
Chapter 482 - There’s News About Her

Mu Sihan opened his heavy eyelids. All he saw was pitch black.

He did not know if it was during the day or at night now.

His temple was still in pain, as he forced his exhausted body to sit up on the bed.

“Fourth Brother, you’re awake?” Lan Yanzhi’s voice trailed over.

Mu Sihan pursed his pale lips tightly, his voice hoarse and low, “Is there any news about her?”

“Fourth Brother, the airline had found out that the missing flight FH3014, was in an incident that occurred at Mountain Yanmai in A Country. The plane had exploded and every passenger and crew on board didn’t make it.”

Mu Sihan’s handsome but thin facial features were tensed, as his hands moved into tight fists. The veins on the back of his hands twitched. His eyes were completely blank, as if he was doing everything to suppress the sadness and hopelessness in him.

“Fourth Brother, you’re about to go into surgery. It’s not good for the blood clot in your head if you get too agitated.”

Mu Sihan closed his eyes, his mind was blank and completely silent for a few seconds. He felt like a heavy stone was pressing on his chest, and it was so heavy that he could not breathe.

“Fourth Brother, I know that it’s very hard to accept this, but you have to stay strong. You still have Xiaojie.”

Mu Sihan opened his eyes, his lips moving, his voice hoarse, “I don’t believe that she’s dead. She’s only missing. I will find her!”

This incident was very abnormal.

Out of so many flights, why was her flight the only one that got into an accident?

“Fourth Brother, the explosion of the missing flight FH3014 caused substantial stress to the S Country’s government. Could the SSS group be involved in this?”

Mu Sihan suppressed the mania and frenzy within him. The uncontrolled panic almost made him lose his rationality.

However, he knew that he could not lose his rationality and had to keep calm. He had to stay focused.

“Go and help me check the CCTV in the airport. I want to see Nan Zhi get on the plane myself. If not, I won’t believe that she was on the plane!”

Lan Yanzhi said seriously, “The airport’s CCTV was under maintenance that day, so we won’t be able to find anything. However, Yi Fan had sent Nan Zhi to the airport personally and saw her go through the security, there shouldn’t be any mistakes!”

“Arrange for a flight. I want to go to the place of the incident!


Mu Sihan brought his men to A Country’s Mountain Yanmai. There were the search teams from S Country, A Country and Hua Country.

Mountain Yanmai was treacherous and known to be very dangerous. The search teams were progressing with great difficulty.

One day would pass, one after another, and before long, the search teams had been searching for three days nonstop.

Still nothing.

In fact, everyone knew that even if they were to find the plane’s debris or the people on the flight, it would be impossible to find any survivors.

However, Mu Sihan did not give up.

As long as they had not found her, a miracle could still happen.

He thought that he was strong enough. However, it was only when he saw the people that he cared for disappear from his life that he knew that there were times that he was helpless too. That he was not an almighty god!


“Godma, Auntie Huahua and you are here, but why isn’t Pretty Zhizhi back yet?” Xiaojie had not gotten in contact with Pretty Zhizhi for days, and he did not see his Daddy either, since his Daddy was too busy.

Sorrow overwhelmed Xia Yanran once again when she stared at Xiaojie’s pretty face and remembered that Nan Zhi’s whereabouts was still unknown. However, she did not dare to show even the slightest hint of sadness in front of Xiaojie.

“Your Mommy is quite busy with work lately, so she went to Ning City for the past few days. I called her today, and she told me that she was so busy she didn’t even have time to sleep. She didn’t contact you because she didn’t want to worry you, and also because she knows that you have your Godma to accompany you!”

Xiaojie was in deep thought as he nodded. “Then I’ll message Pretty Zhizhi to tell her to take care of herself, even though she’s busy with work!”

Xia Yanran’s eyes stung, as she caressed Xiaojie head. “Sure, it will definitely lift Mommy’s spirits.”

In the afternoon, Xia Yanran brought Xiaojie to the staff cafeteria for lunch. Junyuan was on call and gave her his staff pass.

“Jie Baby, stay here while Godma goes to get our lunch, ok?”

Xiaojie showed an ‘OK’ sign to Xia Yanran.

After Xia Yanran went to get lunch, Xiaojie stared at his phone as he leaned his head on the table. After he sent the message Pretty Zhizhi, she still had not replied to him.

Pretty Zhizhi had never ignored him for a few days straight before.

“Brother Jie, this is my favorite lollipop. I’ll give you one, so don’t be sad!”

Xiaojie furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the young girl who was about the same age as him. “I’m not sad.”

“My mommy told me that the flight your mommy was on exploded, and that you don’t have a mommy to dote on you anymore.”

The girl’s mother was the chief nurse and Xiaojie had met her before. However, he did not know why she was saying that he didn’t have a mommy anymore? What was she talking about?

“Pretty Zhizhi is just busy with work, she won’t not dote on me.”

The girl blinked. “But your mommy went to heaven...”

“Xiao Xingxing, stop talking...” The chief nurse ran over and cupped the girl’s mouth. She then turned to Xiaojie, “Jie Baby, don’t listen to Xiao Xingxing’s nonsense, alright?”

Xiaojie blinked, pursing his lips tight.

When Xia Yanran came back with their lunch, her heart skipped a beat when she saw Xiaojie leaning on the table with his eyes red and sad. “Jie Baby, what’s wrong?”

Xiaojie’s eyelashes fluttered, as he pouted and his lips trembled, looking like he wanted to cry but holding it back. “Godma, Xiao Xingxing said that Pretty Zhizhi went to heaven. She’s lying to me, right?”

Xia Yanran sucked in a sharp breath as she shook her head quickly, forcing a smile on her face. “Jie Baby, don’t listen to the nonsense that other kids say, ok? Your Pretty Zhizhi will definitely come back to look for you.”

Xiaojie nodded fiercely. “I’ll be good and eat all my food and listen to all of you so that I’ll grow as tall as Daddy and protect Pretty Zhizhi when she comes back.”

The sadness in Xia Yanran’s heart magnified with Xiaojie’s words. He was so smart and sensitive, he probably already had his own suspicions after Zhizhi had not appeared for a few days and never contacted him.

However, he was like Mu Sihan, believing strongly that Nan Zhi would not leave them and that she would come back.

Xia Yanran stared at Xiaojie, who was eating his lunch in big mouthfuls, his eyelashes wet with tears that never fell. Her nose became stuffy, and she hurriedly turned around to wipe her tears away.

Zhizhi, you have to come back! If you don’t come back, as Jie Baby’s Godma and your best friend, I will never forgive you!

After Xiaojie was done eating, Xia Yanran brought him back to his ward.

Her phone suddenly rang.

Xia Yanran froze for a moment when she saw the unknown number.

Could it be Xiao Yi?

She rejected it immediately.

However, the number called her again within the next few seconds.

Xia Yanran answered the call with furrowed eyebrows. Indeed, the man’s cool voice trailed over from the other end of the call, “Xia Yanran, I know where the woman you all have been looking for is.”

Xia Yanran widened her eyes. “Xiao Yi, are you serious?”

“Xia Yanran, do you think I would tell you her whereabouts so easily?”

Xia Yanran bit her lips hard. “How did you find her when even Mu Sihan couldn’t? Xiao Yi, you have to do some research before you lie.”

On the other end of the call, the man’s breathing turned louder. “If you don’t believe me, I promise that all of you won’t be able to see her again.”

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