
Chapter 241 - THERE IS NEWS!


"I m the worst match ever to come and say this to you but still...will you do the honor of marrying me Lana Delta Kravinshky?"

Madison proposed and it made Lana feel out of her body. She was not expecting such a thing from Madi in a moment like this.

"I know...I m not the perfect one for you..."

"No..no! Stop!! You do know the condition I m in right, Madi??"

Lana interrupted Madi even before she could say anything else.

"I do not care! I should have asked for your hand way before but I m doing it now...I do not care about the situation you are in...I do not!"

Madi declared.


She had not gotten used to it yet...but she was hoping she would soon.

Getting used to him seeing him do the dishes as she drank the tea, he had made for her in the morning.

Or get used to him watching make breakfast, lunch and dinner...all the three meals as she just sat idea, contemplating whether or not she should stand up, go and help him?

Trying to get used to him waiting for her, outside the bakery or in her early shift at the diner?

He would wait for her in the out, as the snow would shower over him as if he had nothing in this world to work for...as if he had to not run a billion-dollar global company??

Or Get used to walking by his side, together on their way to her home...which had become his too for the time being.

Or get used to his hands, pulling her feet to his lap and massaging it so well that even her mind, body and soul did not want to resist...instead desire more of that warm touch of his hands all over her body...in every inch of it...

She was having mixed feelings...unknown, unresolved feeling that was just so hard to explain and think about...

"Pancakes are here!"

He served her a plate of two pancakes and then bought the chocolate syrup to pour all over the pancakes.

She looked at it and then up at him. His hopeful eyes were staring into hers, waiting for her to eat it and then give her feedback about how good he had cooked.

Without a word, she grabbed the fork and cut a piece of the pancake, and engulfed it inside her mouth, chewing it, savouring the taste of it on her tongue.

It always had been hard to watch her juicy lips move as she ate the food. Hell! The way she would be busy eating as if to give him the most honest feedback in his simple cooking...it always fascinated him.

He patiently as usual waited for her to finish and give him feedback. He always had a fear that she might not like it yet every time, her positive feedback would make him happier than he had ever been the past months.

"So how is it??"

He would ask, right away, right after he would see her throat move, gulping the good in.

She would look up at him and then say...his heart would thump against his chest, keeping his finger crossed.

"It is fine!"

And he would sigh in relief. She would go back to eating and he would keep watching not until she would glance back at him weirdly and he would excuse himself away to get his own plate to eat together with her.

It was always weird for her to have him run his eyes all over her as she would take her first bite, and then the next, followed by the other...yet he would just stand there, watching her like a hawk.

She had no idea how he could maintain calm and peace as her everyday feedback would be the same...but still he would make sure to wake up earlier than her to cook her meals.

It was so unlike of him. Not like he did not how to cook but he was not the most patient kind of man.

"There is news!"

And that got her attention back on him. For a moment, when in her thoughts, she would forget that he was still here before her.

"What is it?"

She asked, hoping it for not to be bad. Not after what she had heard from him what had happened to Lana, Madi and the love triangle.

She had tried to reach out for one last time to Madi, giving her well wishes and that she would keep them in her prayers...she understood her reluctance of not receiving any answer back...she had stopped contacting ever since, knowing how busy Madi could be.

"John has found a matching donor for his sister and they would be operating soon."

Kian replied and it was a relief to hear that finally after so much of a struggle, they had found it and made Tinsley so much happier.

"Does it mean that everything would be fine now??"

Tinsley asked, with so much hope in her voice. Kian could see the faint smile of expectation that he would give a positive answer.

"They cannot say anything until after the operation has been done...yet it is a good start...there is hope!"

Kian remarked and although, it was not as amusing as it was, the information but it was something of a good start...she had said...there was hope.

"There is one more thing."

And Tinsley's eyes reverted back to his figure. She prayed that whatever he was going to say next was going to be a good one...a completely fine one!

"Madison had proposed to Lana!"

And the moment, Kian dropped the news, Tinsley did not know how to react to that.

For every reason and no reason, she was totally not expecting him to bring up such news next...


She pressed. He picked up the mug of his coffee take a sip before he opened up his mouth to speak up again.

Tinsley did not know how to feel about it. For one fact, she knew that if Lana had rejected the proposal, it would still break Madison, knowing how much she loved Lana even though she had betrayed their love not just once but more than that...

"Lana has said YES!"

And a heavy gasp passed out of Tin's mouth. She had no idea on what basis Lana had accepted Madison's hand in marriage yet if not love was the hardest thing to understand and the pain that come with loving a person...it all had been a very treacherous loop.

"They will be having a wedding before the operation privately..."

"Are we invited? "

Tinsley interrupted Kian right away. It just came out of her mouth before even she could think it through.

And when Kian's reply did not come right away, her shoulders slumped down, all her excitement had slowly started to vanish away...

"Of course, they want you there..."

Kian stated, upon noticing how her face turned sore when he took longer to reply because he had only heard about Madi's proposal and nobody had told him anything otherwise.

And it was him, at that moment lying to keep her happy. She got up overly excited and it made him look at her, thinking if he did a mistake by plainly lying about it.

He himself had no idea what kind of situation they were in fact having back in Richmond and now he had instilled a false hope in his pregnant wife.

"What are you doing...you have not finished eating your breakfast??"

He implored when he saw her standing up, pushing her chair back inside.

"There are so many things to be done. I have to get a dress and shoes, a magnificent present for both of them, and also I need to do my hair, book a ticket back to Richmond..."

"Wait, wait!!"

I have stopped her in the midway, not being able to take the part where she mention about booking a flight ticket back to Richmond...

It was something he had been wanting to do...to take her back with him and things had not escalated to that level of making her go back with him but here, she was herself wanting to go back to Richmond.

At that very moment, an idea struck his clever head. It was very wrong of him to use that opportunity yet he had no other choice but to use this up to his advantage.

"We can go together in my jet since I m too?"

He offered to her and even though, she was sceptical at first, she obliged thinking about the situation in a neutral manner.

"Do you agree?"

He asked, hoping for a positive answer and she gave him a slight nod in approval. His heart was about to explode in joy.

"And what about your jobs?? "

"I m going to take my leave as I m nearing my close of contract anyway!"

She replied and Kian wanted to jump up and down with it.




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