
Chapter 96 - Get Away

Adeline opened her mouth, but no words came out. She was confused about what was right and what was wrong. He stared at her with venom dripping from his eyes. His words hurt, but she must've hurt him as well. He watched her with displeasure, his lips curled into a sneer.

"I might've crossed the line, but you did it first, Adeline Rose. And you better keep that in mind."

Without warning, Elias released his grip on her. He took a step back and stormed off. 

Adeline's legs nearly gave out. She stared at his retreating back, broad and powerful. He had never yelled at her as he did today. She continued to watch him, as her breathing became difficult and her throat closed. 

Even when he was angry, his touch had never hurt her.

Elias, despite all his flaws and temper, had never left a bruising touch on her skin. Even when his restrain and patience were tested, he was still mindful of her human body.

Adeline's heart ached, as her chest prickled with pain. She didn't know if the pain was because of remorse, guilt, or anger. Perhaps it was all three, for they were both wrong. But someone had to apologize first, and he always seemed to be doing it with his strange apologies.

- - - - -

"Is everything alright, Princess?" Jane asked in a serious voice.

A few minutes after Adeline's tears had dried, Jane and Jenny had walked down the hallways. Judging from their searching gaze, they were looking for her. Most likely, sent by Elias. The thought made her feel even more puzzled. He was infuriated by her, but still cared for her.

Once the maids had located her, she was bathed and cleaned. Then, they placed her in a nightgown and served her a warm, delicious meal.

"Are you hurting somewhere?" Jenny added on, her tone light and filled with worry. She was combing the Princess's soft, blond hair whilst Jane was preparing the bed.

"Does the King ever apologize?" Adeline asked. She was seated by the vanity after finishing a few bites of her meal. She focused more on the dessert than the sandwich and soup served to her. Yet again, Elias let her indulge in her favorite flavor of sweet lemon.

"Goodness no," Jane answered for Jenny. She had finished fluffing the pillows and shifting the blankets.

"Princess, His Majesty never says sorry for anything. He'd only apologize to his equal. He seldomly asks for forgiveness," Jane explained.

"It's just as Jane said, Princess." Jenny nodded whilst stepping back from the Princess. She had just finished brushing out all of the knots.

Now, the Princess looked prim and propper, with her periwinkle nightgown, and long, flowy hair. She looked much better than previously when her body was drenched with blood. Their thirst for blood had been suppressed earlier due to the pills they took. Besides, the blood smelled awful, and they knew it belonged to the assassins.

"I see…" Adeline let out a small sigh and stood up from the chair.

"Is there something that's been bothering you, Princess?" Jenny asked. 

Adeline glanced at the maids. Jenny's brows were drawn together in worry, and Jane had a grim expression on her face. Not wanting to make them anxious, she smiled.

"It's alright, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern." Adeline headed for the bed and climbed into it without hesitation.

"If you need anything else, Princess, we're just a call away." Jenny watched as the Princess pulled the blankets to her thighs.

When the Princess nodded her head in acknowledgment, both maids quietly exited the room.

Once Jane and Jenny were gone, Adeline let out a small sigh. She thought over their words. The King never asks for forgiveness, yet Elias always said it to her.

"Forgive me," he'd say with seldom earnestness.

Adeline's mouth dried up. Since the beginning, he had viewed her as his equal. Guilt nibbled at her conscience, her heart weighing heavily in her chest. They were both in the wrong, but she knew she had to apologize first. 

"It'd be the right thing to do…"

Adeline touched her necklace, wondering if she should do it today or tomorrow.

Despite that, Adeline climbed into bed. She laid there and closed her lids, hoping to sleep. However, his irritated face and angry eyes chased her in the darkness. She could not get his expression out of her mind.

After tossing and turning for hours, Adeline finally sat up. "It's better to start a new day with no regrets from yesterday."

With that thought in mind, Adeline climbed out of bed. She put on her slippers and left her room. Adeline noticed there were more guards outside than usual. The mess had already been cleaned up, with no hint of blood or anything. Even the windows were fixed, and the paintings adjusted.

The guards did not speak to her. But she felt their eyes watching her carefully.

Adeline hesitatingly walked to Elias's room. She stood outside, pondering the thought of going inside. It was past midnight, and he should be asleep by now. Did Vampires even sleep? Usually, Pure-Breds didn't need it, but the Half-Bloods did.

Adeline quietly knocked on his door. Hearing no response, she debated the idea of going back. But she glanced at the hallway, suddenly finding the path to her bedroom to be a long walk. 

Mustering her courage, Adeline slipped into his bedroom. She closed the doors behind her, resting her back upon it.

"E-Elias…?" she whispered into the darkness, unable to see much. His curtains were drawn open, allowing the moonlight to creep inside. She saw the thick curtains of his canopy bed were drawn shut.

He was asleep.

Adeline heard Pure-Breds only slept during extreme fatigue. Given the fight today, he must've needed it. Or… he was simply lying in bed reading a book. But if he was truly doing that, there'd be light, and he'd respond.

Adeline tip-toed towards the bed, her heart racing with each step. She couldn't hear past her own heartbeat. Blood rushed to her ears, her anxiety reaching its peak.

"Elias…" she tried again, but in a slightly louder voice.

Adeline drew his curtains open by a snippet. He was lying on his side, his back facing her. Hesitatingly, she climbed onto the bed to peer over his shoulder, wondering if he was asleep.

"Are you mad at me?" Adeline mumbled, her knees resting on the edge of the enormous bed. She had asked the question, hoping it'd wake him. Seeing his lack of response, she eyed the empty space beside him.

The bed was large, but he stayed on one side. She wondered why.

Adeline climbed to the other part of the bed, hoping to get a glimpse of his face. Her heart sunk in disappointment to see his eyes were shut. 

"Elias." Adeline sat on her knees and poked his face, hoping to wake him up. She had to apologize today, or else this argument would carry into tomorrow. She'd rather not have that.

Seeing him motionless, Adeline sank into the bed with a loud sigh. She watched his expression. Even in his sleep, he was breathtakingly handsome. His large, prominent brows, sharp jawline, and thick lips made him the dream of every woman. She crawled a bit closer to him until her body covered the moonlight from his features.

"I'm sorry…" Adeline mumbled as she reached a hand out to stroke his hair.

Then, without warning, his eyes snapped open. She shrieked and jumped back in fear, realizing exactly what she had done. But he didn't plan on letting her run.

Elias grabbed her wrist and yanked her towards him. She was crushed in his arms, as he pinned her onto the bed. Her wrists were on either side of her head, as he straddled her lower body.

"Where do you think you're going?" he mused, his grip tightening on her. "Did you truly think you'd get away so easily?"

Adeline gawked at him. "My motive was pure…"

She didn't know what she was thinking when she climbed into his bed. But she knew she only did it with the intentions of apologizing, and nothing more. He, on the other hand, had a different motive.

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