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Chapter 71 Training with the skeletons



The creepy sound of bones could be heard everywhere. In the early part of the Shadow Forest, everything was extremely quiet. Even after killing monsters, they didn’t make any sound and simply disappeared. However, in this part of the territory, it was quite the opposite, there were almost no moments of true silence.

Xie Feng’s eyes went around and soon he counted approximately 10 shadow skeletons in total. They waved their bony white arms making people scared and unconsciously making their movements more rigid

Many times, the real enemy is ourselves. Fear is an emotion that in most cases, people freeze to death not knowing what to do.

But, would he be afraid for a few bones?

The skeletons were trying to surround Xie Feng as they approached from all directions.

Xie Feng stood with his sword and watched the Shadow Skeletons slowly approach. At this point Xie Feng’s statistics were really high, however, if he is surrounded by ten skeletons and hit twice by each of them inflicting 200% damage, even if he does not die, his HP bar would certainly enter the danger zone.

He must still face more skeletons and who knows what else deep in this forest!

After confirming the most effective place to attack, Xie Feng raised his sword and ran in that direction.

Facing so many monsters 5 levels up, with resistance to physical attacks and increased physical attack, was no different than seeking death.

Only two kinds of people would do something like that;

The first type of people are those arrogant and ignorant who do not know their own place in this world. The type of people who believe that they can do anything under the heavens, as if they were the representation of God on earth.

The second type of people are those who are arrogant and disdain to face monsters lower than or equal to themselves. However, unlike the previous case, these types of people have the capital to support such arrogance.

The strong, never need a reason.

If they need one, then the answer is very simple;

They are strong. That is more than enough reason to defy danger.

Under such darkness in which one could hardly see twenty meters ahead, a lonely human being fearlessly faced a group of monsters that practically no other player could defeat at the current stage.

Xie Feng cast a Small Fireball and successfully hit the Shadow Skeleton.


Almost 1/4 of the Shadow Skeleton’s HP bar was drained immediately afterwards. It was only a moment later when the distance between it and he closed to 0.

The Shadowy Skeleton raised its right arm without skill, it simply wielded it like a sword, with pure physical strength.

Xie Feng simply moved slightly to the right and dodged the attack by a few inches. Not even a second later he attacked with his sword.

A slightly silvery glow in the middle of the darkness.


Because the body of the Shadow Skeleton is made of nothing but hard bones, physical attacks cause 20% less.

For that reason Xie Feng was not surprised to see such a huge drop in physical damage.

Immediately afterwards, only a tiny fraction of a second later, Xie Feng shot a Magic Bullet.


The damage of the Magic Bullet is 80% of the total magic damage, then added 50% increase of the ring is calculated the total. Only a slight change in the numbers can cause such a large change. However, since the Little Fireball has a cool down of 2 seconds, Xie Feng could not allow that second to be wasted just like that.

That’s the main difference between him and the rest of the players.

No statistics, no items.

Of course, superior statistics and higher ranking and supporting items are an undeniable help and advantage. However, the reason why he can face such a large amount of higher level monsters at the same time without even being hit is due to three factors.

Reflexes, Perception, and Focus.

Reflexes to dodge, perception to anticipate, and focus to recognize the surrounding environment.

These are all fixed statistics that the system cannot steal. Because they are part of the mind and soul of the person himself/herself. Virtual reality games are not computer or console games after all.

When the life of the first Shadow Skeleton fell by more than half, Xie Feng felt a gust of wind from behind his body. Even without looking back he already knew that a second Shadow Skeleton had arrived to join the battle.

Xie Feng took two more steps to the left and avoided the bony claw of the second skeleton, then shot another Small Fireball followed immediately by a slash of his sword.



Now that the first Shadow Skeleton was close to death, Xie Feng ignored it and shifted his focus to the second Shadow Skeleton.

After dropping approximately 750/2000 health points from the second Skeleton, the third Shadow Skeleton finally arrived on the scene.

The first Skeleton moved its right arm and hit Xie Feng’s back while the third Skeleton attacked him from one side and the second Skeleton limited his movements in front.

Xie Feng did not panic at the three-pronged attack and made an action that if any other player or even NPC had seen it, they would die of a heart attack from the surprise.

With the silver sword in his left hand, Xie Feng swings it to the back of his body with a horizontal slash from bottom to top.


The bone claw of the first Shadow Skeleton collided with Xie Feng’s sword and prevented the monster’s attack from continuing forward.

What is surprising is what happened next.



Although players can generally only attack once per second even in the advanced stages of the game, there are moves that can be used to break through this barrier.

Although it would not be precisely correct to call it an attack.

What Xie Feng did was to take advantage of the impact force caused by the bone claw of the first Shadow Skeleton and move his hand according to the attack of the other two skeletons.

In other words, he did not attack. Precisely speaking he used the force of the first skeleton to block the attack of the second skeleton, then used the force of the second skeleton to block the third skeleton.

From the moment Xie Feng blocked the attack of the first skeleton to the moment he blocked the attack of the other two, the time difference between the two was less than 1 second!

For that reason, if someone else had seen it, they would certainly be scared to death!

"Hahaha.... ". Xie Feng couldn’t help but laugh when he saw his plan succeed!

From the beginning of the game until now he has only faced animal type monsters. The only exception was the Guardian of Hell. For that reason, he could not prove this move and confirm his theory. But now, he finally understood that his thoughts were on the right path!

Of course, this is not simple at all. Xie Feng believes that the total number of people who can do something like this is less than the total fingers on both hands.

His movements became fierce, his attacks became sharp and his body became nimble. This was a kind of feeling that made him comfortable.

It was exactly when a person faces an enemy in this kind of situation, that he displays all his skills to a perfect level. Face with these Shadow Skeletons, he was finally able to fight the way he likes and enjoys the most.

Xie Feng quickly leaped to the side and after figuring out the distance, he slashed his sword horizontally, forming a silvery arc that hit all three Shadow Skeletons at the same time.

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Since Xie Feng had made sure that the HP of the first two skeletons was only one attack away from death, this last attack caused them both to fall to the ground in a pile of bones.


A few moments later, the third Shadow Skeleton had also become a pile of bones.

Suddenly, five more Shadow Skeletons rushed violently towards Xie Feng. With their reflexes and perception, coupled with their current speed of movement, these skeletons were moving at an extremely slow speed.

It was impossible for these skeletons, which trembled like jelly with every step they took, to touch Xie Feng’s body.

Xie Feng smiled. His smile looked like the smile of the devil.

In this place full of darkness, in this atmosphere full of yin qi, he looked more like an demon compared to those shaking skeletons.

Xie Feng ran towards the skeletons like a whirlwind.

Less than a minute later, the place was silent again.

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