Pojun sighed, apparently expecting something like this and answered: "It really is like this then... I was expecting it".

Xie Feng responded with indifference: "If something happens to Xie Yao you know the consequences. Let me warn you something, what you saw is not even 50% of what I can really do".

Gu Pojun said nothing for a long time before he sighed again and asked: "Can you at least promise me that if something bad happens you will help Qianxue?".

Xie Feng frowned at Gu Pojun’s insistence. Suddenly his eyes lit up with understanding and his gaze turned slightly cold: "Will anyone try anything against her? Otherwise you wouldn’t be so insistent, right?".

Gu Pojun’s voice became slightly serious, he replied: "I got some information, but I can’t confirm it. As you know, the Yao family is only under my Gu family in power because of the NSA. However, the difference in strength is not too great. In the last few years the Yao’s started acting a little strange towards my family so it is better to be safe than sorry".

Xie Feng was clearly a little upset as he unconsciously clenched his teeth: "If you know there is a chance that some bastard will do something to your daughter, shouldn’t you, as a father, prevent it?".

Gu Pojun seemed to understand Xie Feng’s bad mood but he responded in a slightly impotent tone: "Why do you think I am so careful with Qianxue? Naturally I take the best care of her. But there are things that money or political power cannot prevent. That’s why I ask for the help of the strongest person I know, namely you".

After a moment of silence, Xie Feng closed his eyes and sighed.

He is naturally not a naive man. He understands that politics is about planning and mind games. So even if Gu Pojun knows that the Yao family is planning against his family, as long as he does not have enough evidence, he cannot do anything about it.

Feeling that Xie Feng seemed to be thinking about something, Gu Pojun continued: "Take this not as a mission, take it as a favor I ask of you. A favor from man to man. If something bad happens, could you protect my daughter?".

Xie Feng opened his eyes and hesitated.

Honestly he became fond of Gu Qianxue. He really appreciates that girl. So if something bad happens to him and he could have prevented it, he would never forgive himself.

But, what if during that time something bad happens to Xie Yao? That’s something Xie Feng doesn’t even want to imagine.

Xie Feng knows very well that the only reason the people responsible for the death of Xie Yao’s parents have not yet made a move on her is because he is always close to her.

But when he gets too far away from her, if anything happens, it will be too late to complain.

Gu Pojun didn’t push him too hard either and I waited patiently for his response.

After a full minute, Xie Feng finally replied: "All right, if something bad happens I promise to help you. However, you must send 2 Espers to protect Xie Yao during this time because when I leave Shanghai the news will not be closed. One Esper of fire and one Esper of earth. If you can’t do that then find someone else".

"Very good! I will send tomorrow 2 Espers to Shanghai. In 5 days Qianxue must take a flight to Beijing, you don’t need to accompany her, you just need to keep an eye on your cell phone, that’s all. I will not forget this favor". Said Gu Pojun in a serious tone of voice

Not just anyone can receive such treatment from the most authoritative person in one of the world’s greatest powers.

Xie Feng clicked his tongue and said: "Forget it, old man. I’m not doing it for you, I’m doing it because I don’t want anything bad to happen to a person as good as Qianxue, that’s all".

"Xie Feng, remember that you are still a young man of only 20 years. It’s okay for you to be mature and work hard for your family, but you must also enjoy life or you will regret it when you are an old man like me. All right, kid, I won’t take up any more of your time. Go there and have fun". After saying those words, Gu Pojun did not wait for Xie Feng’s answer and concluded the call.

Xie Feng stared at the lake with a thoughtful look after hearing the last words of Gu Pojun. For others, maybe he tries too hard, but this is not really right.

He simply does what is within his capacity. Xie Feng is not an arrogant person who thinks he can go against the world, but at least he does not degrade himself.

No one knows better than he what he can do. Besides, everything he does is for his own happiness.

For example, if something bad were to happen to Xie Yao, he would be unhappy. Therefore, he strives to make her safe and happy. That way, he will be happy.

"Besides, I can have fun in the virtual world. So, it’s okay". Xie Feng mumbled unconsciously.

"I see that you are still the same crazy about the virtual world as in the past. Some things really don’t change".

Xie Feng did not need to turn around to identify the person who just spoke, as it was an extremely familiar voice to him.

Even looking at the lake he replied: "Some things don’t change, others do. Isn’t that what life is all about? Abandoning what doesn’t serve us and looking for something better".

"Suddenly I feel bad about your words. Are you insinuating something?".

Xie Feng sighed slightly and even without turning around asked: "Shouldn’t you be eating dinner with everyone? What are you doing here, Mu Wuying?".

Mu Wuying stopped behind Xie Feng and put her arms around his waist and rested her face against his back. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath: "I missed doing this so much... I missed feeling your scent so much... I miss you so much".

Xie Feng could feel sadness impossible to hide in Mu Wuying’s tone of voice. He also knows that she was not faking that sadness, as he knows the kind of person she is.

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