
Chapter 72 - Torturous Death

Elias quietly watched her sleep in his arms. She used his arm as a pillow and had nestled herself against him. She buried her face into his shoulders, her soft breathing tickling his neck. 

He had never felt this type of sensation before—to embrace someone in their sleep. In the past, way before she was born, he would never stay the night. Ever. Kisses were prohibited, and so were hugs. But she broke all of his rules, staying in his arms as he kissed her dearly.


Elias glanced at her with worry. She liked to mumble and grumble in her sleep. Sometimes, it was incoherent words, other times, he could barely make out her pronunciation. She was curled up like a cat. Without warning, she shifted her body. She threw a leg over his waist and placed a palm on his chest, right where his heart was.


Elias felt a strange movement in his chest. It was an uncomfortable feeling that he didn't understand. She foolishly smiled in her dream whilst hugging him like a pillow. Her bright hair cascaded down her shoulders, long and beautiful, much like her.

"A sweet dream, I presume," he softly said.

Elias tenderly pushed the tendrils away from her face, revealing her gaunt, hollow cheekbones. His eyes narrowed. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't able to check her plate this morning. Did she even eat at all?

Elias didn't need her to die of starvation in front of him. He thoroughly enjoyed the flush of life and warmth on her rosy cheeks. If her eyes went dim with hunger, but her lips taut with forced smiles, he would lose it.

"Someone needs to break that horrid habit of yours," he growled.

Elias touched her lips, his brows wringing together. It was slightly swollen and bruised. He thought he had been gentle, but it seemed not. Holding back a sigh, he slowly began to detangle himself from her.

Elias needed to check with Easton on whether or not she ate. He was worried about her. It was a bizarre emotion that he could never fathom. But it was true. She was so tiny, so frail, that he was worried a shove would break her. 

Elias wished to protect her.

It was a startling understanding that pained him to no avail. He had rarely interacted with her in her youth. The only times he saw her was in the presence of her parents. 

"I never meant to see you until you were of age."

Elias regretted all of the times she was brought into his life. He had despised seeing her and did everything in his power to avoid her. It worked, for the most part.

 When he saw her in the hallways, he went in the opposite direction. When he heard she was eating, he skipped the meal and went to drink. When she was found in the gardens, he solemnly stayed away from windows.

Elias did everything to not see her. It felt strange to get to know her as a child. He never did. He didn't learn of her favorite toys, didn't learn of her favorite books, what made her smile, what made her laugh, he never knew any of it.

"Yet you still wormed your way into my life."

Elias sighed in defeat. His attempts were in vain when she'd do everything in her power to see him. She'd run after him, even when he strictly forbade her from going near him. He'd hold out a finger and tell her to go away. She did, for the most part. But not always.

Perhaps back then, Adeline already knew. That this man, tall and mysterious, with a warning glare and irritated frown, was her destined one. Perhaps she had known he would protect her, and he'd never hurt her, for she always smiled at the presence of his scowl.

Elias didn't understand why. And he'd never find out why. She had long forgotten him. He didn't intend it to be that way, but it just happened. He had wiped all of her bad memories, and it seemed he was included in them.

- - - - -

Adeline expected to wake up alone. 


Adeline deeply stretched with closed eyes. It felt good to crack her joints. She let out a soft sigh of pleasure and hugged her pillow even more. It was cold and comforting. Her body temperature was always unusually hot. The sudden iciness of the pillow brought her great comfort.

"Enjoying yourself, darling?"

Adeline's eyes snapped open. She instantly sat upright, her eyes going wide at the sight of him. He was lying on his back, one arm spread in her direction. A lazy, amused smile rested on his face. 

"What? Did you expect me to be gone, like you?" Elias returned.

Adeline gulped. That night, when all was done, and he had fallen asleep, she had bolted out of the hotel room. She ran like the devil was hot on her tails. He might as well have been.

"I'm not as cruel as you, darling Adeline, the Great Runner."

Adeline laughed at his title. But then, her smile disappeared. "Y-you saw me run?"

Elias wryly glanced at her. Did she truly think he fell asleep? "I saw you gather your clothes and put them on like a mad man."

She was mortified.

"Then, I saw you running for the hills without looking back. You're a fantastic sprinter. Ever thought about joining the Olympics?"

He talked like a scorned lover.

Adeline opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water. When he opened his lips to say more, she quickly bent down and kissed him. 

Elias stiffened, his eyes slightly going wide. It took him a second to register what happened. But a second was all he needed. His hand reached up and entwined into her hair, yanking her down onto him.

Elias angled her head, kissing her harder, even though she was on top of him. He tasted her softly, slowly, until she melted against him. She slid over his waist, straddling him whilst allowing him to taste her.

"You've improved," Elias said upon her moistened lips. He had pulled her head back to let her breathe. She rarely knew her limits. It was a dangerous thing. She panted upon his chest whilst shakily nodding.

"Now, let's improve a bit more." Elias yanked her back onto him, kissing her feverishly. He lightly nipped her bottom lip, as she opened her mouth for him. His tongue went inside, tasting her, and savoring every twitch and moan. 

He kissed her like a man starved of touch and she was his salvation. It sent pleasure jolts in her body.

A warmth pooled in Adeline's lower stomach. Her hands were pressed upon his firm, sturdy chest, whilst her knees clenched at his body. He held her up with ease, one hand on her waist, the other in her hair.

"I-I can't think straight," she confessed in his hungry mouth. Every time he kissed her, her thoughts would disappear.

"Good." Elias tightened his hold on her hair. "Now kiss me again," he demanded.

Adeline flushed at his command. There was a hardened edge to his voice, and something firm pressing on her lower back. She scooted back a bit to angle herself for a deeper kiss. But her naked womanhood pressed upon something that hardened even more under her touch.

"You little tease," he groaned.

Without warning, Elias pulled her towards him again. This time, the kiss wasn't as sweet. It was punishingly cruel, yet passionate and fiery. She could barely keep up with him. His lips hungrily kissed her, as if he was a man stranded in a desert, and she was his oasis. His hand gripped her waist firmly, squeezing the soft skin.

Adeline was lost in his pleasure. Their mouths moved feverishly upon each other, neither of them wanting to let go. She lowered herself, even more, her body sliding back. 

He growled, his grip tightening in her hair. She had perfectly aligned herself upon his pulsating friend.

"Don't start what you can't finish, darling," he warned in a harsh whisper.

Adeline's heart trembled at his words. She felt herself moisten for him again, her face flushing deeply. She didn't mean to, she truly didn't. 

"I-I just wanted to get a bit more comfortable," she shyly confessed.

Elias let out a quiet groan of protest. He enjoyed having her on top of him, her legs straddling him, her dress sliding up to reveal beautiful, smooth thighs. But she was driving him insane. 

If she wriggled her hips, by the slightest bit, he'd lose control. She was naked under the dress. The only thing that separated them was thin fabric.

"You're going to be the death of me, I swear," he sighed.

Adeline didn't know what he meant. Thus, she tilted her head, and naively smiled down at him. Her hair fell like curtains and when she leaned a bit down, it rested on his sturdy chest.

After thinking for a minute, he corrected himself. "You will definitely make me feel a slow, torturous death."

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