
Volume 12, Afterword

Volume 12, Afterword

Hello, I’m the guy that felt even more lonely than after finishing a game, Sekina Aoi.

Then, I started playing other games to relieve this loneliness. However, I grew impatient with the prologues filled with tutorials as I remembered the games before…

But I suddenly became addicted to it during mid-game when I got used to the controls.

I fell in love with that game at the finale. After that, loneliness hit me again once I completed it. The cycle continues infinitely.

So, I fell in love with games and became a quite decent adult subconsciously.

…Wait, I’m writing this like I fell into a vicious cycle!

Well, I don’t mean it in a bad way. Instead, I think it’s a blessed moment. It’s because feeling lonely means that I enjoyed the game to its fullest.

I sincerely appreciate everyone evolving all the games in the world.

In this sense, we’re already at the final volume of < Gamers! >. If readers can feel loneliness more than achievement, to a player, to a creator, nothing is happier than that.

Indeed, this is the end of < Gamers! >

Thank you for supporting me for such a long time.

Please look forward to Sekina Aoi-sensei’s next work.

Well, see you!

-This is how this afterword should’ve ended.

For some reason, I was told that there will only be 2 pages. Yep.

…2 pages, 2 pages, …< Seitokai >, …ugh, this hurts my brain…!


There are an additional 16 pages to this afterword. 18 in total.

…What the hell? Hey, what the hell?

Well, as a summary, let me explain how this whole afterword system works.

Basically, all of Fantasia’s novels use a 16-page unit. However, you can’t end the story perfectly that way every time. So, adjustments are made using afterwords or advertisements.

However, I’m a man that hates ads (This sounds pretty cool!). Also, I’m an author that can’t decide how many words are in the main content (This sounds pretty lame!). So, basically, I can’t adjust with afterwords. In the end, I put it a lot more than I should be.

The most affected series is < Student Council’s Discretion >. Nearly all of the afterwords in that series exceed 10 pages. Being annoyed with long afterwords almost became my specialty (but I didn’t mean it on purpose every time).

So, here’s the final volume…with a 2-page afterword only. A series that’s famous for long afterwords have 2 pages only. …It’s because I realized that this won’t work. So, with a face that looked like I’m about to quit, I asked for another 16 pages while trembling. I wrapped all of the responsibilities onto myself. So, there’s where we ended in, the theoretically highest afterword pages possible, 18.

Well, let’s get back on track. This is the end of < Gamers! >.

At this point, the devil number of “2” appeared in front of me again.

Hiya, I done goofed up. There are way too many afterword pages in < Gamers! > Although the standard is a bit weird, it shouldn’t end up like < Seitokai >.

So, I didn’t expect this devil-like number to appear here. …I never thought that I’ll only have 2 pages.

If I just took it, the readers definitely will say, “Oya oya, this is the second time already. Are you doing it on purpose?”

I don’t know how many times I’ll need to say this, but I really didn’t make any changes. Believe me.

Well, I can understand that feeling too. This page number is not cool. It sounds like I did it on purpose. However, that’s why, for me, if I’m doing it on purpose, I would add to 19 pages. I’m making a new record, okay?

But, boy, do I hate people putting this “from 2 pages to 18 pages” choice in front of me! I’ll be the one that “woah” the most if you ask! In fact, I have to write it!

Seriously, I could’ve just gone for 2 pages. After all, I didn’t promise to write long afterwords in this series.

However, for some reason, …it’s because I haven’t written long afterwords series like this. That’s why I can feel a silent pressure from the readers.

Somehow, I feel like when I write something like this, “Sekina Aoi is surely considerate of the readers.”, “After all that, you still love writing afterwords, right.” Perhaps people may think about this positively. But that’s really not the case. Well, I do update my information for readers once per month on my blog.

To put it simply, I wouldn’t write something like this if I can choose. Also, I’m a piece of trash that doesn’t feel the need to be honest to readers. I don’t care about their interests either. Yeah, I’m the guy that plays < Tetris > instead of writing my blog, and we’re in the Reiwa era. Can you believe it?

So, the choice that said, “There are only 2 pages. …What are you going to do?” is put in front of me.

I really don’t want to write 18 pages!

I can’t believe you’re making a garbage NEET writing 18 pages of emotionally-filled text. Going to hell and training would be better than this!

However, if I decide to write 2 pages here, everyone will definitely feel disappointed, right!? I’m scared of that! Is this bullying!? Are all of you bullying me!?

Anyway, that’s why I ran out of options. Here are your 18 pages.

…But there are still 6 pages even after all of your complaining, okay? Crap.

Well, it’s not like we can stop it after the start. Anyway, let me summarize this series for a bit. …There’s no secret backstory or anything like that. It’s because all of them are in the main story…!

Ahem, well, let’s go back to the beginning of this series. I think I have revealed a lot of information already. But, please allow me to do it again!


I nearly forgot about it now. < Gamers! > originally started at a website called < Fantasia Beyond >, which is called < Kakuyomu > right now. The first chapter was uploaded there. [I think that website is where Higehiro started from. I’m not familiar with it.]

