
Chapter 529

"Can\'t you do something with the power of space-time gods? I\'m going back to the old times....."

I can\'t help but... Winter Night As you know, it is inherently forbidden for the gods to use the power of God on earth. It could have a huge impact on the ground. Well, there are a few loopholes, but I don\'t want to use them if possible. "

I can, but don\'t you want to? I don\'t know why. Grandma Tokie is a superior god. Too much influence?

I want to keep the power to bring your children back to their original times. If I can\'t bring the Beast back to the past and bring the children back, I\'ll be mad at you on the other winter night. "

Mh, ghh... Is that so? Sure, that\'s troublesome.

Besides, "space-time earthquake" itself is a phenomenon that can normally occur on the ground, so it does not interfere very much. Isn\'t there a similar story in Earth where you were?

"Sure, I\'ve heard some of those stories before...."

Time slip stories exist all over the world.

Was it "The Ghost of Trianon"? Two teachers who visited Petit Trianon, the secluded palace of Versailles, experienced a time slip and saw a sight more than a hundred years ago.

When I looked into a 30-year-old man who died in a car crash in New York, I was told how he suddenly disappeared more than seventy years ago.

Some say that I am a time traveler from the future and from the past. Especially inside the net.

I don\'t know how real this is because it\'s on a planet without magic.

"Dimensional earthquakes" can occur in any world, and it is possible that objects and organisms of the past or the future will be flown.

But it happened so often...

The "Dimensional Earthquake" wave will gradually calm down, so there\'s no problem. I don\'t think the singularities will fix each other. "

"Singularity? What happens when it\'s fixed?

The past and the future will remain connected. It\'s a time tunnel, to speak of Earth. Anyone can come and go freely. If this happens, the past, the future and the present will become messy and exist at the same time. The only way to restore all of this is to restore all of the time of the world with the power of the space-time god, "I," but it\'s against God\'s will, so most of the time, the destruction god comes out and ends. "

Does that mean the world is gone? Really?

I often hear stories of the world disappearing if I make a mistake with a time slip, but apparently it was true.

Well, don\'t worry, it won\'t happen. Because the name of the space-time god is not Date. I\'m a little worried about it..... "

"Is that the Apostle of the Devil?"

"Yes, because that doesn\'t change the power of God. I hope I didn\'t do anything extra... You were also recognized as a tribe of gods in the winter night, so I can\'t help you in case the evil gods come back...."

... eh? Oh, I see! If the evil gods are resurrected, can I not fight on earth when I am completely in God\'s midst?

No, to be precise, we can fight without divinity, but we cannot defeat the evil gods directly. Because God did it straight away.

But there are other worlds where evil spirits are born, right? Certainly at that time...

It\'s a classic to give a warrior a weapon where the power of God resides. If that doesn\'t work, destroy the gods. "

That\'s right, that\'s right. I don\'t know what it is. Should I make a weapon with the power of God and let the brave men of this world use it to crush the evil gods?

"What about Yumina and my family?

I can\'t. Because the family of God, like the angels, will be in the frame of the gods. "

Seriously, my daughters were angels some time ago. For me, it\'s an angel.

Does that mean you have to make someone brave on earth...?

I wonder if the double-edged sister is no good. You\'re a god.

The next level you can fight against evil spirits... oh, there was Ende. Let\'s get him to use his sword and take it down. Of course, I will cooperate.

Well, you should be careful because there may be aftershocks of "dimensional earthquakes" for a while. I\'ll tell the Spirit of Time not to be harmed as much as possible. "

"I see. Please."

Well, there\'s nothing I can do at the moment. I thanked Grandma Tokie and hung up.

Fam talks with her face up from the book she was reading.

"Oh, have you finished your call?

"Hmm? Oh. Looks like he showed up over time. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

"It\'s Seo... I think the number is higher now. In the ancient kingdom, the borderline technology was excellent, so the beasts were completely driven to the border. Still, the direction of weak predators is strong, and it seems that there were many powerful beasts compared to today."

Hmm. It seems that Marcosia and Ipos, who have been defeated for a long time, have the strength of a red rank, but it doesn\'t happen that a strong demon beast has flown in, and in the past, the demon beast of that strength was common...

Either way, if there is an excess beast in the Alliance, I will be contacted, but some countries are not affiliated with the Alliance.

The port town of the Kingdom of Curiella was destroyed because it was not a member of the World Alliance, so the information was delayed.

Do we have to expand the network of countries around the world?

