
Chapter 30

In commemoration of the second anniversary of Emperor Achilleon Pines Demophos’ enthronement, the establishment ceremony was held on a considerably large scale.

It has been the fourth day since Hazel visited the imperial palace in Demophos as a congratulatory delegacy of the Land.

“Wow, the Imperial Palace of this Empire is really different in size. There’s no end to this even if I keep walking and walking.”

Mary said while hand-fanning herself.

“The territory is huge, and there are many more people living here. The size is different.”

Hazel replied as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. They looked around at the size of the palace that was bigger than what they had expected, and were also astonished at the garden’s size that seemed to have no end even if they kept walking and walking.

“Phew, it has two different temperatures so it makes it a lot harder. I brought an umbrella and a shawl because I thought it would be cold if it rains.”

Mary gripped the shawl and umbrella tightly in one of her hands.

“So who told you to carry it?”

“You never know, the rain might pour out all of a sudden. There was a strike of thunder and lightning in the clear sky yesterday.”

“I’d rather get rained on.”

“Then what if you catch a cold? His Majesty The Emperor would be worried.”

Mary was startled at Hazel’s response while saying that, but closed her mouth at her glare. But she did so for a moment as well, and soon began to turn the conversation to other topics.

“The distance between each palace is so far, so it’ll take at least half a day to look around one by one. I thought the Royal Palace of Land was pretty big, but if compared to this…”

Mary, who had been babbling on and on once again, closed her mouth.

“I apologize.”

“Well, it’s true. If Land was to be compared with Demophos, Land is similar to a countryside.”

Because it was a fact that the capital of Demophos was equivalent to the entire territory of Land.

“But still, thanks to the Emperor’s invitation, I’m still excited to see the Imperial Palace.”

“I am glad you’re excited as well.”

Hazel laughed helplessly at Mary’s delightful voice.

Emperor Achilleon sent invitations to each country ahead of the Demophos’ establishment ceremony. Two invitations arrived in Land. One belonged to Hazel, and the other belonged to Lorette.

“Demophos invited both princesses to this establishment ceremony.”

King Ileos said as he sat Hazel and Lorette next to each other.

“Be especially careful of your actions. You two represent the kingdom, so go and fulfill your duties as a celebratory delegacy in order to protect your dignity and not to be reprimanded.”

Unlike most of the time when he usually sent just the invitations, the reason for mentioning the names of those who would attend was the silent pressure to make sure that particular person was going to attend.

“…what is he invoking us for?”

She didn’t want to come to the Empire. Achilleon’s intention of inviting her and bringing her here was not pure at all no matter how much she thought about it.

“Well it’s not like he did this because he wanted to see Your Highness again…”

Mary closed her mouth again when Hazel stared at her.

“My mouth is very reckless, oh gosh.”


“But it’s true, isn’t it? Every time he comes to Land for all sorts of excuses, he would be looking for Her Highness ….”

“Mary! Close that mouth.”

“How much do you think he wanted to see you this time that he called you under the pretext of an establishment ceremony? The quarter accommodated for Your Highness is also famous for being the most beautiful in the palace!”

Mary fled away while spitting out the rest of her words in case she got caught by Hazel.

Achilleon openly showered her with all kinds of favors. After arriving at the Imperial Palace, he continued to stay by her side throughout the ball and celebration that followed for three days.

“The court ladies also treat Your Highness differently. As if they are attending to the next empress….”

“There are so many outstanding countries. But I will only remain and marry as Princess of the Land.”

Hazel cut her words off flatly.

Even now, she knew that there were endless letters everyday sent to the emperor from various countries to select candidates for the empress position.

“But still, he is so nice to you.”

“If I were you, I would have asked him to marry me earlier.”

Achilleon did not propose to her. Instead he said,

“You’ll come into my arms yourself, Hazel.”

Achilleon said that the last time she met him in Land, back when he was still a Crown Prince. He told her calmly, as if to predict a rightful future.

She left after shouting to him it wouldn’t happen like his way and it would never, ever happen.

That she would throw herself in his arms.

‘Not even a chance.’

Hazel bursted out laughing just thinking about when he was at loss for words because of it. She didn’t know what kind of confidence he had to be able to say that.

‘What I love is…’

“Then why are you doing this?”

“…I just want to play. It’s like some sort of trick to catch and play with it, dump it afterward.”

“Come on, don’t tell me.”

Mary replied as she freaked out at Hazel’s answer.

“Why are you surprised? He doesn’t have to be married to have a woman, he’s the emperor anyway. Well, any woman would be excited to lie down next to him.”

“B-But you are still a princess, Your Highness….”

“Yeah, I’m an ordinary princess. The perfect position for a wedding sale.”

“But I think His Majesty’s heart for Your Highness seemed sincere.”

“How do you know that?”

“It’s just… if you see… that. There is no other explanation than that. His Majesty has been offered for marriages to all kinds of people ever since the day he became a Crown Prince. If he’s not yet married, it means there’s someone that he wants.”

“…you comprehend it in your own way.”

