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Chapter 73 Darkness in the Light

[Grade: 1 SUN]

[HP: 4000]

[Description: The soul of those who are not willing to rest in peace and in search of revenge takes over a normal skeleton]


[Undead body: Possesses 50% resistance to death attacks]

[Bone Claw: 40% chance of causing 250% physical damage when it attacks]

Xie Feng charged forward without hesitation and fired a small fireball and immediately thereafter cast a magic bullet.



The Small Fireball inflicts 100% magic damage when it hits the enemy, while the Magic Bullet inflicts 80%. Although the difference between the two skills is only 20%, when the damage is calculated, the difference is really significant. This is a difference that will only increase with the passing of time.

Immediately after casting the two spells, the Phantom Skeleton and Xie Feng came face to face.

The Phantom Skeleton was a solar grade boss monster. Although the 1 SUN BOSS monsters were weak and the players did not consider them true bosses, it does not change the fact that the increase of health points and skills is significant.

The Phantom Skeleton raised its bony right hand and struck quickly down like a whip.

When Xie Feng sensed the Ghost Skeleton’s movements he tried to move aside, but his steps were stopped by another monster.


Xie Feng looked down and saw that another Bone Hand had caught his right foot!

That moment of distraction and stagnation in his movements caused the blow of the Phantom Skeleton to hit his body unimpeded.


Xie Feng’s eyes widened as he looked at the red number floating above his head. 450 points of physical damage! He was so unlucky that the Phantom Skeleton’s strike caused an extra 250% damage!

That attack alone had drained almost 1/5 of his health bar!

Xie Feng kicked the Bone Hand causing 90 points of damage and destroying it. At the same time he fired a small fireball and cut the body of the Ghost Skeleton with his sword.



Seeing the physical damage his attack caused, Xie Feng frowned loudly. His current physical damage after rising to level fourteen was 200 points. After activating Wind Aura, that damage increases to 400 points.

Even so, the total damage was almost 100 points less. Although Xie Feng is not surprised since skeleton monsters have high resistance to physical attacks to begin with, the loss of 20% of his physical damage worried him a little.

The reason he was a little worried is because the Phantom Skeleton is only a 1 SUN BOSS monster. So, what’s waiting for him deeper in the Shadow Forest? ....

Above all, what is waiting inside of that mountain? ....


The sound of wind from above drove Xie Feng from his thoughts and without looking or hesitating, he ducked. Only a split second later, the right arm of the Phantom Skeleton passed over his head.

Still in a crouching position, Xie Feng pressed his right hand against the Ghost Skeleton’s chest and fired a Magic Bullet.


Immediately after, a blow from his sword also hit the monster’s body draining another 320 health points.

The Phantom Skeleton performed a move that surprised Xie Feng. In reality, the monster lifted its left foot and tried to kick it.

Although slightly surprised, he did not panic and by putting some strength into both legs he jumped backwards, avoiding the attack of the Phantom Skeleton.

Even while in the air Xie Feng threw a small fireball followed by a horizontal cut of his sword.



The battle ended only two seconds later.

The total time of the battle between Xie Feng and the Phantom Skeleton was only eleven seconds. The battle could have ended one second earlier, but due to the mid-point interruption of the Bone Hand it ended up getting a little longer.

Although only eleven seconds passed, these seconds meant a lot to Xie Feng. He learned many things in this battle. But what he learned most was that the Bone Hands are only monsters that can be destroyed with one kick, if caught in the middle of the fight it would be extremely dangerous for him.

This time it was only a 1 SUN BOSS monster but still, that one hit took 450 health points out of his total 2350 HP points. Although it is because he had a little bit of bad luck in this specific case and the high possibility of the Phantom Skeleton to cause 250% extra damage, it doesn’t change what happened.


+200 HP

+200 HP

+200 HP

A faint red glow of the Blood Sword bloomed in his left hand and just 3 seconds later, his HP bar was complete again. Since the battle was over, the effect of the sword was activated.

As long as he kills monsters, the Blood Sword will save a part of the blood and use it to recover his own health points when needed. Although it is a pity that the effect is only activated out of combat, it makes sense. After all, even a gold grade sword wouldn’t have as much of an effect as recovering 200 health points per second.