"Sono Street. We should exchange information and interact more closely with all countries in the world. That\'s the master\'s mission."

"... what\'s wrong with you?

"Nothing? Books from all over the world in my Library! The idea of such a thing is like this."

Or else.... I certainly refrained from buying a new magazine recently. Fam reads a new book from one end to the next.

Since her job is to manage this "library", it is her claim that she needs to know what kind of books the contents are, but I am just a typographical addict.

"Well, I see. Then I\'ll buy some new books soon."

"If desi, please tell us which country you have never bought before. It\'s interesting because the direction of the book changes as the country changes."

I\'ve never bought a country before. Well, I haven\'t bought it in Laze Wu Kingdom or Gandilis, a steel country.

I wonder if I can buy it from a country where I have no relationship at all. The kingdom of Curiella is the same, but there are countries that do not yet have exchanges, such as the Levant Dragon Feng kingdom and the Lange kingdom.

Most of the time, I was introduced to a country I was with.

The Eastern Continent is still a thin place to hang out... There are also strange rumors that I was the one who crushed Eisengard.

Well, we\'ll have to do it little by little.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Father, Father, Father, Mother!


As soon as he returned from Babylon to the castle, he was struck on his side by a tackle from Frey, who had dashed in with all his might. I said good-bye! Goki!


"Father, Father, the armor auction is Felsen\'s king, and the hero, Dermuel, needs to hurry before we have any money!

"Calm down. I don\'t know why...."

You should be angry or stunned by Frey, who is riding in the hallway with me.

Just now, while applying healing magic to the tingling and painful hips, I retreated the Frey riding.

Calm down Frey, who is still excited, and according to what I heard, there will be an auction in the King\'s City of Felsen soon.

The armor used by the hero Dermuel 800 years ago will be on the list.

King Felsen emailed news to his fellow, Frey.

Because I\'m a disciplined person who can just keep quiet...

"So... do you want to play with hero\'s armor?

"That\'s right! In the world of the future, Darmuel\'s armor is missing and I\'ve never seen it!

Missing in the world of the future? Has the person you bid off in this auction been stolen or lost?

If King Felsen had bid off, he would have put it in the palace\'s treasure vault. It\'s not that easy to steal. I wonder if King Felsen was able to compete?

"The King of Felsen said he didn\'t have much money to be free of. Because it\'s a penny system."

No, the King has a petty cash system... King Felsen is struggling...

Well, you can\'t afford to spend your own taxes on a collection of Pom Pom Weapon Armor. It\'s just the money that the royal family earned, and it\'s not a problem within the scope of their hobbies.

"Darmuel\'s armor is a treasure to bequeath to the future! That\'s why I have to get it!

Frey is burning in vain, not to mention his mission. I think I just want to satisfy my own desires.

"That\'s fine, but... What about the money we have to bid off?

"That\'s it! Father, please take me to another Dragon Crusade! Make money!

"Hunting dragons again?

Well, what if Frey makes a lot of money? Sure, a dragon would be worth a lot of money, but I don\'t know how to use it for an auction...

I can\'t lend it to Pong either. If you do that, Hilda will be angry.

"Hey, that\'s good, Dad! If you even tell me where the Dragon is, I\'ll have Yoshino or Yayun-sama take you!


If I could just grab where the Dragon is, I could use Yoshino\'s [Teleport] or Yakun\'s [Gate] to get there right away...

"Well then, if you get Hilda\'s permission...."

"I\'ll get it right away!

Frey ran away with a smile on her face. I think my child should learn to calm down a little bit.

A few minutes later, Frey came back with permission from Hilda. I followed Yayun and Linne with me, but you\'re going too?

"I\'ve been wanting to wave my sword to my Dragon opponent for a long time."

"This time I won\'t tear you apart! I\'ll take him down!

"You\'re both just helping me! I\'ll give you a little, but I\'ll take the material money!

Apparently Frey has already decided on the ingredients. Should I say it is firm or should I say it is sticky? After all, it\'s about the money we spend on the auction.

As I swallowed up the complicated feelings, I began searching for the place where the Dragon was.

◇ ◇ ◇

After all, Frey and the others took out two Dragons and sold all their materials to the Alliance for a lot of money.

But there was another problem here. This is a Felsen auction for heroic armor, but minors can\'t participate. Naturally speaking, it is.

Hey, I\'m sorry. I accidentally forgot. "

The Felsen Magic King apologized on the phone. Somehow it\'s missing. I might not have been so distracted because I ran away when it came to my hobby.