Actually, there was nothing wrong with Mary’s words. He made all sorts of excuses to come to Land and dropped by the Rose Palace every time he visited.

Achilleon came, had a cup of tea, and gently tempted her to play chess with him, the result was a series of defeats by Hazel.

He would intentionally drag on the game without catching the King, and then he would leave when he catched the King at the last minute and scratched her insides.

And the next day, he provoked her by suggesting a bet hunt. Eventually, Hazel continuously lamented the fact that she had been involved with him again just by accepting his request as she was motivated to win.

Sometimes she didn’t understand why he did that. It was just that every woman in the world wanted him, but he became curious and only thought of one woman who didn’t act the same toward him.

“Oh, my God, even if he’s not. Those eyes! You can tell if you see those eyes…”

“Stop it.”

“Isn’t it similar to when Grand Duke Sisef sees Princess Lorette? I am certain that I saw…”

Mary hastily slapped her lips when she saw Hazel staring at her with a more horrifying look than the one she had before.


Just in time, the sky began to dim as if to redeem Mary.

“Well… I guess it’s going to rain.”

Mary looked up at the sky with anxious eyes. Dark clouds concealed of rain were seen descending from the other side of the sky.

“Let’s go back now.”

It was when Mary pulled Hazel’s arm.

Mary called Hazel over and over again when she said nothing while wondering what had happened to her lady.

“Your Highness?”

Hazel’s steps came to a halt while staring at a corner of the garden. The huge shock and anger were entwined on the face that turned pale at the same time.

“What’s wrong with you….”

Mary shut her mouth in surprise and turned her head toward where Hazel’s gaze was.

Sisef and Lorette.

The two sat facing each other in a pavilion surrounded by flowers. The hands that were holding each other tenderly and the eyes that looked at each other affectionately were shy.

“Stop, let’s go back.”

Mary grabbed Hazel, but she shook off her hand without any hesitation and walked to where they were. The two continued the conversation while looking at each other without even realizing that Hazel was near.

“I can wait.”

Lorette said to Sisef as she shyly lowered her eyes.

“When my sister’s marriage partner has been decided, I will tell my father. I’ll also feel awkward until then ….”

“Lorette, Hazel would be so happy to have a sister like you.”

Sisef smiled and swept Lorette’s hair to the back of her ears. When Lorette raised her head, both of their attention happened to meet heatedly in the air.

The two people who were clung to each other at first, then began to covet each other after they had kissed.

Having witnessed the scene with both of her eyes, Hazel stepped back and rushed out to the opposite side. The scene she just saw was playing without an end inside her mind.

She knew it.

Sisef chose Lorette, but he just couldn’t propose to Lorette because he was worried about her. She could tell even if he didn’t listen or talk about it.

There was no more of herself in their world. She was completely pushed out of the picture. She felt as if she had never existed in their world from the start, as if she had become a nobody in everyone’s eyes.

Hazel quickly left the garden. Raindrops began to fall one by one from the cloudy sky. Mary seemed to be looking for her in the distance, but she just kept walking ahead.

Raindrops that fell on her forehead then came down through her eyes, hanging on his eyelashes, and then fell to the floor. The falling speed of the rain and the size of the raindrops were growing bigger, so Hazel was soon greeted by the falling rain.

Her entire body got wet in an instant. The green silk dress clung to her body, and her black hair had gotten wet and the bottom part hung low. Nevertheless, Hazel’s slow steps didn’t fasten. Meanwhile, the rain gradually turned into heavy rain.

“Your Highness!”


The direction of the sound was also obscured by the sound of rain, so she couldn’t figure out who the owner of the voice was.

Hazel continued to walk unconsciously like a wounded doll.

“Your Highness! I’ve been looking for you for a while!”

Mary spotted her from a distance and rushed over her with an umbrella in hand.

“Oh my God! You’re all wet. What if you catch a cold….”

Mary held the umbrella over Hazel’s head and draped the shawl over her shoulder.

She had already become so wet that it was meaningless for the umbrella to be put on her head, but Mary was eager to put it on so that her owner wouldn’t get anymore wet.

“It’s cold, isn’t it? The rain has been falling down on you a lot, so let’s go back…”

The shawl that was barely draped on Hazel’s shoulder then slid to the floor. It was when Mary hurriedly bent down to pick up the shawl.

“I don’t need it.”

“…Pardon me?”

Mary asked while blocking the rain hitting on her face mercilessly with her palm.

“I said I don’t need it.”

Tsk, Hazel quickly got out from under the umbrella.

“What if you catch a cold, Your Highness? Your Highness!”

Hazel was getting irritated while lifting the hem of the dress around her legs, and soon walked along the trail where there were puddles of rain everywhere.

“Lorette, Hazel would be so happy to have a sister like you.”

She couldn’t believe that words didn’t come from others, but Sissef’s mouth instead. What, how.

Knowing how much she hated Lorette, and how angry she was every time she found out they were together.

Even knowing all of that, Sisef still said such a thing. Did he think he would be really happy with Lorette’s small consideration?

Unlike her body that was cooled down by the rain, the inside of her head grew hotter and hotter.

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