After regaining his full health, Xie Feng took an apple from his inventory and ate it in a hurry.

[Ding!.... Mission Update!]

[Mission objective: Save Yue Qingyu’s daughter]

[Time Limit (Updated): 20 hours]

Xie Feng’s face became extremely ugly after hearing the system announcement. Although he does not know what is happening inside the mountain and would like to think about his options more calmly, the limited time leaves him no choice but to think about it as he goes.

Immediately after he activated his Cloud Path skill by increasing his movement speed.

[Movement speed: 138 (118 + 20 Cloud Path)]

Like a whirlwind, Xie Feng began to run. Although he also wanted to activate the ability to move the Ring of the God of Destruction, he held back the momentum.

Cloud Path increases its speed of movement by +20 points for ten minutes and has a cool down time of twenty minutes.

On the other hand, Fast Movement increases its motion speed +50 points for twenty seconds, but even though the speed increase is huge, the cool down time is two hours.

Xie Feng cannot use skills that can save his life or change the course of a battle just like that.

As he ran deeper into the Shadow Forest, Xie Feng could feel his body much lighter than before. Apparently not only his movement speed increased, he could clearly feel his entire body becoming more agile.

He now has more confidence in being able to dodge attacks much better and with as little margin for error as before.

After running for 5 minutes he could finally see the mountain completely. Although he was still some distance away, he could see that the mountain was really huge. Not only was it incredibly high, but it stretched for several kilometers as well.

As he got closer and closer, Xie Feng could clearly feel the weather getting colder, the ground had turned completely black and there was no living grass anywhere. The only thing in this place was black soil and rocks, nothing else could be seen.

Even the sunlight seemed to be blocked by a strange colored cloud that covered several kilometers in length and width.







Suddenly more than ten Shadow Skeletons appeared on Xie Feng’s path. He did not even stop his steps and continued to advance without stopping as time was running out.

After a gesture with his right hand, a gust of wind came up and soon turned into a small tornado. The tornado’s wind made the Shadow Skeletons’ footsteps waver.

-1170.... -1171.... -1168.... -1167.... -1172.... -1169....

-1167.... -1172.... -2240! (Critical Hit!).... -1171.... -1168.... -1173....

*Ka*.... *Ka*.... *Ka*.... *Ka*....

The duration effect of the Tornado skill is three seconds. However, two seconds after its cast, the 2000 health points of the ten Shadow Skeletons are completely drained, causing them to collapse on the ground, forming a pile of white bones scattered everywhere.

Xie Feng did not even stop for a moment and continued running like a gale.


After killing the Shadow Skeletons, Xie Feng continued running. However, there were many occasions when he had to stop and fight because even with his movement speed it was becoming difficult to avoid the many monsters that were blocking his path.

The total time it took Xie Feng to reach the entrance of the mountain after he eliminated the Shadow Skeletons was three full hours.

During these three hours he killed no less than a thousand Semi-Full Skeletons that appeared endlessly to stop him. Although Tornado and Dark Lightning have a range of ten meters, they are only skills that attack the front but still leave the sides and back vulnerable. Therefore, Xie Feng had to work hard to eliminate these level ten monsters.

Precisely because they are level ten monsters, even after eliminating so many of them, his level did not rise even once. Still, this is understandable. After all, his level is currently four levels above the Semi-Full Skeletons.


[Ding!.... You have entered the A+ rank dungeon: Darkness in the Light]

The first time Xie Feng entered the mountain cave, the first thing he felt was a strong rotten smell hitting his nostrils. The rotten smell was so strong that he unconsciously frowned and started breathing through his mouth while blocking his nose.

Not only was there a strong rotten smell. The atmosphere was dark and gloomy, Xie Feng could barely see five meters in front of him before everything turned black.

If an innocent woman or a small child approached this dark and disgusting place, they would certainly turn around and run away before even taking the first step.

Xie Feng browsed in forum a little bit but could not find any information about this place. Without any other option, he took the first step and started to go deeper into the cave.

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