That’s the start. The first chapter ended with Amano rejecting Tendou’s invitation to the Game Club. …At this point, honestly, it doesn’t sound like a rom-com novel at all. What the hell is that? You just wasted such a good boy-meets-girl plot. That’s what I’m trying to tell all the readers.

Well, this is supposed to be a one-chapter story, after all. At least I didn’t plan on continuing when I wrote the first chapter.

However, my sensei at the time said, “Good, move on to the second chapter.” calmly. Although I was shocked, I still continued writing. With the backstory of Chapter 1 as the mood, I wrote how things are processed on Tasuku Uehara’s side. Then, after that ended…

Sensei: “Good, work on Chapter 3. We can almost bundle them into a full novel.”

Aoi: “Ha?”

So, I started Chapter 3 without realizing that I’m writing a full series. When everyone’s having fun in Chapter 1 and 2, I added another person who loves gaming topics (an otaku and creator). After that, I also described Uehara and Aguri’s environment. Come to think of it, there wasn’t any connection between Amano and Aguri yet. …Somehow, it ended up in a “misunderstanding rom-com” in Chapter 3. So, just as I thought this is the end, satisfied-

Sensei: “Nice, where’s Volume 2?”

Aoi: “Eh?”

…So, this slowly got serialized.

Also, I kept writing it in web novel forms until Volume 2. There’s no main story finely bundled up in a book. During the middle of Volume 2, I slowly realized that this was going to be a novel. After that, I started thinking of the story as a book.

Ah, since it started that way, so, of course, there are no female MCs or endings in my mind. Please relax. …Please relax? Although you may think that I should think about the story more, how should I put it? I mean that I’m not forcing the characters to love in a way that I’ve imagined.

I started treating this as an entire novel during Volume 3, after all. However, everyone says that I didn’t write these misunderstanding-style rom-coms on purpose. Even though that’s the case for Volume 1 to 3, basically, I’m still centering the story around gamers and the games they play. The title isn’t < Misundertanders >, after all. So, I didn’t notice this part at all until the readers mentioned it. “Right, it’s a misunderstanding.”

Well, it was utterly miserable at Volume 5. However, to the author, that was more like constructing a chain reaction. …Even though I can feel the characters are strongly protesting me now.

So, I wasn’t aware of the “misunderstandings” initially, especially in Volume 6.

No, think about it. Things went pretty bad for them in Volume 5, right? …A caring author won’t pursue any further, right? …Even though I can feel the characters throwing rocks at me.

Forget about the jokes. Anyway, this is a series where everyone gave their best. They conveyed each of their feelings during the final battle and searched for their own answers. So, that’s all for Volume 6 to 12. I’m sorry for people who love misunderstandings. If I kept that up until Volume 12, it’s almost like the prelude of destroying an entire country. So, I’m glad that didn’t happen.

Also, I’m not really a guy that adds more MCs in the series. However, a demon king appeared this time. Oh, < My Hero > also has a demon king too (seriously).

Even so, I think you can understand if you’ve read the entire thing. She’s not the final boss. If this story’s goal is to become no.1 in gaming, she’s indeed the final boss. In fact, she’s even worse than the demon king in < My Hero >. Come to think of it, the demon king in < My Hero > isn’t really a final boss either. Well, who’s the real final boss? Please read all 8 volumes of < My Hero >! (sudden ad)

By the way.

In the end, can a rom-com even end with defeating a final boss? I don’t think such a refreshing end like “defeating the source of all evil” is possible. So, in a sense, what if Amano and Uehara, the cause of all this, are defeated? Perhaps it’s just as refreshing to punch them until their faces are unrecognizable, right? …What’s wrong with a rom-com that ends with beating the crap out of the two MCs? Is that really a comedy?

Moreover, I did plan for Volume 12 to be the end. I finally thought of this after finishing Volume 10. “Let’s write two more.” The love story ended in Volume 11. However, there was still something I wanted to say in < Gamers! >. So, I wrote another volume. I’ll apologize if you think this isn’t necessary. But, there was a lot I wanted to write in this volume. So, I hope you like it.

I guess that’s all for the series.

Well, let’s talk about games too.

Even though I’ve always said that I love games, I wasn’t that into it during elementary and middle school.

Of course, I didn’t hate games. However, I was just a player at most.

I immediately fell in love with it in high school.

Eh, why? Well, …how should I put it…?

It’s because I had no friends in high school!

A loner can play happily too, you know? That’s why I fell in love with console games. At that time, online entertainment wasn\'t as great as it is right now. So, I didn’t connect with anyone online and just played silently.

Even so, I’m not the type that plays in a black room and gets mad at my parents. Those usually only appear on TV.

How should I say this? “I play games at home to replenish my depleted energy from the lonely life at school. Then, I use this energy to finish the homework for the second day.” I guess it’s like a healing potion.

Well, of course, I would fall in love with games.

However, that’s a bit different than passionate esports players or game developers. It’s another kind of passion and love.

I’m not trying to defeat someone, nor do I want to stand at the top. Of course, I’m not trying to reach the limit of this realm either.

