
Chapter 464: Ohhh, again!

Chapter 464: Ohhh, again!

“Mei-sama!!! Are you alri…”


Without any warning, Ao burst into the room where Yuna and Mei had spent the night and immediately got a cake in his face. Simultaneously, ropes appeared out of nowhere and tied him up while sealing away his chakra.

Mei looked at the tied-up Ao and couldn’t help but shake her head.

“Couldn’t you have tied him up normally? Seeing an old uncle tied up in a Reverse shrimp tie is not something I want to see in the morning.”

Yuna’s eyebrows rose when she heard Mei’s words.

“I’m surprised you know about the name of the rope technique.”

Mei’s face flushed when she realized that she had just said something she shouldn’t have.

“*Cough* I-I’ve read about it.”

“Oh? Are you a fan of my books?”

“Y-Your books?”

Before answering, Yuna flicked her wrist, causing a book to appear in her hand.

“Yup, these were written by me.”

Mei’s eyes widened as she looked back and forth between Yuna’s face and the book she was holding, and moments later, she exclaimed aloud.


“Hehe, yup~”

Meanwhile, Ao had tears flowing down his face like a rived as he wiggled around on the ground.

‘Mei-sama, aren’t I your right-hand man? I can understand Yuna ignoring me, but why are you doing the same? Could you please help me out?’

Around two minutes later, Mei blushed a little as she realized that she had been fangirling a little and had totally forgotten that Ao was in the room as well.

“*Cough* Could you please untie Ao, Yuna?”

“Mhh? Sure.”

Yuna dramatically snapped her finger, causing all of Ao’s bindings to fall to the floor. He furiously stood up and wiped the cake out of his face with one hand while the other accusingly pointed at Yuna, who had put on some clothes by now.



“You knocked me out and…”

“No, I didn’t.”

“… defiled Mei-sama.”

“Yes, I did.”

Ao’s paused for a moment as he thought over what just happened and became even angrier.

“What do you mean by you didn’t knock me out?!”

“Well, do you have any proof that it was me? Did you see me do it? Hear me? Felt my presence? Spotted me with that fancy Byakugan of yours?”

Ao’s whole body shook in anger while clenching his fists so hard that his nails threatened to draw blood. Unfortunately, Yuna was right. He had not the slightest piece of evidence.

“Y-You knocked me out so you can have your way with Mei-sama.”

“Now, that’s just ridiculous. Just because I could take advantage of you getting knocked out doesn’t mean that it was me.”

Before Ao could come up with anything else, the door opened again, and Hinata walked into the room and immediately started glaring at Mei, who glared back.

However, a slight smirk appeared on Hinata’s face a few seconds later.

“Hehe, you should get up, Mei-sama. The other Kage are already waiting for you~”

Mei’s glare intensified when she heard Hinata’s teasing words and remembered that she was the one who asked Yuna to go overboard.

She got up from bed and tried to stand on her own two feet, which immediately started to wobble, making her look like a freshly born fowl, causing Hinata’s grin to widen.

“Hehe, what’s wrong? Is there a problem with your legs?”

Ao also frowned when he saw that Mei seemed to have trouble standing, but he couldn’t understand the reason for that at first. Yes, he realized that Mei had spent the night with Yuna, but he didn’t think that could be why. After all, Mei was a Kage. Just how much endurance and stamina does a Kage have? He didn’t believe that someone could wear her out that much, even if it were a monster like Yuna.

“What’s wrong, Mei-sama? Do you want me to call a medic?”

Mei couldn’t help but glare at Ao when she heard his words.

‘Call a medic!? Do you want the whole world to know that I’m incapable of walking because I had too much sex? Might as well directly assassinate me to reduce the pain.’

“Don’t talk nonsense, Ao. I’m fine.”

As she said that, he forcefully stood up while circulating some chakra through her legs, slightly stabilizing the situation.

“See, perfectly fine.”

Although Ao still had some doubts about that, he decided to simply nod his head and let the matter go. Since Mei said it was fine, he decided to simply believe her for now while monitoring her condition in case there really was a problem.


Suddenly, a loud roar echoed over the building, causing Yuna to smirk while Hinata could only facepalm. She had no idea what happened, but she was pretty sure that Yuna did something outrageous… again.

Suddenly, A burst through the door, charging Yuna like a wild bull with lightning chakra covering his whole body.


The Fourth Raikage’s stretched out sideways as he tried hitting Yuna’s neck with his upper arm. A dangerous glint appeared in Yuna’s eyes as she quickly got away from the bed so that Mei wouldn’t be caught in the crossfire.

A Split-second before A’s arm could hit Yuna; she used one of the most basic ninjutsu in every shinobi’s arsenal. The substituation jutsu.

A immediately tore whatever Yuna substituted herself with to piece and was just about to look for Yuna, when…


Something long and floppy smacked him in the face. A was somewhat confused by this, as he was still wearing his chakra armor. So, whatever hit him could ignore his armor while dealing no damage to him either.

A looked at the object that just hit him, and moments later, he got even angrier. Yuna had substituted herself with another mannequin, and as a result of A hitting its upper body, it started spinning, resulting in its dick slapping A into the face.



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