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Chapter 257 Wind vs Lightning (1)

"Old Nangong, aren’t you being too selfish? What does a little girl have to do with all this?" Gu Pojun couldn’t help but speak up. Unlike his normal soft and calm voice, his current voice was full of authority as a leader of his caliber should possess.

Nangong Wentian looked at him and a lightning flash shone in his eyes as he sneered, "Don’t give me that bullsh*t. If your daughter was in the position of my second son do you dare say you wouldn’t do the same!?"

Gu Pojun couldn’t help but not reply this time. If anyone dared to lift a single finger on his daughter Gu Qianxue and hurt her, the fate of the culprit’s entire family would be no better than the fate of the current crippled Nangong Chen.

Nangong Wentian snorted and turned his gaze to the front, waiting for the arrival of the person he hated the most right now with gritted teeth.

"Patriarch Nangong, may I ask something?"

After several minutes of silence, a soft, seductive voice was heard from the side.

"Mm?" Nangong Wentian and everyone else looked at the person who had just talked only to discover that it was Mu Wuying.

Receiving Nangong Wentian’s gaze, Mu Wuying did not flinch in the slightest. She ignored her mother Mu Xue’s reprimanding look and asked, "If you had to compare the strength of you and Patriarch Yao, how would you consider it?"

Mu Wuying’s question took many people in surprise. If a normal person asked such a question it could be considered disrespectful, however, since this person was Mu Xue’s daughter, the situation was different.

Nangong Wentian looked at her for several seconds and after thinking for a moment slowly said, "Although I don’t know the reason why you ask, it’s okay to tell you.... If we are talking about explosive power, Old Yao is stronger than me. However, if it’s about speed.... Probably only old Gu who controls the wind can match me. In general, the strength of the five of us is pretty close to each other.... That’s why there is a balance that no one wishes to break."

"I see. I appreciate your answer and sorry for my lack of manners." Mu Wuying apologized.

Nangong Wentian nodded casually and turned his gaze back to the road. However, what neither he nor anyone else noticed was that Mu Wuying’s lips had curved slightly upward and the nerves that strained her shoulders had completely disappeared.

She had seen Xie Feng destroy a barrier created by Yao Xiyu easily a few hours ago and even if Yao Xiyu did not shine in defense of the same way he did in the attack, since Nangong Wentian possessed roughly similar strength to him, then she was confident that Xie Feng could win.

* * *

Ten minutes passed very quickly.

The soldiers watched in amazement at how so many important people were still standing at the entrance of the military base and could not help but be curious as to who was the person who could make so many people of such caliber wait obediently for him or her.

Fortunately, all the people present were not normal; even Yao Zenyu who had so far shown no apparent signs of awakening a Esper power possessed an above average body.... Otherwise, all of them would already be shivering due to the cold winter temperatures.

"Here he comes." Gu Pojun said indifferently as he looked ahead.

Two headlights were approaching at full speed and the sound of an engine thundered in the silent night.

Nangong Wentian’s muscles tensed like a beast ready to jump on its prey, but he still seemed to have some rationality as he did nothing crazy and waited patiently.

The Audi A10 stopped and Xie Feng got out of the driver’s seat being followed immediately by Xie Yao and Gu Qianxue.

Xie Feng slowly walked forward and headed towards Gu Pojun. He completely ignored all the other people and didn’t even give Nangong Wentian a glance.

"Lead the way. I still want to go rest."

Everyone could hear the coldness in Xie Feng’s words as proof of the anger he was holding back. However, his last words were extremely arrogant; even before they started he was already sure of his victory.

Even so, no one scoffed. After all, although Nangong Wentian was strong, everyone knew how powerful Xie Feng was after looking at his surroundings and remembering that about two years ago, this now empty place was surrounded by buildings and houses.

Nangong Wentian scoffed and Yao Ruolan seemed to mutter a few things as she looked at Xie Feng viciously; she was like a multi-colored poisonous snake.... In a sense beautiful but extremely terrifying.

Gu Pojun sighed and nodded silently.

They all boarded a military helicopter and the pilot took off. The flight was extremely silent and no one said a single word as they felt the heavy atmosphere surrounding the place. Even the helicopter pilot had begun to sweat without realizing it even at low ambient temperatures.

While Nangong Wentian, Yao Ruolan, looked at Xie Feng with a desire to eat him alive, Nangong Lei looked at Gu Qianxue with his teeth clenched.... She was huddled happily next to Xie Feng.

As for Xie Feng himself, he had his head down and did not speak. No one had any idea what he was thinking and the only sound that could be heard was the occasional crackle of his fingers thundering.

After fifteen minutes, the helicopter landed on top of a military building and everyone got off one after another.

Without saying a word, Gu Pojun got into an elevator first and after everyone was on board, he pressed the button to go subway.

This was probably the first time many of them had visited this military base as they all looked around with a bit of curiosity. The only person who acted indifferent was Yao Mei, after all, she came to this place to train quite often because it was the only nearby military base with a training room capable of holding her power and providing her with what she needed to grow.

They soon arrived at the place where Yao Mei trained. An extremely spacious room with an extension of several kilometers and made of pure adamantine.

Gu Pojun looked at Nangong Wentian and Xie Feng before slowly saying, "Are you two sure? Isn’t there room to negotiate in peace?"

"Negotiate? Sure! Let this punk kid apologize on his knees, let your daughter become my son’s wife obediently, and maybe, just maybe we can negotiate then!" Nangong Wentian sneered with a grimace of disdain.

Gu Pojunto frowned and looked at Xie Feng, but Xie Feng did not even look at him or Nangong Wentian when he advanced forward, entering the room first. His answer was obvious to everyone.

Nangong Wentian tugged off his tie and ripped his suit jacket into pieces before following Xie Feng into the room.

After the two entered, the room was immediately sealed and several screens showing what was happening inside appeared on the walls.

"There are special cameras that will allow us to see what’s going on inside and the walls are embedded with high-tech microphones, allowing us to hear everything that happens without damaging our ears in case of loud explosions." Yao Xiyu explained to the young ones. "This room was created to do high-risk experiments with high-caliber nuclear bombs, so it is technically indestructible. There’s nothing to worry about."

They all nodded silently and focused their attention on the cameras.

* * *

Inside the room.

Xie Feng advanced slowly as he walked away from the entrance and casually inspected the place. The floor and walls were dark in color but the room was brightly lit by a giant artificial sun overhead.

"You sure are relaxed. Such confidence is commendable."

Nangong Wentian’s thick voice sounded from behind Xie Feng’s back as he watched him inspect the place as if he was taking a touristic tour.

Xie Feng finally stopped his steps and turned around. For the first time since he had arrived, he looked at Nangong Wentian. His eyes showed no anger whatsoever, just pure and simple indifference.... In fact, his gaze was so indifferent that his eyes were extremely sharp as if they could cut through the hardest metal with a single glance.

"I must say that your courage is great." Also for the first time since he had arrived, Xie Feng talked to Nangong Wentian.

"Right now I should kill you for daring to threaten the security of my house. That is intolerable." Xie Feng said casually. Then, he put both hands in his pants pockets and smiled faintly, "But you know... I’m a very kind person.... So much so that I’ll give you twenty seconds."

"Oh?" Nangong Wentian narrowed his eyes and waited for Xie Feng’s next words with interest.

"You have twenty seconds to attack as you wish, I won’t counterattack during that time.... Twenty seconds later, your life in this world will no longer be necessary!"

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