It’s a kind of love not as passionate as this one.

I guess people don’t understand. I hope I can convey this vague sense of “love” to everyone with my works.


Well, when I lost an online match, I would say things like, “Damn! I quit! You idiots!” However, I still wanted to show Sekina Aoi as a good guy in my novels. I’m sorry about that. When I’m playing a difficult game, I always say those things after getting owned by the boss 10 times. “Are you kidding me!? You call that a hitbox!? I quit! You idiots!” Well, even though I’ll start again a minute later.

Hiya, I guess that’s a bad side of this healing sense of love. It’s a bit similar to a wife domestically abused by her husband. Even though she knows he’s terrible, she can’t bear to her. Sigh, although I ended this on a good note, this sense of love also contains dark emotions. Please consider your dose of love appropriately.

Oh, I’m already here. I’ll make sure to enjoy gaming to its fullest.

I’ll say I love board games sometimes. However, this is a bit different from my love for console games.

Well, in the end, playing with others happily is different from the joy of playing alone.

Also, personally, I actually love remembering the rules. However, unexpectedly, a lot of people don’t feel the same.

Searching and buying a board game is as fun as playing it. I also love reading the rulebook. “I see.” “That’s a nice one.” Well, even though I think it’s quite a weird hobby.

Well, if you ask me what it feels like, it would be that, right? It’s like the time of reading the explanations before I played the game when I was young. That sense of expectation of hope still exists whenever I’m playing board games.

Hiya, the rulebooks these days aren’t as thick. Even though I’m not upset about it, that unique “noble” feelings are gone. Well, we have PVs or demos instead. Yep, this generation is better.

You don’t really see PVs or demos for table games. Of course, they don’t really have a release as well. However, the main attraction comes from the fact that you can touch them. It feels just like when I was buying a game in the past. It’s exciting.

Then, I also love balanced rules. I can feel excited whenever I imagine players enjoying the game under these well-designed rules.

Ah, I think I did show this in < Gamers! >. That’s why I revealed my hobby in < Viva Spiel Kingdom > during Volume 5. …Well, even though < Kizuna Dungeon > really sucked (this proves that I’m not talented in making games)!

On the other hand, I also love < Gorigori >’s new TV game. It feels like I earned big bucks. …You can also say it’s a sense of guilt since I keep coming back.

Indeed, when it comes to how people my age love games, bitmap games always come to the imagination. Well, even though everyone loves classical games.

I’ve said before that I didn’t really love games that much in elementary and middle school. Bitmaps and classic games aren’t my favorites either. Of course, I didn’t hate them. I just played them normally. However, people my age always say, “Old games are great, right?” as if it’s guaranteed. I don’t really like this feeling. Personally, I love present games. The CG era left an impressive mark on me. That’s why I can’t really chat with them.

The same goes for anime too. It’s because I used to live in rural areas when I was little. There weren’t many channels. Of course, the internet didn’t cover that much as well. So, I didn’t watch the same anime the kids in my generation watched.

Finally, I still feel a bit distant from my same-age friends. We’ve developed different mindsets. Damn, my loneliness will never end…! Well, I’ll say this ahead. Actually, the people around me aren’t at fault. Instead, they warmly told me what was trending in the past. At times like this, the child inside me always claps in excitement. I’ll let you know later…!

Ah, come to think of it, I also love people talking about what they like.

Also, it’s not something that’s already popular on the internet. Instead, I want to hear what they like in their own way. Weirdly, it’s easy to take in their experiences. It’s because their feelings are their stories, in a sense.

I guess that’s why I love board game-rating websites too. They are filled with chaotic personal opinions. It feels good to talk about what you love, right.

Hiya, I already wrote this many pages. That’s great.

Well, here’s the appreciation speech.

First of all, Cactus-sensei, thank you for drawing everything from the cover, the inner pages, and the illustrations. I don\'t know how many times I’ve asked you for help. Cactus-sensei’s pictures are one of my biggest interests for the past few years. I sincerely appreciate you.

Then, it’s the current and past editors. Even though the development in this series is way more important than the last ones, the author still didn’t know the future. My deepest apologies for causing you inconvenience. That’s all for the confusing intro. However, thanks to you, I had a lot of fun writing this series. I appreciated that.

Finally, it’s the reader-sama. Thank you so much for enduring 12 volumes of this annoying rom-com here. This is the end of the youthful tales of < Gamers! >.

Even though this is normal, their future story is still decided by everyone’s imagination. It would be my honor if you can add your version to it. Just like what I’ve said before, this isn’t a story with a concrete ending. So, I don’t think I get to decide what’ll be waiting for them next. As the author, I’m happy if everyone’s happy. …Sorry, that was a lie. Perhaps I do want to cause you some trouble.

Well, after all of that, perhaps I’ll decide the fate of these characters in my next short story or book. But, this is just a spinoff of the original author’s work.

Anyway, I kept repeating it, but thank you very much.

I’ll be very happy if we can see each other again, maybe in an online match! (It sounds exciting, but if you find a noob there, it’s probably me.)

See you!

Sekina Aoi

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.