Well, it\'s not that much of a problem in itself. All you have to do is represent an adult instead.

I just need to get up. Why me?

"\'Cause I\'m sure your father will drop the competition!

My cheeks are a little loose because Frey says such a cute thing. Well, I guess I\'ll have to do my best.

"Don\'t be fooled, Winter Night. If you don\'t have enough money, do you think winter nights might give you enough money? Isn\'t that right, Frey?

"No, no, no, that\'s not true!

Her mother, Hilda, turned a jito\'s eye and turned a blind eye to Frey. Well, yeah, I knew it...

Alright? It\'s the money you earned. I won\'t say anything, but don\'t bother the people around me, okay? Promise?

"I know...."

"If I break it, I\'ll take away the weapon Made by Winter Night, right?

"Got it!

Frey salutes Hilda. Soon Hilda learned how to control Frey.

While Hilda reminded me, Frey and I transitioned to Pharma, King of the magical kingdom Felsen, at [Gate].

You said the auction venue was a museum in the King\'s City of Pharma.

When I searched on my phone, it was close to my current location, so I decided to walk with Frey to my destination.

Frey keeps coming and skipping.

"You know, I think I already got something, but it\'s an auction, so I might lose the competition.

If you don\'t get it, you\'ll be so depressed.

I don\'t take out insurance, but I have to tell you a lot about when I didn\'t get it. King Felsen will participate, and I think we have a good chance of losing the competition.

"It\'s okay. Perhaps Darmuel\'s armor won\'t compete that much. The man you want is as good as the king of Felsen. I mean, if you have more money than the King of Felsen, you can win."

"Wouldn\'t it be a competition? Why?"

"Darmuel\'s armor is cursed, and when he\'s equipped, he\'s cursed."

"I don\'t want anything like that!

What do you want!? You don\'t need cursed armor!

When I showed my rejection, Frey hastily added an explanation.

"Even if I say a curse, it\'s not that bad because it seems to be Sacrificial Double Recovery or Vitality Conversion !

[Sacrificial Regeneration]? Ah, healing magic can cause severe pain, but it\'s a curse that heals more wounds than normal.

Vital Power Conversion was definitely a curse to convert vitality into magic and attack power. They cut their own lives and create power.

No, no, no, I think it\'s a terrible enough curse. What, my son is aiming to be a dark knight?

"Darmuel used to wear armor that hurts him so much...."

"I was called the Hero of Self-Sacrification."

[Self-sacrifice hero]? It\'s just a hobby of masochism. Are you really a hero? Not a pervert?

"... if Frey wants to equip it, he won\'t be at the auction?

"I\'m not going to equip it. I just want it to be a collection. And it seems that Darmuel was over two meters tall, so the King of Felsen might be able to wear it, but I can\'t."

I was relieved to hear the story. All right then.... no, okay? You want the armor of the curse, don\'t you?

While I was struggling with my bitter face, I arrived at the Felsen Central Museum, the auction venue.

A chalky building decorated with majestic decorations. The museum houses Ferzen\'s precious magical equipment, known as the Magic Kingdom, and ancient kingdom-era artifacts.

"Museums" are a little different from the rest of the world and are not open to the general public.

It\'s basically an exhibition hall for the nobles. Somewhat close to a state-controlled treasure house.

The auction is not hosted by the state, but by Felsen\'s commercial guild, the Magic Chamber of Commerce.

So even a king cannot put a spear in his hand. Sell it first because you want it! can\'t be.

Pass the invitation sent by King Felsen to the security knight at the entrance to the museum and enter.

There were already many people gathered at the venue. Only auction participants, probably mostly aristocrats or big merchants. What you\'re wearing is sparkling.

"I wish your father had been wearing a crown."

"What, is that some kind of punitive game?

Can you wear such a flashy thing? I don\'t have a crown at home. A big country like Belfast or Legulus doesn\'t need a small country like Pimple.

Ask for the number and location of the designated seat after completing the reception. Looks like a nice seat. You are excited, King Felsen.

A catalogue of auctions was also given along with the number tags. It\'s like a catalog of what\'s going to be on the market this time. It contains precise illustrations, not photographs.

He opened his eyes and stopped looking at the armor of the hero Dermuel Frey wanted.

This slightly nasty, shoulder-to-shoulder, chest eyeballs are designed. Is that what it feels like, "Akuma no Midori"?

"I\'ve never seen it before, but it\'s pretty cool!

"Okay, so...."

I wondered what had happened to my daughter\'s unfaithful smile. [M]

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